-HEC Montréal EMBA alumni among honourees at Les Mercuriades 2017
Les Mercuriades honours excellence and talent in Quebec companies. This year, the 37th annual awards show brought the cream of Quebec’s business set out to Montreal’s Palais des congrès for a night not to be forgotten.
Diversity is big on campus
As the world becomes ever more diversified and globalized, it’s time for the C-suite to reflect that reality. At the head of the pack, the joint -HEC Montréal EMBA program has aimed to keep its classes as diverse as possible. There is a fellowship in place for nominations from the non-profit space, and another for aboriginals. The program also takes advantage of conferences to reach out to women and entrepreneurs.
Quebec’s hottest new microbrewery works local angle
New Deal Brewing Co. co-owner Daleyne Guay (EMBA’2016) says that, over the past five years, microbews have risen to 8.9% of the Quebec market, while the majors have lost 1% per year and imports have taken up the space in-between. Within this context, Mr. Guay is on a mission to make you to reach for one of his Boldwin beers before you grab that next Stella Artois.
EMBA alumna on leadership, success and working in a male-dominated environment
France-Margaret Bélanger (EMBA’14) grew up in Matane, a world away from her current life as Chief Legal Officer at the Montreal Canadiens. She sat down with Desautels Associate Professor Karl Moore to talk about her journey from small-town Quebec to an English-language Cegep, then on to law school and a great job at a big-ticket law firm. On the way, she earned an MBA as a means of becoming a better business adviser.
Groupe Deschênes mise sur les acquisitions
Deschênes Group goes all-in for acquisitionsDeschênes Group Inc. is a Canadian giant. The nation’s largest plumbing and electrical product distributor ensures growth in a mature industry through acquisition, most recently of Ontario-based Ideal Supply Company Ltd. — which, as a player in the automotive industry, represents a massive departure for its new owner.
Atypic : agence dévouée au développement du secteur pluriel
A commitment to change: nonprofits, business sense and research in actionAtypic’s founder, Pascal Lépine (EMBA’12) credits a meeting with Henry Mintzberg with giving him the kick he needed to pursue a life in the non-profit sector. His agency aims to work with NGOs, co-ops and other organizations, as well as to spread the word about how important the sector is.
Refaire le monde autour d’une bière d’ici
EMBA grad’s new project is a brewery with a differenceNew Deal Brewing Co’s Daleyne Guay (EMBA’16) was a serial entrepreneur who made beer in his free time and dreamed of starting a new business with a sustainability mandate. So, when Jean-François Giguère came knocking with a proposal for a new kind of microbrewery, he jumped at the chance.
So long, we’ll miss you!
The Queensland Symphony Orchestra (QSO) has been kicking goals recently and much of the credit must go to visionary CEO Sophie Galaise who has been with the orchestra for the past two and a half years.
Galaise, who is French-Canadian, has just announced she is leaving us to become CEO of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. That sucks.
Louise Richer is appointed to the Order of Canada
Louise Richer is among the 69 Canadians newly appointed to the Order of Canada by his Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada. She was nominated “for her contributions to the development and dissemination of the performing arts as director of the École nationale de l’humour.” Louise founded the Ecole national de l’humour in 1988. Since its launch, she has imagined, designed, developed, defended, reflected, enriche
La technologie au service des réfugiés et des sinistrés
Lors d’un séjour humanitaire en Haïti en 2010 pour combattre l’épidémie de choléra après le séisme, le Dr Abdo Shabah a constaté à quel point le manque d’accès à l’internet compliquait la gestion de l’information sur le terrain. Les données concernant les patients et leurs besoins étaient enregistrées et transmises sur des papiers imbibés de chlore.
8 leçons pour femmes ambitieuses
Le Défi 100 jours tire à sa fin pour les leaders et les participantes de L’effet A. Afin de donner un dernier petit coup de fouet à l’ambition des filles qui se préparent pour l’ultime étape de leur parcours, Diane Giard a prévu une rencontre inspirante avec une femme d’affaires et philanthrope reconnue venue de Los Angeles.
Dialogic Announces New Chief Operating Officer
Dialogic, a global networking software and infrastructure solution provider, announced today that Christian Primeau has joined Dialogic as the Chief Operating Officer. This is a new position in the company. Read full article: Dialogic, December 2, 2015
Cinquante entrepreneurs se mobilisent pour dynamiser l'économie locale
Depuis plusieurs mois, le président du Groupe Bertrand Rioux, François Rioux, s’est donné comme objectif d’amasser 250 000$ auprès de 50 entrepreneurs de la région, dans le but de mettre sur pied un fonds dédié à la création de nouvelles entreprises et de nouveaux emplois dans la MRC de Matane.
Jeunes et généreux
Ils sont dans la trentaine et sont très généreux. Mais ils refusent qu'on leur accole les étiquettes de philanthrope ou de mécène. ... À 22 ans, Pascal Lépine est devenu un entrepreneur à succès maintes fois célébré dans les médias. Mais en fondant Atypic, il ne se doutait pas que la philanthropie deviendrait pour lui un mode de vie.
2016 Best Joint Executive MBA Programs
Travel and education is a dream combination for the experiential learner. After reviewing over 300 Executive MBA programs, these 20 topped our survey of the 2016 Best Joint EMBA Programs based on Reputation, Career Advancement, Curriculum, Life Balance and Globalness.
8. -HEC Montreal Executive MBA
Read full article: Ivyexec, November 11, 2015