Third Network

Third network banner - Science in support of the fish and aquaculture industry

20 Industrial Participants
30 Researchers
11 Research Institutions

Third Precompetitive RITA Co-creation Network for the Fish and Aquaculture Industry

The objective is to develop a co-creation network dedicated to Quebec’s fisheries and aquaculture sectors, focusing on the Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Côte-Nord and Bas-Saint-Laurent regions. Despite the sustained efforts of the fishing and aquaculture industry, this very strategic part of the Quebec economy (and especially of the maritime regions) is facing various regulatory issues, the management of by-products resulting from the processing of raw materials (fish, crustaceans, algae, etc.), the quality of processed products and their preservation, the optimization and automation of processes, and the marketing of products. The RITA Consortium, in collaboration with the Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ), the Réseau Québec Maritime (RQM), MERINOV and the Association Québécoise de l'Industrie de la Pêche (AQIP), has created a co-creation network that is specially designed to support these sectors of transformation in Quebec. This network will focus on the challenges facing stakeholders over the next two years, while providing competent scientific resources for the next ten years.

The fruitful exchanges during our first co-creation workshop and the surveys carried out have identified the research and technology transfer axes with a great potential to transform the stakes into opportunities. These axes are cross-cutting and integrate “quality and safety”, “technological efficiency”, “best positioning” and “sustainability” to meet current and future challenges in the fishing and aquaculture sectors. The prioritization and validation of these axes with a view to establishing a network of collaborative research and technology transfer were the main objective of our second workshop held on November 4 and 5, 2021.

Smart Technology Icon blackTheme A. Development of effective approaches to support the food transformation chain and improve production while maintening quality

A1 - Thermal & non-thermal processes for food safety

A2 - Develop a technology-based decision making system

A3 - Explore rapid methods to detect and maintain quality

A4 - Multi-dimensional platform for sectorial technology monitoring

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Theme B. Investigations of targeted strategies to ensure food safety while maintening clean label

B1 - Bioprotective Solutions to improve food safety

B2 - Shelf-life extension through active bio-packaging

B3 - Natural alternatives to biofilms control

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Theme C. A multi-method approach to better understand the positioning of fisheries and aquaculture products and ensuring their diversity

C1 - Integration of the positioning of products with better traceability

C2 - Support of the positioning through product use diversification

Circular Economy iconTheme D. Explore sustainable solutions promoting the development of coproducts

D1 - Synthesis of existing information : Use of by-products

D2 - By-products stabilization though fermentation and bio-transformation

D3 - Optimization of a flavor extraction process from crustaceans cooking water

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PDF icon Rapport 1 Réseau de co-création pour les pêches et l'aquaculture

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