Institute Students Sarah Elobaid and Eman Elawad's Radio Interview on Sudan
On Feb. 1, 2025, radio and podcast host Stefan Christoff interviewed two Institute of Islamic Studies undergraduate students regarding the current violence in Sudan. Along with seasoned activists Duha Elmardi and Yaser Essa, Eman Elawad and WIMESSA President Sarah Elobaid spoke before a live audience at Casa Del Popolo in Montreal about the historical context of the violence in Sudan, the role of the Sudanese diaspora, and the role of art and poetry in Sudan activism. The program was broadcast on CKUT Radio's , where you can download the episode. Photos by Amru Salahuddien.
Talk by Marie Rask Bjerre Odgaard: "When She Arrives: On friendship, singular encounters, and being an anthropologist like a friend." - February 12, 2025.
The Old Women of Nishapur Initiative: gender, knowledge, religion. Department of Anthropology and Institute of Islamic Studies .
An SSHRC sponsored event with support from Critical Media Lab
Wed. Feb 12, 2025 – 12:30 pm
Peterson Hall - 116
The Beautiful friend shows up unexpectedly and a worlding can begin. In this talk, we move from making friends on a quiet street in Denmark to friendships in Jordan and finally to friendship and the possibility of transformative solidarity in anthropology. When invisible, affective gestures are captured ethnographically in all their singularity, can we be an anthropologist like a friend? One primary ethical demand in friendship is that you do not tell your friends’ secrets, no matter what. When this demand is translated into being an anthropologist like a friend, it often leads to seemingly endless discussions about how to tell the story of what emerges in-between—how to make that story both an expression of a relationship and a more general view of the world, without becoming a tell-tale, and how to best honor your friend’s desires against powers that may seek to eradicate those desires altogether. Through the lens of anthropology, this talk examines how friendships—often full of personal secrets and intimacies—inform and complicate our positionalities and the purpose of the work we do. As illuminated by Leela Gandhi's work on radical possibility and the politics of friendship (2006), the talk considers the productive and at times frustrating tension between relational ethics of trust and intimacy, professional responsibility, and the potential for a radical politics of friendship that resists colonial narratives and embraces unfinished relations and transformative solidarity.
Marie Rask Bjerre Odgaardwill also offer a discussion seminar on her research on family and queerness in Jordan, we will read one of her chapters and discuss it with her. Write to setrag.manoukian [at] to receive the pdf.
Tue. Feb 11, 2025 – 2:30 pm-4:30 pm
Morrice Hall - 328
Professor Michelle Hartman’s work featured at talks in Cairo
Professor Michelle Hartman presented her work at several talks in Cairo, Egypt in January. AT KMT House she was in conversation with Professor Magda Hasabelnaby of Ain Shams University about women’s literature, war stories, and translation.
At Diwan Bookshop in Zamalek Michelle presented her recent co-translation (with Caline Nasrallah) of Asmaa Alatawna’s A Long Walk from Gaza in conversation with Cairo University Professor, Hoda Elsadda.
"Lyrical Language Learning," Behzad Borhan - February 1, 2025
IIS PhD Student, Behzad Borhan, will give a lecture at University of Toronto, on Saturday, February 1.
"Lyrical Language Learning: A Multisensory Approach to Teaching Persian Language through Literature and Music"
For more information, please.
Congratulations to Arteen Khachekyan!
Congratulations to MA student Arteen Khachekyan on receiving a 2025 SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship, for his project entitled, ”Jewish Philosophy in Medieval Baghdad: A Study of Ibn Kammuna's Ethics in an Interfaith Context". His supervisor is Professor Robert Wisnovsky.
What the War Left Behind featured in Jadaliyya
Professors Malek Abisaab and Michelle Hartman's latest book, "Women's War Stories: Women's Stories of Resistance and Struggle in Lebanon"has been featured in Jadaliyya.
Please see their interview.
Congratulations to Megan Martucci!
Congratulations to MA student Megan Martucci on successfully completing her MA thesis entitled: "When language abandons us: translating Adania Shibli’s Minor Detail into English, French, and Portuguese". Her supervisor was Professor Michelle Hartman.
Talk by Mahdi Tourage - January 23, 2025
"Misogyny, Racism and the Limits of Mystical Knowledge in Rumi's Poetry"
We are pleased to invite you to the forthcoming Institute of Islamic Studies Lecture Series event for Winter 2025, which will maintain its emphasis on Sufi Studies.
Like all of our events, it is free and open to the public. All are welcome.
Thursday, January 23
Morrice Hall 017
2:30 - 4:00
Congratulations to Prof Prashant Keshavmurthy!
Professor Prashant Keshavmurthy has received an Internal Social Sciences and Humanities Development (SSHD) Grant for his project, forthcoming as a bilingual facing page translation with Brill, "Producing the first critical edition of Amir Khusraw's The Nine Skies."
Prashant Keshavmurthy's Recent Interview
Professor Prashant Keshavmurthy was interviewed by the Iranian magazine Khāne-yi ketāb va adabiyāt-e Irān (The House of Books and Literature of Iran) on .
ion and violence that have been generated by neoliberal capitalism?