
Research Projects and Grants


A multimodal framework for studying mobility and transportation safety in an urban

NSERC– discovery grant,Ìý2018-2023

Data analytics methods for travel time estimation in transportation engineering

IVADO - Team grant, 2018-2020

Studies of interactions between transport activities, infrastructure, economy, environment and land use

FQRSC – team grant,Ìý2017-2020

Pilot road safety project for all-way-stop intersections

City of Montreal,Ìý2019

Automated traffic monitoring of highway-railway crossings

Transport Canada,Ìý2019

A multimodal framework for studying mobility and transportation safety in an urban

NSERC– discovery grant, 2013-2018

Caractérisation du Parc de Véhicules Légers Québécois pour Les Années 2009 à 2012

Ministère des Ressources naturelles, 2016

Révision des normes relatives aux panneaux à messages variables en fonction des nouvelles technologies utilisées

MTQ*, 2016

Integration of factoring methods for short-term count extrapolation

Eco-Counter, 2016

Development of a Monitoring Program and Air Quality for Autoroute 25

MTQ*, 2016

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