

Brian Rubineau Awarded SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grant

Published: 6 May 2016

The proposed knowledge synthesis project will describe novel and implementable evidence based opportunities (EBOs) for promoting the participation and retention of women in STEM careers over the school-to-work transition. The project will focus on integrating scholarship and evidence regarding informal social dynamics involving peers – peer influence, social capital, and social networks – to identify these novel EBOs. Leveraging peers to enhance women’s success in STEM majors and careers requires new educational and employment approaches compared to the current predominantly individual-level approaches.

Knowledge Synthesis Grants support researchers, teams of researchers and knowledge users to produce knowledge syntheses and scoping reviews that will contribute to the use of synthesized evidence in decision-making and practice

Prof. Rubineau’s grant contributes to one of the six challenge areas in SSHRC’s Imagining Canada’s Future initiative:  “What new ways of learning, particularly in higher education, will Canadians need to thrive in an evolving society and labour market?â€

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