
Building Operations (Downtown)

Building Operations is responsible for the maintenance of facilities and buildings on the downtown campus and the operation of the building systems. We provide plumbing, electricity, carpentry, and painting services. We also develop and implement programs and schedules for preventive maintenance, equipment replacement, and energy conservation.

More specifically, Building Operations looks after the maintenance, repairs and modifications (either in-house or through outsourcing) of:

  • Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems
  • Automation systems and energy savings system schedules
  • Electrical distribution systems 
  • Emergency generator systems
  • Lighting systems
  • Domestic water distribution
  • Specialty distribution systems, such as gas and vacuum
  • Vertical transportation systems - elevators, escalators, mechanical lifts
  • Building exteriors (incl. roofs, facades)
  • Building interiors (incl. offices, hallways, washrooms)
  • Locks and locking systems (in collaboration with Security Services)

Our responsibilities include performing testing and verification procedures to ensure optimum operation of the installations (plumbing, electrical, vertical transportation) and developing and implementing regular, preventive and emergency equipment maintenance programs.

We also provide technical expertise to other FMAS teams in the preparation and negotiation of contracts for professional design services and establishes energy efficient design standards for electrical and mechanical components.

To request one of our services, contact the Facilities Call Centre or see more details in the FMAS Services section.

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