
In The Next Room or the Vibrator Play posterIn The Next Room or

By Sarah Ruhl
Directed by Myrna Wyatt Selkirk

In The Next Room runs November 19th – 21st & 26th – 28th, 2016

At the dawn of electricity, more than just machines were being turned on. In The Next Room, or The Vibrator Play by Sarah Ruhl introduces us to a buttoned and corseted cast of characters who grow, become charged with energy, and begin to push against the restrictions within which they live their lives. What happens when you contain an electrical current? A sly take on the sex comedy (a genre claimed by the Greeks, the Restoration, and When Harry Met Sally), The Vibrator Play excites us with a peek into Victoriana unplugged. Doctor Givings has set up shop in the living room of his family home, having invented a vibrating solution to the plight of hysterical women. The throbbing pulse of the machine in the next room has an irresistible pull for the previously docile Mrs Givings—and audiences will be shocked to learn just how difficult it is to deny magnetic attraction. The Vibrator Play creates an explosive charge that quakes traditional foundations (if not the bed springs), showing us what bursts forth when people let each other in.

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