
Women who go to college intending to become engineers stay in the profession less often than men. Why is this? While multiple reasons have been offered in the past, a new study co-authored by an MIT sociologist develops a novel explanation: The negative group dynamics women tend to experience during team-based work projects makes the profession less appealing.

Classified as: brian rubineau
Published on: 16 Jun 2016

Men and women tend to work in different jobs. This tendency, called occupational sex segregation, is a primary cause of the gender pay gap. A recent McKinsey study finds that reducing occupational sex segregation could contribute $2 Trillion to the U.S. economy.

Despite advances toward equality in other areas, occupational sex segregation has remained essentially unchanged over the last quarter century. What keeps some jobs dominated by men and others by women?

Classified as: brian rubineau
Published on: 3 Jun 2016

Tenure is granted to professors and librarians in recognition of excellent performance – and is the University’s strongest guarantee of academic freedom in research, teaching, and service. The year-long application process is a rigorous evaluation of performance.

At its May 16, 2016, meeting, º«¹úÂãÎè’s Board of Governors granted tenure to the 50 people in the 2015-2016 tenure cohort.

Forty-three Assistant Professors have been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor with Tenure:

Desautels Faculty of Management

Classified as: Laurent Barras, Jui Ramaprasad, brian rubineau, Patricia Hewlin
Published on: 26 May 2016

The proposed knowledge synthesis project will describe novel and implementable evidence based opportunities (EBOs) for promoting the participation and retention of women in STEM careers over the school-to-work transition. The project will focus on integrating scholarship and evidence regarding informal social dynamics involving peers – peer influence, social capital, and social networks – to identify these novel EBOs.

Classified as: brian rubineau
Published on: 6 May 2016

Industry-leading tech companies recruit heavily from the most selective colleges and universities in the U.S., so is it any wonder that their employees lack diversity? The top 150 higher-ed institutions would have to recruit an additional 50,000 black students and 58,0000 Hispanic students each year if they want their student bodies to reflect the American population, according to research from the Posse Foundation, a New York-based organization that works to improve diversity on campus.

Classified as: brian rubineau
Published on: 3 May 2016

As one of only two recruitment agencies that are also Stonewall members, diversity is an issue very close to the heart of our organisation. There is a huge decline in the portrayal of these issues as merely ‘tick boxes’ or HR matters alone, but it’s important that they must be championed from the top of an organisation all the way to the ground in order for them to thrive.

Classified as: brian rubineau
Published on: 31 Mar 2016

Striving for greater diversity in the workplace – be it gender, race, age or experience levels among employees – is a long sought-after goal by business leaders looking for a competitive advantage.

Several studies show that companies with a diverse workforce are more likely to outperform others in the field. So, with so much on the line, why do so many firms still struggle with a lack of gender, race or age diversity within their ranks?

Classified as: brian rubineau
Published on: 25 Feb 2016

Moving the focus from the individual to the social group offers novel and promising tools to help ensure the success and retention of entry-level women engineers. In recent years, SWE has endorsed and partnered with several researchers who focus on women’s lack of advancement in the engineering profession.

Classified as: brian rubineau
Published on: 17 Feb 2016

Referring friends and associates for job vacancies can help to create a diverse workforce, a new study from the Desautels Faculty of Management at º«¹úÂãÎè finds.

Word-of-mouth recruitment, the most common way to fill jobs, has previously been thought to cause segregation at work: women tend to reach out to other women in their networks, and men do likewise.

Classified as: brian rubineau
Published on: 3 Feb 2016

Workforce diversity boosted by recommending a friend

Referring friends and associates for job vacancies can help to create a diverse workforce, a new study from the Desautels Faculty of Management at º«¹úÂãÎè finds.

Word-of-mouth recruitment, the most common way to fill jobs, has previously been thought to cause segregation at work: women tend to reach out to other women in their networks, and men do likewise.

Classified as: brian rubineau
Published on: 25 Jan 2016

A study from the Desautels Faculty of Management at º«¹úÂãÎè has found referring friends and associates for job vacancies can help to create a diverse workforce.

Word-of-mouth recruitment, the most common way to fill jobs, had previously been thought to cause segregation at work: women tend to reach out to other women in their networks, and men do likewise.

Classified as: brian rubineau
Published on: 25 Jan 2016

Author: Brian Rubineau, Roberto M. Fernandez

Word-of-mouth recruitment is the most common way to fill jobs, and management scholars have long thought that this practice contributes to job segregation by gender: women tend to reach out to other women in their networks, and men do likewise.

In fact, however, this form of recruitment can – and often does – contribute to gender desegregation, according to a study in the journal Organization Science by researchers at º«¹úÂãÎè’s Desautels Faculty of Management and the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Classified as: brian rubineau
Published on: 22 Jan 2016

Authors: Fernandez, R. M. and Rubineau, B.

Publications: Organization Science

Classified as: brian rubineau, Social Networks, Recruitment, Organization Science
Published on: 21 Oct 2015

º«¹úÂãÎè Women in Leadership (MWIL), Deautels Women in Business (DWIB), TEDxMontreal Women, the National Women in Business Conference, the Intercollegiate Business Convention. Evidently, as the non-exhaustive list above demonstrates, there are many occasions for women at º«¹úÂãÎè to thrive and shine in the area of leadership, where they are chronically and critically underrepresented. Within Bronfman, and º«¹úÂãÎè as a whole, women apply to volunteer, speak, participate, and join a host of clubs and initiatives highlighting female leaders.

Classified as: Patricia Hewlin, brian rubineau, Management Undergraduate Society (MUS)
Published on: 6 Feb 2015

Deeply embedded and frequently unconscious cultural and organizational biases can be challenged both through small "wins" and by establishing policies that take a whole-organization rather than a women-only approach. Second-generation gender bias is making its way into the lexicon of women's workplace issues as a subtle, covert, and at times unintentional, phenomenon that thwarts women's power and potential. ...

Classified as: brian rubineau
Published on: 6 Feb 2015


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