
Projects 2021

Chemical Engineering 2021

CHEM 001: Plasma diagnostics

Professor Sylvain Coulombe

sylvain.coulombe [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Plasma processing


Two novel plasma reactors and processes for the synthesis of green ammonia are under development. Preliminary characterization work using optical emission spectroscopy, electrical probes and high-speed camera imaging remains is underway. Under the direct guidance of two graduate students, the intern will perform experiments and data analyses. She/he will also contribute to the development of MATLAB and Python codes. She/he must have a broad interest in clean energy and plasma processing, and specific interests in instrumentation, optics, electricity and electronics. The ideal candidate is a senior undergraduate student in Physics or Engineering Physics. This is a project that could very well be the first step of a Masters degree.

Tasks per student

Experimental plan Experiment Data analysis Reporting

Deliverables per student

Brief report during weekly group meetings Final presentation (15-20 min) to research group

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 3

CHEM 002: Nanocatalysts: Synthesis and Characterization

Professor Sylvain Coulombe

sylvain.coulombe [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Synthesis of nanomaterials


Novel nanocatalysts consisting of metal nanoparticles supported on boron nitride nanotube (BNNTs) buckypapers and multiwall carbon nanotubes are fabricated and tested for their performance in gas conversion applications. Under the guidance of a Masters student and a postdoctoral researcher, you will perform a combinatorial design of experiments to fabricate, characterize and optimize the nanocatalysts. The selected candidate will be asked to complete the mandatory laser safety training during the Winter 2021 term.

Tasks per student

Planning of experiments Experiments Material characterization Data analysis

Deliverables per student

Brief report during weekly group meetings Final presentation (15-20 min) to research group

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 2

CHEM 003: NH3 sensor

Professor Sylvain Coulombe

sylvain.coulombe [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Instrumentation and measurement


This project aims the development on a long-absorption path UV-range sensor for the detection and quantification of ammonia (gas) at concentrations <1000 ppm. Under the guidance of Prof. Coulombe and a PhD student, the intern will assemble the optical setup from components already available in the laboratory, perform proof-of-concept experiments, validate and optimize the system using calibrated NH3-N2 gas mixtures and ultimately, integrate with a computer interface (MATLAB or Python). Additional validation experiments will be done by comparing with measurements using a commercial sensor. The suitable candidate has a strong interest in instrumentation (e.g. Has completed the CHEE491 course or equivalent), creative and skillful.

Tasks per student

Equipment design Vendor search Equipment assembly and testing Validation and calibration Integration with LabVIEW or Arduino

Deliverables per student

Brief report during weekly group meetings Final presentation to research group (15-20 min)

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 3

CHEM 004: Plasma Liquid Synthesis

Professor Pierre-Luc Girard-Lauriault

pierre-luc.girard-lauriault [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Plasma Science and Engineering


Cold reactive plasmas (ionized gases produced by an electrical discharge) have been used in several applications, including lighting and thin film deposition. A currently innovative field of research is plasma interactions with liquids for decomposition, synthesis or generation of active species. A particularly novel direction is the use of plasmas in interaction with organic liquids to perform the synthesis of useful small organic molecules in a less energy intensive, more sustainable manner. The project will involve the investigations of a methodology for the preparation of plasma treated organic liquids and the characterization of the species produced. The candidate should demonstrate scientific curiosity as well as maturity and autonomy.

Tasks per student

- Building of a plasma liquid treatment system. - Characterization of the species produced. - Literature search.

Deliverables per student

Set of treatment conditions maximizing the production of different species.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

CHEM 005: Manufacturing immune cells to treat cancer: characterizing cell-surface interactions

Professor Corinne Hoesli

corinne.hoesli [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Bioengineering and immunology


Immunotherapy using engineered and cultured immune cells has the potential to revolutionize the treatment of cancer. The principle of immunotherapy is to 鈥渢rain鈥 immune cells to detect and attack cancer cells specifically. One approach used in our lab is to harvest monocytes from blood and differentiate these cells into dendritic cells in culture vessels. These dendritic cells can then be injected into patients to activate an immune response against a specific cancer cell type. The efficacy of this approach is however highly dependent on the manufacturing process used to culture and manipulate immune cells in vitro, including culture surfaces and culture media. Currently, dendritic cell immunotherapy products are produced in culture flasks or bags, which share different surface properties. However, the impact of the different surfaces on the differentiation and biological functions of the cells remains poorly understood. We aim to characterize the effect of the surface material on cell adhesion, differentiation and effector function. This project will be conducted in collaboration with two companies involved in the development of products used to manufacture therapeutic cells. The results of this project will help develop better cell manufacturing devices for medical applications such as cancer immunotherapy. Note: please e-mail corinne.hoesli [at] mcgill.ca directly (cover letter, CV, transcript) before submitting your SURE form.

Tasks per student

The trainee will measure and quantify cell adhesion on the surfaces developed in the laboratory, characterize cells by flow cytometry, study cell interactions with the surface by microscopy and molecular techniques. The trainee will also present their progress at bi-weekly meetings with our industrial collaborators.

Deliverables per student

Engineering report on the effect of surface properties on cell adhesion and behavior in the context of immunotherapy; oral and written presentation of the report to the collaborating companies.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

CHEM 006: Role of surface properties of in vitro culture plastics on mesenchymal stem cells

Professor Corinne Hoesli

corinne.hoesli [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Materials science and cellular therapy


For more than 50 years, polystyrene surfaces have been used as a standard for almost all cell culture studies. Plastic surface properties such as surface chemistry, wettability, surface energy play an essential role in the cell-material interaction. Various manufactures develop a wide range of treated polystyrene surfaces to favor cell adhesion, spreading, and potentially induce cell differentiation. However, the variability in commercially available standard polystyrene treatments is problematic for the standardization of any biological studies. A fundamental understanding of the relation between surface properties and cell behavior is needed to choose polystyrene control surfaces wisely. The interactions between the material surface and the proteins is the first step of communication during cell-material contact. Hence, studying protein adsorption on these surfaces will give insights into the role of proteins in the cell-material interaction. Mesenchymal stem cells have been used to treat a wide range of disorders including heart disease and inflammatory conditions. This project will explore the effect of different plastic surfaces on protein adsorption and the quality of mesenchymal stem cell products. Note: please submit your application in a single pdf (cover letter, CV, transcript) directly on /

Tasks per student

The summer intern will design experiments, prepare standard operating procedures, characterize plastic surfaces, study protein adsorption using high-throughput methods, culture cells, acquire microscopy images and analyze the resulting data.

Deliverables per student

Bi-weekly progress reports to company partners; final engineering report on the effect of surface properties on mesenchymal stem/stromal cell adhesion; oral and written presentation of the report to the collaborating companies; final SURE presentation.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

CHEM 007: Measuring diffusion parameters for the computational modelling of mass transport in artificial organs

Professor Corinne Hoesli

corinne.hoesli [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Bioengineering and computational modeling


The development of 3D printed artificial organs represents a promising way to shorten transplant waitlists and implement innovative cell therapies. Among others, 3D printed pancreas, liver, cardiac, and kidney tissues are currently being developed around the world. Despite these promising strides in regenerative medicine, the translation of cell therapies from bench to bedside remains a significant challenge. A notable hurdle in generating artificial organs and tissues that can be used for human applications is the size of these devices. As tissue engineered constructs are scaled up for human use, the transport of oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and other biomolecules from the graft to the patient becomes limited. By quantifying the physical and functional properties of the transplantation materials and therapeutic cells (e.g., diffusivity coefficients, hormone secretion kinetics, oxygen consumption rates, etc.), computational models can be built and used to streamline the design of feasible artificial organs. Moreover, these models can be used in combination with 3D bioprinting to engineer and fabricate more complex artificial tissues with a higher degree of function (e.g., 3D printed blood vessels and spatial control of cells). This project will involve the experimental determination of the mass transport parameters of key molecules such as oxygen and growth factors within materials commonly used for artificial organs and cell encapsulation. Specifically, through an understanding of transport phenomena, process modelling, biomaterials, aseptic technique, and cell culture, this project is expected to lead to a functional computational model that can be used to design, and engineer 3D printed artificial organs for human applications. Note: please submit your application in a single pdf (cover letter, CV, transcript) directly on

Tasks per student

Experimental design; biomaterial characterization; computational modelling using COMSOL (or another modelling software); characterization of release, diffusion, and consumption kinetics; literature review; data analysis oral and written presentation of results; presentation of research progress; contribution to lab duties.

Deliverables per student

Experimentally measured parameters of oxygen and biomolecule diffusion and consumption; a standard operating procedure for the methods used to measure transport parameters; a preliminary or functional computational model; a final report; bi-weekly progress reports; a poster and poster presentation.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

CHEM 008: 3D printing perfusable artificial tissue for diabetes cell therapy: engineering a coaxial 3D printhead

Professor Corinne Hoesli

corinne.hoesli [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Electrical & mechanical engineering


The development of 3D printed artificial organs represents a promising way to shorten transplant waitlists and devise innovative cell therapies. Among others, artificial pancreas, liver, cardiac, and kidney tissues are currently being developed around the world. A key component in translating this technology to a clinical setting involves proper mass transport throughout these cm-scale constructs. Physiologically, nutrients, waste, and biomolecules are transported to and from organs through blood vessels. As such, artificial vascularization has become a prevalent topic in the fields of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. Replicating native tissues and blood vessels can be challenging due to the detailed microstructure and the complex organization of cells and materials within human physiology. A way to accomplish this is through bioprinting (3D printing of live cells). Through a multi-nozzle approach, the resolution associated with additive manufacturing can enable spatial localization of different cell types and biomaterials. The goal of this work is to engineer a coaxial 3D printing nozzle from an existing prototype and optimize it for the 3D printing of perfusable artificial tissues. This work will also require the researcher to evaluate and improve upon the printhead鈥檚 print quality and design a platform where artificially vascularized tissues can be cultured and studied in vitro. Specifically, the first part of the project will require an understanding of electrical circuitry, Arduino, and software development to install and finalize the 3D print head. The second portion of the project will utilize an understanding of computer-aided design (CAD), aseptic technique, fluid dynamics, and cell culture to design, 3D print, and evaluate perfusable artificial tissue constructs. Note: please submit your application in a single pdf (cover letter, CV, transcript) directly on

Tasks per student

Computer-assisted design (CAD); electrical circuitry; Arduino; 3D printing; cell culture of beta cell lines; aseptic technique; rheology; computer simulation/modelling; literature review; design of experiments; data analysis; oral and written presentation of results; presentation of research progress; contribution to lab duties.

Deliverables per student

Custom device and user interface for the lab鈥檚 existing bioprinting platform; final report; bi-weekly progress reports; final written report; poster presentation.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

CHEM 009: Engineering a vascularized bioartificial pancreas using 3D printing to treat diabetes

Professor Corinne Hoesli

corinne.hoesli [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Bioengineering & materials engineering


Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas are destroyed. To regulate blood glucose levels, most type 1 diabetic patients require several daily doses of exogenous insulin. Islet transplantation has emerged as an alternatie long term treatment to insulin therapy: instead of replacing insulin, the insulin-producing beta cells found in clusters called islets of Langerhans are isolated from donors and administered to patients. Currently, this treatment can eliminate the need for insulin injections in 40% of type 1 diabetic recipients for at least 3 years. Unfortunatly, the islet supply from human donors is vastly insufficient to treat all type 1 diabetic patients. Also, recipients must take immune suppressive drugs for the rest of their life to limit graft rejection. The long-term goal of this project is to develop a transplantation device allowing the transplantation of stem cell-derived islets while avoiding the need for immune suppression. Currently, our device consists in a vessel irrigated by vessels created using 3D printed carbohydrate glass (sugar) lattices. The objective of this project will be to optimize the coating applied to the 3D printed carbohydrate glass networks, including preliminary thrombogenicity tests in animals. This project is expected to lead to the design of an improved islet transplantation device to treat diabetes. Note: please submit your application in a single pdf (cover letter, CV, transcript) directly on

Tasks per student

Aseptic cell culture of beta cell lines and primary islets; carbohydrate glass casting, coating & characterization (e.g. thickness, permeability, thrombogenicity); participation in animal studies; literature search; design of experiments; data analysis; oral and written presentation of results; presentation of research progress in bi-weekly JDRF team meetings; contribution to lab duties.

Deliverables per student

Standard operating procedure for carbohydrate glass coating & sterilization procedure; final report; presentation at the lab meeting.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

CHEM 010: Optimizing endothelial progenitor cell production from pluripotent stem cells using statistical design of experiments

Professor Corinne Hoesli

corinne.hoesli [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Bioengineering and genetic engineering


Vascularization of medical devices and engineered tissues is necessary for nutrient transport and waste removal as well as to ensure successful graft integration with host tissues. The cells that line the interior of blood vessels are endothelial cells (EC) and they originate from endothelial progenitor cells (EPC). EPCs are involved in angiogenesis and wound repair by recruitment to sites of repair, proliferation, and differentiation to mature ECs. Studying the conditions which optimize this process would be of great interest to advance endothelialisation strategies. One major challenge here is that distinguishing between EPCs and ECs is difficult and requires time-consuming end-point analyses. A reporter EPC line that expresses a fluorescent protein upon differentiation into EC would allow for rapid tracking of the process in real-time. One step in developing this reporter line is establishing the source of the EPC and validating the cell line. EPCs derived from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSC) provides the advantage of having a theoretically unlimited supply of cells and more homogeneity in the population. The objective of this project is to optimize the culture conditions leading to EPC production from hPSCs using statistical design of experiments (DOE). The DOE approach will include the concentration of factors added during culture and the timing/duration of their addition for different hPSC lines. This research will be essential for the development of the reporter EPC line that in turn has the potential to advance tissue engineering endeavours. Note: please submit your application in a single pdf (cover letter, CV, transcript) directly on

Tasks per student

The trainee will be involved in experiment design (statistical DOE and modelling of response surfaces), data acquisition, and data analysis. Wet lab techniques could include mammalian cell culture, fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry, qPCR, Western blotting, immunocytochemistry, molecular cloning, and more. The trainee will also be expected to present updates at group meetings.

Deliverables per student

Bi-weekly progress updates, final report, oral presentation to be given to the lab summarizing results, and poster presentation at SURE symposium.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

CHEM 011: Non-stick flow enhancing surfaces

Professor Anne Kietzig

anne.kietzig [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Surface engineering


The Nepenthes pitcher plant is a carnivorous plant that is said to teach insects how to 鈥渋ce-skate鈥 just before digesting them. This plant, or more precisely its highly lubricated surface, has triggered considerable biomimetic effort in creating similarly slippery and liquid-repellent surfaces (named SLIPS) with application in fields where non-wetting and anti-icing properties are desired. Thereby, the porosity of a substrate鈥檚 surfaces is what holds the lubricant in place. We have recently shown that femtosecond (fs) laser irradiation of surfaces produces novel porous topologies with multi-scale roughness. Further, we have established the mechanisms behind the formation of femtosecond laser-induced porous structures and the parameters that control their dimensions. In this project we want to explore the surface wettability of lubricant infused polyethylene and stainless steel with surface porosity resulting from femtosecond laser micromachining. Test liquids of different surface tension will be chosen with the long-term goal of fabricating extremely wetting and non-wetting surfaces.

Tasks per student

- participate in laser-machining experiments - develop an experimental method to efficiently infuse substrates with lubricant - experiment with different lubricants and test liquids - carry out contact angle measurements to assess wetting and flowability - test mechanical robustness and durability of produced slippery surfaces by cutting and drop impact tests under high speed videography

Deliverables per student

- experimental plans to carry out research tasks - weekly research reports - presentation of research results at group meeting

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 2

CHEM 012: Laser-texturing metallic surfaces for replicating patterns on polymer substrates

Professor Anne-Marie Kietzig

anne.kietzig [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Surface engineering


A frequent problem in the use of food and waste packaging is the final emptying of containers. Food decomposition emissions are a major contributor to global warming, acidification and enthrophication. Thus, there is an interesting environmental gain in completely emptying food packaging. Of similar importance is sustainable waste packaging and easy emptying of waste containers. Non-stick, self-emptying containers would be a welcome innovation. In an international research project we address this very issue in collaboartion with our industrial partners. We have established a femtosecond laser machining protocol for fabricating textured mold surfaces suitable for molding and de-molding of polymer containers and take laser-micromachining of metallic mold surfaces from the laboratory scale to the industrial level with establishing appropriate parameters for high-throughput laser machining. The outcomes have direct value for the industrial partners as they can therewith extend their product range and revolutionize the packaging sector. In this particular subproject, we want to investigate the particular laser settings resulting in the most precise surface geometries on the polymer replicate. Furthermore, the mechanical robustness of the resulting surfaces will be investigated.

Tasks per student

- participate in laser-machining experiments - develop and execute an experimental plan to refine laser and/or molding settings for optimal pattern transfer - carry out measurements to assess the mechanical robustness of polymer replicates

Deliverables per student

- experimental plans to carry out research tasks - weekly research reports - presentation of research results at group meeting

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 2

CHEM 013: Catalyst development for CO2 and CH4 activation to value-added chemicals.

Professor Jan Kopyscinski

jan.kopyscinski [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Catalysis and reaction engineering.


Catalytic Process Engineering (CPE) laboratory is engaged in the development and understanding of catalyzed processes and reactor engineering concepts dedicated to sustainable energy conversion technologies. In detail, we focus on the synthesis of novel catalysts for the direct non-oxidative methane conversion to valuable chemicals as as well CO2 conversion to renewable natural gas. The UG student will work closely together with PhD students and develop, synthesize, characterize and test new catalysts.

Tasks per student

1. Catalyst preparation (impregnation, solvothem method, ...) 2. Catalyst characterization (BET, chemisorption, TPR, TPD,...) 3. Catalyst activity measurements (Fixbed bed reactor connected to mass spectrometer) 4. Data analysis and kinetic modeling (material balance calculation in Excel and potentially modeling with Athena Visual Studio or DFT modeling with QuantumEspresso).

Deliverables per student

Weekly update, final report and and SURE poster presentation.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 2

CHEM 014: Self-healing polymers for coatings

Professor Milan Maric

milan.maric [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area



The properties of self-healing materials have long fascinated polymer scientists and have increasingly been the focus for any application requiring re-forming after mechanical fracture. This is obviously a desirable property for coatings. Dynamic covalent linkages will be the mode used for self-healing in this project via retro Diels-Alder chemistry via furan/maleimide coupling or boronic ester interchange. The student is expected to learn how to synthesize polymers with self-healing functionality as well as to characterize the resulting materials for composition and chain length and conditions required for self-healing. Specifically, furanyl:maleimide ratios will be varied and scratch tests will be performed in conjunction with evaluation of temperature required for retro Diels-Alder for our base formulation.

Tasks per student

The student is expected to learn how to synthesize polymers with self-healing functionality as well as to characterize the resulting materials for composition and chain length and conditions required for self-healing. The student will also learn how to perform mechanical property tests to test for self-healing.

Deliverables per student

The student will write a formal report detailing their findings during the SURE experience and present their research orally to the research group.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

CHEM 015: Light-activated curing of polymer coatings

Professor Milan Maric

milan.maric [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area



Polymers have been used as coatings to provide protection against the environment and enhance aesthetic appeal to materials. Coatings that can be applied with minimal energy costs while enhancing the sustainability aspect are desirable. After application, coatings are often cured to enhance their mechanical toughness and many rely on thermal activation with a curing agent. This project will impart monomers into the polymer chain that are capable of being activated by UV or blue LEDs after application. The student will learn how to incorporate such groups and optimize the curing process with minimal energy without causing excessive cracking or hazing. Specifically the composition of the polymer will be correlated to mechanical tests of the surface (scratch, adhesion).

Tasks per student

The student will synthesize polymers with various compositions in a controlled manner and fully characterize them with NMR, FTIR and SEC.

Deliverables per student

The student will deliver a final report and present an oral report to the group.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

CHEM 016: Improving toughness of PLA blends with bio-based rubbery modifier

Professor Milan Maric

milan.maric [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area



Poly(lactide) (PLA) has been touted as a replacement polymer for many applications due to its derivation from renewable resources and its biodegradability. However, it has long been known to be brittle, limiting its usage, and subsequently a plethora of methods have been applied to improve its toughness and ductility, usually via compatibilization. We have recently applied myrcene, a bio-based monomer similar to isoprene, which will provide polymers that are rubbery, and we can incorporate easily functional groups for compatibilization and manipulate morphology (i.e. block copolymers) to incorporate additional functionality into the modifier. Despite the many attempts catalogued to toughen PLA, application of poly(myrcene) and related block copolymers (and further, ones that have degradation built into them) have not been attempted. This project is two-fold. First, it will require blending of PLA with poly(myrcene) followed by assessment of compatibilization via electron microscopy and related methods. Second, functionalization of poly(myrcene) (poly(Myr)) via copolymerization with functional monomers (i.e. epoxy functional glycidyl methacrylate (GMA), methacrylic acid (MAA)) to reactively compatibilize PLA with poly(Myr) followed by assessement of the dispersion in an internal batch mixer using electron microscopy.

Tasks per student

The student will do some synthesis and characterization to produce functional poly(Myr) to be used in reactive blending with PLA. The student will characterize PLA/poly(Myr) blends in terms of dispersion and thermal stability along with any thermal properties. Mechanical and rheological properties will be measured to correlate effective of reactive blending to improve the toughness and ductility of PLA blends.

Deliverables per student

The student will write a formal report and make an oral presentation to the research group.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 2

CHEM 017: Microengineered smart materials for tissue engineering

Professor Christopher Moraes

chris.moraes [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Biomedical Engineering


Rebuilding human tissues requires multidisciplinary engineering strategies to design the material itself, as well as the tissue engineering process that goes with it. If we can understand how cells dynamically work in tissues, we can encourage them to behave in desirable or 鈥渉ealthy鈥 ways, and address biomedical challenges in developing new therapies, rebuilding tissues to act as replacements in the body, or develop better tools to identify improved drugs. In this project, we will investigate how designing the dynamic properties of extracellular tissue components affect cell function. 鈥淪mart materials鈥 respond to applied stimuli, and can be microfabricated into tissue scaffolds to watch cell activity. These materials can be used to change the mechanical properties, composition, and tissue architecture presented to cells, to model various aspects of disease progression. This designer materials will be initially be used to study cancer progression; but more importantly, this project will develop new tools and knowledge needed to engineer a wide variety of artificial tissues and organs.

Tasks per student

The student will gain experience in materials processing, characterization, cell culture, and microscopy; and this project will require students to work across disciplines and collaborate closely with materials scientists, engineers, and biologists. Solving these broad problems requires highly-motivated, independent and driven individuals, who are unafraid to learn new fields and try new techniques

Deliverables per student

Regular meetings and updates throughout the summer with prof. and grad student mentors; Short data presentations for the research group; one formal presentation at the end of the summer; lab notebook; project report or journal publication depending on progress made.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 2

CHEM 018: Advances in energy harvesting and flow assurance through extreme high-pressure rheology.

Professor Phillip Servio

phillip.servio [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area



Water is one of the most significant compounds in nature that is not only responsible for life but also plays a significant role in many processes related to energy and safety. Water can undergo two significant phase changes when it is exposed to the proper thermodynamic conditions and components: Ice and Gas Hydrate. Ice accretion on modern infrastructure such as aircrafts, ships, offshore oil platforms, wind turbines, telecommunications and power transmission lines jeopardize their integrity and pose a significant safety hazard to operators and civilians alike. Gas hydrates on the other hand, are viewed as a new/alternative method to sustain our increasing energy demands and hence, our quality of life. Naturally occurring gas hydrates have enormous amounts of stored energy that exceeds conventional carbon reserves and mostly contain natural gas. Rheometry experiments will provide a unique insight into the flow of water, in a liquid state, but also as a slurry with soft-solids (ice and hydrate). This information is essential for the design of safe, economical, and environmentally responsible processes and facilities to deal with ice and hydrate-forming systems, as well as for the exploitation of in-situ methane hydrate as a future energy resource. A novel approach will be undertaken in this work, exploring the effects of nanomaterial surfaces and polymeric additives on both ice and gas hydrate forming systems. The goal is to elucidate the behavior of the flow of water in the presence of these surfaces and additives as it transitions to either ice or hydrate. The outcome of such work has the potential to place Canada at the forefront of technologies related to de-icing techniques that preclude ice accretion and natural gas recovery, storage and transportation.

Tasks per student

The student should have a strong background in multi-phase thermodynamics and crystallization processes. He/she will design and carry out experiments related to ice and gas hydrate nucleation, both at atmospheric and high pressures and measure rheological properties. The student will investigate the effect of various factors, such as degree of sub-cooling and inhibitor addition, that influence the rheology of the phase change. He/she will work closely with a graduate student on this project but must also be able to work independently and diligently.

Deliverables per student

Collection and analysis of experimental data for submission to his or her supervisor. The student may contribute to the writing of portions of a manuscript that may result in a publication.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 2

CHEM 019: Determining Crystal Properties using Density Functional Theory

Professor Phillip Servio

phillip.servio [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area



Humanity's increasing energy requirements, and instability in countries where most of our global oil resides, forces us to explore new/alternative methods to sustain our current quality of life. An ice-like material called gas hydrates are a possible solution to this crisis. Gas hydrates are non-stoichiometric crystalline compounds that belong to the inclusion group known as clathrates. When water molecules form a network through hydrogen bonding, they leave cavities that can be occupied by a single gas or volatile liquid. The presence of a gas or volatile liquid inside the water network thermodynamically stabilizes the structure through physical bonding via weak van der Waals forces. At present, hydrate research is recognized as an important field due to the hazards and possibilities that gas hydrates pose. Naturally occurring hydrates, containing mostly methane, exist in vast quantities within and below the permafrost zone and in sub-sea sediments. At present the amount of organic carbon entrapped in hydrate exceeds all other reserves (fossil fuels, soil, peat, and living organisms). In 2008, a panel of experts was assembled to assess the potential of gas hydrates as a future energy source in Canada. They concluded that Canada has some of the world鈥檚 most favourable conditions for the occurrence of gas hydrate, and is well positioned to be a global leader in exploration, research and development and ultimately, the exploitation of gas hydrates. Moreover, the demand for natural gas has been continuously increasing due to its relatively low emission of CO2 during combustion as well as its use as a feedstock for catalytic processes such as steam-methane reforming for the production of hydrogen. The proposed research program will employ density functional theory modeling methods on clathrates to predict crystal properties and behavior which is essential in order to design safe, economical, and environmentally acceptable processes and facilities to exploit in-situ methane hydrate as a future energy resource. The work will focus on 3 main hydrate crystal structures (SI, SII & SH) and will also investigate the effect of several inclusion compounds (methane, carbon dioxide, propane, hydrogen, etc.) as well as their mixtures.

Tasks per student

The student should have a strong background in multi-phase thermodynamics and crystallization processes. He/she should be fluent in programming and will learn how to use SIESTA. He/she will work closely with a graduate student on this project but must also be able to work independently and diligently.

Deliverables per student

Collection and analysis of computational data for submission to his or her supervisor. The student may contribute to the writing of portions of a manuscript that may result in a publication.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

CHEM 020: Investigating prevention strategies to protect our water resources and public health

Professor Viviane Yargeau

Viviane.yargeau [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Water resources protection


Various strategies can be used to minimize exposure of human and aquatic organisms to environmental contaminants. Our on-going research approaches this issue from different perspectives. One project aims at developing ozone-based technologies for the removal of organic contaminants from water with a focus on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), of growing concerns. The objective is to find treatment strategies to reduce discharges of contaminants in receiving waters, to protect the ecosystem as well as the quality of our water resources. The other project aim at determining the extent to which humans are exposed to legacy and replacement compounds, such as phthalates and flame retardants and their replacements, through drinking water and to evaluate the efficiency of drinking water treatment technologies in minimizing exposure to environmental contaminants. These two projects offer an opportunity to be familiarized with various environmental issues, sampling procedures and sample preparation methods and to learn different ways of assessing the quality of water.

Tasks per student

The student will first get familiarized with the background information as well as the context of these projects, then will be trained on the various sample collection, preparation and analysis methods relevant to the projects, which will later be applied to the samples collected. The student will work in close collaboration with the team members to develop an experimental plan for the summer. The student will also participate in weekly research meetings and on a regular basis exchange with members of the other research groups involved in these projects, including our industrial partner.

Deliverables per student

A report and presentation summarizing the data collected.

Number of positions


Academic Level

Year 2

CHEM 021: Biologically-derived sensors

Professor No茅mie-Manuelle Dorval Courchesne

noemie.dorvalcourchesne [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Materials engineering, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology


Nature has evolved microorganisms, proteins and biopolymers with fascinating shapes and functionalities. Exquisite properties of biological materials include their ability to nucleate particles, bind molecules, catalyze reactions and participate in complex event cascades. Taking advantage of these features, this project aims at combining biological macromolecules with inorganic and organic nanomaterials to assemble functional sensors. Biological and chemical synthesis methods will be employed. Various materials/nanomaterials characterization techniques will be used to assess the morphology and composition of the nanobiomaterials, as well as their response to different environmental stimuli.

Tasks per student

The student will be involved in all steps of the fabrication process of biologically-derived sensors; from the growth of microorganisms, to the expression of proteins, the chemical modifications and nanomaterials characterization. If time permits, the student will contribute to the design of a functional device.

Deliverables per student

A short presentation at the end of the summer. A final report including all relevant methods, literature review and results.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

CHEM 022: Sustainable biocomposite materials

Professor No茅mie-Manuelle Dorval Courchesne

noemie.dorvalcourchesne [at] mcgill.ca

Research Area

Biotechnology, Materials engineering


Protein biopolymers represent green alternatives for various commodity materials. They can be engineered to be mechanically robust, flexible and biodegradable, and they can be integrated in various materials forms (thin films, coatings, gels, etc.). This project aims at fabricating composite materials composed of self-assembling proteins and organic substances. The stability and mechanical properties of the biocomposites will be characterized and optimal additives and compositions will be formulated to achieve the desired properties.

Tasks per student

The student will be involved in all steps of the fabrication process of biocomposites; from the production and purification of proteins, to the composite fabrication and characterization.

Deliverables per student

A short presentation at the end of the summer. A final report including all relevant methods, literature review and results.

Number of positions


Academic Level

No preference

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