Research Projects

Ongoing Projects and Collaborations





Measuring methane emissions from cattle feedlots to improve policies for achieving net zero emissions by 2050

NSERC Alliance

The main objective of this project is to evaluate new low-altitude aerial based CH4 mapping and monitoring techniques. The study will be conducted over the most intensive feedlots in Canada, stretching from south of Calgary to Lethbridge. Improved monitoring of CH4 emissions will contribute to higher accuracy in Canada’s national inventory of GHGs, as well as guide the industry in achieving its 33% reduction in emissions. 2023-2026
Réduire les émissions de N2O émanant des fertilisants organiques et inorganiques en utilisant des pratiques 4B et d’autres approches de conservation de l’azote dans les fermes du Québec – protocoles d’évaluation et de quantification


(Programme d'appui à la lutte contre les changements climatiques en agriculture)

This project aims to develop a Nitrogen Index for estimating the amount of N lost by nitrous oxide emissions and nitrate leaching to tile drainage with N fertilizer applications on different soil types under corn production 2021-2024

Évaluation de scénarios de gestion intégrée et soutenable de l’eau dans le complexe tourbeux de Lanoraie - Projet Scelaneau


Ce projet vise à analyser des solutions techniques permettant de concilier les prélèvements en eau pour l’irrigation des cultures et le maintien des fonctions hydrologiques et écologiques du complexe tourbeux de Lanoraie. Plus d'informations disponibles .


Optimizing water use efficiency in high value crops

NSERC We use the most recent developments in satellite technology and numerically powerful energy balance algorithms, to precisely estimate crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and crop water stress (CWS) over large irrigated regions. This enables irrigation applications on a near real-time basis, and is an unprecedented development in satellite mapping of ETc. Furthermore, when ETc and CWS are coupled with soil moisture derived from NASA’s SMAP platform, this will yield another unprecedented innovation using both crop and soil parameters to estimate irrigation applications. 2020-2025

Recently Completed Projects and Collaborations




AGGP Phase II: An integrated socio-economic and biophysical framework for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions under agricultural water management systems in Eastern Canada Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2016-2021
Soil-Plant-Water Dynamics and Water Productivity Benefits of Subsurface Drip Irrigation NSERC Discovery Grant 2014-2022
Towards a better understanding of the soil-plant-atmosphere-water continuum NSERC Research Tools and Instrument Grants 2017-2018
Finite element analysis of perforations for high density polyethylene pipes used in agricultural land drainage 2015-2018
A water quality assessment framework for a safe food system Max Bell Foundation 2012-2017

Managing agricultural systems to protect Canada's freshwater

NSERC Strategic Grant 2013-2017

Application of variable rate irrigation technology for water efficiency and conservation

NSERC Strategic Grant 2013-2017

Advancing creative solutions for global development (PDF icon Innovation 2030 Report)

NSERC Connect Grant 2017
AGGP Phase I Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2011-2015
Improving food and nutrition security in CARICOM countries CIDA/IDRC 2011-2014
Increasing water use efficiency in crop production systems NSERC Discovery Grant 2009-2014
Extending CARIWIN training programs within the wider Caribbean Basin AUCC/CIDA 2013
Development of training and extension material regarding greenhouse gas mitigation under water-managed production systems Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2013

for a more extensive list of Dr. Madramootoo's research.

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