CRRD Executive Committee Members, 2019-2020

Executive committee members are nominated and elected by the CRRD membership to serve three-year terms.

Dr. Loydie Jerome-Majewska, CRRD Co-Director
Dr. Loydie Jerome-Majewska
Depts.of Pediatrics
and Human Genetics

Dr. Raj Duggavathi, Elected Member
Dr. Raj Duggavathi
Dept.of Animal Science
Elected member

Dr. Yojiro Yamanaka, Elected Member
Dr. Yojiro Yamanaka
Dept. of Human Genetics
Elected member

Emilie Brulé, Trainee Representative
Emilie Brulé
PhD Candidate, Bernard Lab
Dept. of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Trainee representative

Dr. Cristian O'Flaherty, CRRD Co-Director
Dr. Cristian O'Flaherty
Depts. of Surgery (Division of Urology)
and Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Dr. Barbara Hales, Elected Member
Dr. Barbara Hales
Dept.of Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Elected member

Dr. Terry Hébert, External Member
Dr. Terry Hebert
Dept.of Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Exterior member

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