The following schedule applies to ALL B.Ed. programs.
Please take note where the schedule differs slightly for Phys Ed due to its longer8-week length.
- Duration: 7 weeks (35days; Mon-Fri); Phys. Ed.: 8 weeks(40days; Mon-Fri)
- Note: FE4 courses aretechnically scheduled for 8 "calendar weeks", (or 9 "calendar weeks" for Phys.Ed) assuming the host school has a 1-week "spring break" where student teachers are not present at the school. If student teachersare at a school with a longer spring break, your FE4 will be extended accordingly; if student teachers are at a school with no spring break, your FE4 can be reduced in end date accordingly.
- Target Workload: 100% of full teaching workload
- Professional Competency Guide
In 4th Field Experience, Student Teachers are expected to be in the final stages of attaining mastery of all Professional Competencies. Student Teachers should exhibit excellent planning practices, including preparing learning and evaluation situations (LES) for classes or units to be taught, continue to develop the Professional Competencies targeted for this Field Experience, and continue documenting their progress and lesson planning in their written documents (see Guide in this package). The recommended progression of tasks and workload assignment as well as the assessment scheduleareas follows:
Weekly Check-in:
The Field Supervisor will check-in with the Co-operating Teacher/School Admin on a weekly basis (either by telephone, e-mail or in-person) in order to ascertain how the Student Teacher is performing and if there are any issues to be addressed. While this is an informal exchange, it has an important purpose and is successful when there is thoughtful and frank dialogue. Check-ins need not be lengthy. No written report is required, although the Field Supervisor should take note of when/how the check-in occurred and any salient points. Check-ins do not interfere with you contacting the Field Supervisor at any time should you need to discuss matters pertaining to the Student Teacher.
Assessment and reporting forms specific to each placement, and instructions on how to complete and submit,can be foundhere. Forms should be submitted to the appropriate parties as they are completed, per the assessment schedule below. Please note that we use the term "CT/Co-operating teacher" to represent the person evaluating the student on contract. This may be a school admin, VP or peer teacher.
FE4 Written Components:
📋 Lesson/Learning Plans & Planning Book
- Students Teachers, with the support of their Co-operating Teacher and Field Supervisor, will engage in rigorous activity, lesson/learning and unit planning as appropriate to each placement (see workload schedule)
- Daily planning is an expectation throughout the placement(and of the profession; Professional Competency 3 = "Plan teaching and learning situations"). Student Teachers are required to write a full plan for each lesson taught, well in advance of the lesson being taught (in case of absence, the Student Teacher should have plans completed and readily available such than another teacher could take over).
- Plans should be submitted to the Co-operating Teacher and Field Supervisor in advance of scheduled teaching observations/evaluationsin order to communicate intended learning and to obtain feedback.
- Templates for and annotated versions ofactivity, lesson, and learning plans are available on the ISA website.Student Teachers should use and build off of these comprehensive templates,initially and for any observation/evaluation. Depending on the context, Student Teachers may elect to use a condensed format later on for their own planning, if not being evaluated.
- A log of all plans (Planning Book) must be kept up-to-date and readily available for consultation at any time (e.g. by the Co-operating Teacher, Field Supervisor, ISA Office). The Planning Book should contain up-to-date plans for all activities, lessons, and units taught by the Student Teacher, as well as the Student Teacher’s comments on adjustments or improvements to be made, based on implementation.
📓 Weekly Reflection Journal
- The Journal allows Student Teachers to synthesize ideas, thoughts and activities from the week and link practice to theory,as part of their own best practices in reflective teaching and PC development
- Journal content may be free-form but its tone should be professional (i.e. not that of a personal diary)
- The Journal must be kept up-to-date and readily available for consultation at any time (e.g. by the Co-operating Teacher, Field Supervisor, ISA Office).
- In addition to the Journal, students may choose to keep a personal diary; this document is not shared and is a tool for processing individual feelings and experiences
💻 e-Logbook (Phys Ed ONLY)
- The e-logbook is an on-going and up-to-date record to be developed for each field experience. The logbook is a professional record of the student’s development as a professional educator, in line with the thirteen Professional Competencies for the teacher, during and across the field experiences. It is also used as a resource for pedagogy courses and later teaching experiences.
- Submitted by student to KPE via MyCourses
- A final grade for the field experience is contingent on and will not be issued until KPE has confirmed receipt of a student's satisfactory e-Logbook
Week |
Overview |
Placement Preparation |
Week 1-3 |
Week 4 |
Week 5-6 |
Week 7 |
Assessment Week 7 (Except Phys. Ed.):
Week 8 (Only Phys. Ed.):
*Coaching Conversation: This mentoring opportunity takes place after the Summative Assessment has been completed. The CT and Field Supervisor are invited to address any questions or concerns that the Student Teacher has as they transition into the profession. |
*Formative Assessments done “separately” can be 1 of 2 options (chosen based on need and/or best interest of Student Teacher):