
Biosafety Application

Application to Use Biohazardous Materials

Please note that the turnaround time for approving Application to Use Biohazardous Materials is 7 working days.

*If having difficulty with the fillable form please try downloading the form or using with Internet Explorer

In compliance with the HPTA the Application to Use Biohazardous Materials captures the information necessary determine the risks associated with working with biohazardous materials.  The Application is to be completed by the Principal Investigator or designate and submitted to EHS for review prior to starting a project involving biohazards.  EHS will review and approve all Applications with minimal delay and generate a numbered permit to be issued to the PI.  Retain the permit number for your files.  If there are any of the following changes to the information provided on the permit, ehs [at] mcgill.ca (subject: Biosafety%20Application) (contact EHS) with the changes to be made and the number of the original permit:

  • Personnel change
  • Addition of new biohazardous materials
  • Change in procedures
  • Location change
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