The business class of higher learning
Those who can, do — and those who’ve done it all will always find more to do. It’s exactly those Type A personalities the -HEC Montréal Executive MBA (EMBA) program attracts, and not without cause. The 15-month program involves one long weekend of classes per month, with two weeklong residential modules, one of which is spent abroad. People are often doing it in addition to full-time jobs, and, in many cases, they also have family responsibilities.
Santé au travail : innovations et tendances mondiales
Vieillissement, maladies chroniques, détresse psychologique, invalidité… les défis que doivent surmonter les entreprises pour protéger la santé de leur organisation sont aussi nombreux que les maux qui affligent les travailleurs d’aujourd’hui. Heureusement, des solutions novatrices émergent un peu partout sur la planète.
Une troisième génération à la barre du Riôtel Matane
Riôtel Group confirms the arrival of the third generation of the family to Rioux direction Riôtel Matane. En effet, Marie-Frédérik Rioux occupe maintenant les fonctions de directrice de l’établissement. L’hôtel compte 120 chambres, un spa, deux piscines, le restaurant Cargo et six salles de réunions complètement rénovées.
It’s time to reinvent the MBA
This op-ed was written by Mr. Ron Duerksen, chief strategy officer at the Desautels Faculty of Management, in partnership with leading business people and Desautels grads, listed at bottom.
MBA?: l’avis de décès était prématuré?!
Courrier des lecteurs: des dirigeants d’entreprises internationales se prononcent pour la réinvention, l’innovation et la créativité. Des articles récemment publiés ont mis en doute l’avenir des programmes de MBA et leur pertinence dans le monde. Les programmes de MBA sont-ils encore viables?? Les diplômés de MBA sont-ils toujours appréciés par les employeurs??
De commis à président de la SAQ
Le regard d'Alain Brunet s'illumine lorsqu'il parle de vin et de commerce de détail. L'homme se passionne pour ces sujets depuis qu'il a décroché son premier emploi à la SAQ, il y a 34 ans.
Read full article: Argent Canoe, April 27, 2015
You’ve got your EMBA, now what? – Career advice from Top Business Schools
Perhaps you are only just now considering an EMBA and have not even filled in your first application but it is never a bad idea to move forward keeping the end in sight. So, with that in mind, we went to top business schools around the world to find out what career advice they would offer to new EMBA graduates to help them take full advantage of their degree.
...5. Make an impact - Marianne Vandenbosch, director of the EMBA Program, -HEC Montreal
Interim CEO named for Vitalité Health Network
Jean Castonguay, a former provincial deputy minister and former associate deputy minister of health, has been named interim chief executive officer of Vitalité Health Network effective immediately. Health Minister Victor Boudreau made the announcement on November 21.
Can an EMBA Help an Entrepreneur?
From the time it was first conceived in 1943 by the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, the Executive MBA has traditionally been a degree offered by large corporations to their top executives. Times have changed though and, especially over the last decade, the background of the typical EMBA participant is no longer reserved for corporate climbers.
Felicitations aux Laureates 2014
Louise Richer, who is a current participant in the EMBA -HEC Montreal Program, was awarded the Prix Femmes d’Affaires du Québec last night, in the category for NGO/Non-profit. She is the Directrice Générale de l’Ecole Nationale de l’humour, and she was one of the EMBA scholarship recipients this year.
... Louise Richer Directrice générale et pédagogique École nationale de l’humour
Duguay First to Earn Certified Sport Security Professional Credential
The National Center for Spectator Sport Safety and Security (NCS4) at The University of Southern Mississippi announces that Yves Duguay is the first international candidate to earn the Certified Sport Security Professional (CSSP) credential.
OSM en Asie: une tournée marquante pour les musiciens
À peine revenu de sa récente tournée en Asie, l'Orchestre symphonique de Montréal dresse un bilan positif du voyage qui lui a permis de se produire à neuf reprises dans huit villes au Japon et en Chine.
The EMBA – HEC Montréal Program Announces the Creation of an Advisory Board
The – HEC Montréal EMBA program held the first meeting of its newly created advisory board earlier this week. The advisory board, under the Chairmanship of Thierry Vandal, CEO of Hydro Québec, is composed of 14 senior business leaders, including 5 program alumni. Its role is to guide the strategic direction of the program.
How to get employer support for an EMBA
CORPORATE sponsorship for the Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) course has fallen in recent years.
Addressing Client Objections To EHR
Are your healthcare IT customers concerned about the cost of a new EHR (electronic health records) system? Make sure you let them know they’ll probably get their money back in less than a year.
Discussing The Client Investment