Selected papers, patents and software code that have arisen from the ECP3

List of peer-reviewed contributions co-authored by imaging core staff

Publications marked with an asterisk (*) are directly related to the development of sample preparation, imaging protocol or data analysis method by a Multi-Scale Imaging Core Facility member.

  • Chebli, Y. and Geitmann, A., 2024. Pectate lyase-like lubricates the male gametophyte's path toward its mating partner.Plant Physiology,194(1), pp.124-136. .
  • Chebli, Y. and Geitmann, A., 2023. Live Fluorescence Visualization of Cellulose and Pectin in Plant Cell Walls. InHistochemistry of Single Molecules(pp. 269-279). Humana, New York, NY. .
  • Dutilleul, P., Mudalige, N. and Rivest, L.P., 2022. Learning how a tree branches out: A statistical modeling approach.PloS one,17(9), p.e0274168.
  • Chebli Y, Bidhendi AJ, Kapoor K, Geitmann A. 2021.Cytoskeletal regulation of primary plant cell wall assembly. Current Biology31(10): R681-R695. DOI:10.1016/j.cub.2021.03.092..
  • Bidhendi AJ, Chebli Y, Geitmann A. 2020. Fluorescence visualization of cellulose and pectin in the primary plant cell wall. Journal of Microscopy 278(3):164-81. DOI: 10.1111/jmi.12895. .
  • Bertrand-Rakusová H, Chebli Y, Geitmann A. 2020. Silicone chambers for pollen tube imaging in microstructured in vitro environments. In: Geitmann A, editor. Pollen and Pollen Tube Biology: Methods and Protocols. New York, NY: Springer US; 2020. p. 211-21. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-0672-8_15. .
  • Han L, Srocke F, Masek O, Smith DL, Lafond JA, Allaire S, Dutilleul P. 2020. A Graphical-User-Interface application for multifractal analysis of soil and plant structures. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 174:105454. DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2020.105454. .
  • Kaneda M, van Oostende-Triplet C, Chebli Y, Testerink C, Bednarek SY, Geitmann A. 2019. Plant AP180 N-terminal homolog proteins are involved in clathrin-dependent endocytosis during pollen tube growth in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant and Cell Physiology 60(6):1316-30. DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcz036..
  • Altartouri B, Bidhendi AJ, Tani T, Suzuki J, Conrad C, Chebli Y, Liu N, Karunakaran C, Scarcelli G, Geitmann A. 2019. Pectin chemistry and cellulose crystallinity govern pavement cell morphogenesis in a multi-step mechanism. Plant Physiology181(1):127-41. DOI: 10.1104/pp.19.00303.
  • Beaulieu J, Dutilleul P. 2019. Applications of computed tomography (CT) scanning technology in forest research: a timely update and review. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 49(10):1173-88. DOI: 10.1139/cjfr-2018-0537. .
  • Chebli Y, Geitmann A. 2018. FRAP experiments show pectate lyases promote pollen germination and lubricate the path of the pollen tube in Arabidopsis thaliana. Microscopy and Microanalysis 24(S1):1376-7. DOI: 10.1017/S1431927618007365. .

List of contributions that used an infrastructure of the Facility
Publications that acknowledge the Facility are marked with an asterisk (see section D for more details).

Peer reviewed Papers

  • Wang, Q., Liu, J., Luo, Y., Kliemke, V., Matta, G.L., Wang, J. and Liu, Q., 2024. The nanoscale organization of the Nipah virus fusion protein informs new membrane fusion mechanisms.bioRxiv, pp.2024-02. .
  • Sahyoun, A.M., Min, M.W., Xu, K., George, S. and Karboune, S., 2024. Characterization of levans produced by levansucrases from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Gluconobacter oxydans: Structural, techno-functional, and anti-inflammatory properties.Carbohydrate Polymers,323, p.121332..
  • Bidhendi, A.J., Lampron, O., Gosselin, F.P. and Geitmann, A., 2023. Cell geometry regulates tissue fracture.Nature Communications,14(1), p.8275..
  • Sharma, M. and Jabaji, S., 2023. Transcriptional landscape of Brachypodium distachyon roots during interaction with Bacillus velezensis strain B26.Genomics, p.110583. .
  • Bidhendi, A.J., Altartouri, B. and Geitmann, A., 2023. 3D Visualization of Microtubules in Epidermal Pavement Cells.Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, NJ),2604, pp.25-42. .
  • Kapoor, K. and Geitmann, A., 2023. Pollen tube invasive growth is promoted by callose.Plant Reproduction, pp.1-15. .
  • Huang, S., Zou, S. and Wang, Y., 2023. Construction of compostable packaging with antibacterial property and improved performance using sprayed coatings of modified cellulose nanocrystals.Carbohydrate Polymers, p.120539. .
  • Sleboda, D.A., Geitmann, A. and Sharif-Naeini, R., 2023. Multiscale structural anisotropy steers plant organ actuation.Current Biology. .
  • Mahmoud, M., Zhou, Z., Kaur, R., Bekele, W., Tinker, N.A. and Singh, J., 2022. Toward the development of Ac/Ds transposon-mediated gene tagging system for functional genomics in oat (Avena sativa L.).Functional & Integrative Genomics,22(4), pp.669-681. .
  • Salazar, A.V., Selvadurai, P.A., Niu, Z., Bianchi, P., Rabaiotti, C., Madonna, C., Wiemer, S. and Germanovich, L.N., 2022, June. Insights into Triaxial Testing Using Coupled Acoustic Emission and Distributed Optical Fiber Strain Measurements. In56th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. OnePetro. .
  • Mahmoud, M., Zhou, Z., Kaur, R., Bekele, W., Tinker, N.A. and Singh, J., 2022. Toward the development of Ac/Ds transposon-mediated gene tagging system for functional genomics in oat (Avena sativa L.).Functional & Integrative Genomics,22(4), pp.669-681..
  • Wang, L., Huang, S. and Wang, Y., 2022. Recycling of Waste Cotton Textile Containing Elastane Fibers through Dissolution and Regeneration.Membranes,12(4), p.355. .
  • Xu, K., Bechu, A., Basu, N., Ghoshal, S., Moores, A. and George, S., 2022. Hazard Profiling of Commercially Relevant Quantum Dot Components Revealed Synergistic Interactions between Heavy Metals and Polymers.Chemical Research in Toxicology. .
  • Huang, K., Maltais, A., Liu, J. and Wang, Y., 2022. Wood cellulose films regenerated from NaOH/urea aqueous solution and treated by hot pressing for food packaging application.Food Bioscience,50, p.102177. .
  • Sobat, E. and Whalen, J.K., 2022. Mycorrhizal colonization associated with roots of field‐grown maize does not decline with increasing plant‐available phosphorus.Soil Use and Management. .
  • Tanney, C.A., Backer, R., Geitmann, A. and Smith, D.L., 2021. Cannabis glandular trichomes: a cellular metabolite factory.Frontiers in Plant Science, p.1923. .
  • Ashraf, S., Agyapong, J., Rohrbach, P. and Hasan, T., 2021. OPD (Online Plasmodium Diagnosis): An ALA-PpIX based functional assay to predict active malaria.Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy,36, p.102510. .
  • Xu, K., Basu, N. and George, S., 2021. Dietary nanoparticles compromise epithelial integrity and enhance translocation and antigenicity of milk proteins: An in vitro investigation.NanoImpact,24, p.100369. .
  • Mathew, R., Wunderlich, J., Thivierge, K., Cwiklinski, K., Dumont, C., Tilley, L., Rohrbach, P. and Dalton, J.P., 2021. Biochemical and cellular characterisation of the Plasmodium falciparum M1 alanyl aminopeptidase (PfM1AAP) and M17 leucyl aminopeptidase (PfM17LAP).Scientific reports,11(1), pp.1-17. .
  • SharmaM, Dina S, Charron J-B, and Suha J. 2020. A Crosstalk Between Brachypodium Root Exudates, Organic Acids, and Bacillus velezensis B26, a Growth Promoting Bacterium.Frontiers in Microbiology 11:575578. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.575578..
  • TripathiRK,OverbeekW, SinghJ. 2020.Global analysis ofSBPgene family inBrachypodiumdistachyonreveals its association with spike development.Scientific Reports10(1):15302.DOI:10.1038/s41598-020-72005-7..
  • Li M, Karboune S, Liu L, Light K, L'Hocine L, Achouri A, Pitre M, Mateo C. 2020.Combining phenolic grafting and laccase-catalyzed cross-linking: Effects on structures, technofunctional properties and human immunoglobulin E binding capacity of egg white proteins. Food Chemistry 355:129587. DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.129587..
  • Saad M, Chinerman D, Tabrizian M, Faucher SP. 2020. Identification of two aptamers binding to Legionella pneumophila with high affinity and specificity. Nature Scientific Reports 10(1):9145. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-65973-3..
  • Bidhendi AJ, Zamil MS, Geitmann A. 2020. Assembly of a simple scalable device for micromechanical testing of plant tissues. Methods in cell biology: Academic Press; 2020..
  • Valenzuela G, Castro LE, Valencia-Zamora J, Vera-Arias CA, Rohrbach P, Sáenz FE. 2019. Genotypes and phenotypes of resistance in Ecuadorian Plasmodium falciparum. Malaria Journal 18(1):415. DOI: 10.1186/s12936-019-3044-z. .
  • Saleh D, Jarry J, Rani M, Aliferis KA, Seguin P, Jabaji SH. 2019. Diversity, distribution and multi-functional attributes of bacterial communities associated with the rhizosphere and endosphere of timothy (Phleum pratense L.). Journal of Applied Microbiology127(3):794-811. DOI: 10.1111/jam.14334. .
  • Reiling SJ, Rohrbach P. 2019. Uptake of a fluorescently tagged chloroquine analogue is reduced in CQ-resistant compared to CQ-sensitive Plasmodium falciparum parasites. Malaria Journal 18(1):342. DOI: 10.1186/s12936-019-2980-y..
  • Bidhendi AJ, Li H, Geitmann A. 2019. Modeling the nonlinear elastic behavior of plant epidermis. Botany 98(1):49-64. DOI: 10.1139/cjb-2019-0058. .
  • Bidhendi AJ, Altartouri B, Gosselin FP, Geitmann A. 2019. Mechanical stress initiates and sustains the morphogenesis of wavy leaf epidermal cells. Cell Reports 28(5):1237-50.e6. DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.07.006..
  • Reiling SJ, Krohne G, Friedrich O, Geary TG, Rohrbach P. 2018. Chloroquine exposure triggers distinct cellular responses in sensitive versus resistant Plasmodium falciparum parasites. Nature Scientific Reports 8(1):11137. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-29422-6. .


  • Canada and US patent application no US 16/850,355 – Saad M, Chinerman D, Tabrizian M, Faucher SP. Identification of two aptamers binding to Legionella pneumophila with high affinity and specificity.

Software Code

  • Han L, Srocke F, Masek O, Smith DL, Lafond JA, Allaire S, Dutilleul P. 2020. A Graphical-User-Interface application for multifractal analysis of soil and plant structures. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 174:105454. DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2020.105454..

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