We are accepting nominations from students, alumni, faculty, and staff for theDean of Students Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Academic Advising.
Please submit two (2) letters of support (500-word limit) for the nominee, along with a . Anyone with knowledge of the advisor’s work may write a letter of support including the nominator(s), a student, a colleague or a supervisor.
Letters should go beyond personal experience (if possible) and include the capacity in which the letter-writer has known the nominee, a description of the significant advising role of the nominee and an explanation of how the nominee has demonstrated excellence in their role as an undergraduate academic advisor.
The deadline to submit a nomination and letters of support for the 2023-2024 academic year will be Tuesday, April 23, 2024.
Nominees will be notified, nominations made public and winners announced in May.
About the Dean’s Award
The Dean of Students Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Academic Advising was established in collaboration with the ESAACSubcommittee on Undergraduate Student Advising (SUSA) in January 2015. The award aims to recognize the integral and valuable contribution that academic advising makes to undergraduate student life at .
Advisors provide timely and accurate guidance to students, assisting them in making informed academic choices in light of their learning, career, and life goals.Advisors provide coherent information about University regulations and program requirements, and work, as appropriate, with other University services and resources. Evidence of excellencein the role of undergraduate academic advisor may be demonstrated through specific examples of the nominee’s recent achievements in advising support to students, service to or involvement in the University and advising communities, and/or innovative approaches to the role of academic advisor.
- Alljob categories are eligible.
- For the purposes of this award, the definition ofundergraduate academic advisorisbroad and inclusive.
- Nominees should have asignificant and recognized role in academic advisingthat guides students in the completion of their programs through to graduation and in which they are wholly accountable for the advice they dispense.
- Any academic or administrative staff member whose position includes asignificant academic advising rolein which they are authorized to deliver advising on academic issues to undergraduate students may be nominated for this award, regardless of whether the term “advisor” is in their official job title. This includes, but is not limited to, Faculty advisors, Department or School advisors, program administrators and student affairs officers or coordinators, provided that one of their main roles is undergraduate academic advising.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to deanofstudents [at] mcgill.ca.