
Legacy data

For pre-banner (legacy) data, use the views with the pre200209 suffix, but note that the data is not generally formatted exactly like it is in the academic and course views. The pre200209 views contain data mostly formatted in the legacy standard. Look for columns that start with "LG" in the pre200209 views to see the legacy format data.

Students, who were registered when Banner went live, have had their record converted to the new Banner format for all terms equal to and greater than 200209. Their records from prior terms and the records of students who had already graduated when Banner went live have had only part of their records converted. All biographic (e.g. ID, name, citizenship, addresses, etc.), faculty codes, degree codes, and courses were converted. The rest of their academic data remains in the legacy format (e.g. subject options, load, academic category, etc.).

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