
Alumni mentorship program guidelines

Poster about being a mentor at º«¹úÂãÎè Law

We invite you to join our Alumni Mentorship Program. Each summer, we match alumni with second-year students in our BCL/JD program on the basis of academic background and professional interests. It's an enriching experience for both students and alums!

Le Programme de mentorat des anciens de la Faculté de droit vise à établir des ponts entre les générations présente et future de professionnels issus du domaine juridique. Il a pour objet le développement d’une communauté vivante au sein de laquelle mentors et mentorés peuvent apprendre et croître sur les plans personnel et professionnel. En partageant leur expérience, les anciens guident les étudiants actuels dans leur parcours scolaire, dans leurs activités de réseautage ainsi que dans leur choix de carrière.

Who can be a mentor?

We are recruiting alumni of the Faculty of Law, preferably with a minimum of five years of professional experience in legal or non-legal fields.

La diversité des parcours professionnels des diplômé.e.s de la Faculté est phénoménale. Les mentorés sont à la recherche d’avocates et d'avocats travaillant dans de grands cabinets, de juristes employés par des organismes non gouvernementaux, de fonctionnaires de l’État, de journalistes ou encore d’hommes et de femmes d’affaires. En participant, vous donnez l’occasion à notre corps étudiant d’en apprendre plus sur le marché du travail tout en développant de nouvelles aptitudes et de nouveaux intérêts. Votre expérience, quelle qu’elle soit, est donc la bienvenue.

What type of support can I provide as a mentor?

The Mentorship program is not intended to replace existing student services. Students benefit from the support of a Law Career Development Office and Students Affairs Office, along with a variety of University student services, including Counseling, Mental Health, the Office for Students with Disabilities and Student Aid. We do not expect you to take on the role of a professional counselor or career advisor!

Rather, we simply ask that you share your experience with a current student. Drawing on your own academic and professional background, you can provide words of wisdom on a range of issues, including coping with law school stress, work-life balance and career planning challenges. Many students have a limited idea of what to expect from life after law school. It will be helpful for them to learn from your experience.

What is the time commitment involved?

We know you lead a busy life, so our students will not ask much of your time. In September, we will send you information about your student, who will then get in touch with you by phone or email. During the academic year (September to April), we ask that you commit to meeting or communicating with your student a minimum of once each semester. Don't worry if you are miles away from Montreal: an email exchange or a Skype chat can be a wonderful way to support your mentee.

When the academic year is over, there is no obligation to stay in contact with your student – although we do hope that lifelong relationships will continue long after our program ends!

Next summer, we will contact you to find out whether you are interested in being matched with another student for the following academic year.

Who can I contact to find out more about the program?

If you would like to learn more before signing up, please do not hesitate to send your questions to link.law [at] mcgill.ca. Our Law Inspiration NetworK team will be happy to help you.

Poster about being a mentor at º«¹úÂãÎè Law

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