Usman W. Chohan is a consultant with the World Bank Institute in the field of Social Accountability, and is pursuing an MBA at Desautels with a concentration in Strategy and Leadership.

Published on: 17 Dec 2013

Günter Bischof ist aus der österreichischen zeitgeschichtlichen Forschungslandschaft nicht mehr wegzudenken. Als Leiter des Centers Austria und Marshall Plan-Professor an der Universität von New Orleans bekleidet er einen wichtigen Außenposten der österreichischen Wissenschaft und der österreichisch-amerikanischen Beziehungen. Als Historiker leistet er wesentliche Beiträge zur Aufarbeitung des breiten Feldes der österreichischen und europäischen transatlantischen Beziehungen, insbesondere der Nachkriegsjahre. Die anlässlich seines 60.

Classified as: Reuven Brenner
Published on: 13 Dec 2013

Over the years, the end of final exams has inspired any number of spontaneous displays of pure happiness, including high fives, chest bumping and uncontrollable giggling. But what was up with the 100 or so students boogying in the streets at the crossroads on lower campus on Tuesday, Dec. 3 – two days before finals kicked off?

Classified as: MDIIM, Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management, Bachelor of Commerce (BCom), Social Economy Initiative, SEI
Published on: 12 Dec 2013

On November 17, the first business case competition conducted in English in Japan took place. The main event was hosted by Aoyama Gakuin, in Shibuya, Tokyo, with a networking event following elsewhere in the area.

... This time, teams from Waseda University, Globis, Japan and Desautels Faculty of Management won a prize in each section, and the winning presentation was given by the Japan team.

Classified as: MBA Japan
Published on: 6 Dec 2013

Montréal, le 2 décembre 2013 — L’EMBA HEC Montréal est heureux d’annoncer la création d’un programme de bourses dédié aux gestionnaires des peuples autochtones du Canada. Chaque année, une bourse d’un montant de 40 000 $ sera octroyée en fonction du mérite.

En créant ce programme de bourses, l’EMBA HEC Montréal a pour objectif d’appuyer les gestionnaires issus des peuples autochtones du Canada dans la poursuite de leur parcours académique et leur cheminement professionnel.  

Classified as: EMBA, -HEC Executive MBA (EMBA)
Published on: 2 Dec 2013

The EMBA - HEC Montreal is launching a scholarship program aimed at Canada’s Indigenous population.  Each year, a manager of Indigenous origin will be chosen to receive a $40,000 scholarship. The selection will be based on merit.

The - HEC Montreal EMBA program looks for individuals with different but complementary profiles. The diversity of candidates within each cohort is essential to the learning approach of the program. The Indigenous Peoples scholarship will help to further enrich this diversity. 

Classified as: EMBA, -HEC Executive MBA (EMBA)
Published on: 2 Dec 2013

What happens when people don’t understand the work you do? Worse still, what happens when your job relies on the input (financial and otherwise) of the public and clients who incorrectly think they understand the nature of your work?
Research I conducted in conjunction with researchers at a number of universities analysed just this, and we found that in complex professions such as the legal, nursing, accountancy and architecture sectors, both pay and performance can suffer when clients don’t fully understand a profession.

-Article by Heather Vough

Classified as: Heather Vough
Published on: 2 Dec 2013

L'évènement TEDxWomen aura lieu pour la première fois à Montréal le samedi 7 décembre 2013 au Cinéma Impérial. Tout comme les évènements TEDx partout dans le monde, TEDxMontrealWomen est une conférence unique dont le but est de partager de nouvelles idées couvrant des sujets variés. Sous le thème « Perturbation positive » TEDxMontrealWomen va essayer de toucher au rôle des hommes et des femmes dans la société, le respect des différences, la mobilisation collective des forces afin de repousser les limites des conventions sociales et se donner le pouvoir de faire des choix.

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 2 Dec 2013

This time, they’re ahead of the curve.

When major events rock the business world, business schools often review their curriculum to see how, if at all, they can adapt to the changes taking place in the private sector.

... So says Francesca Carrieri, professor of finance at ’s Desautels Faculty of Management, who believes the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), will be a positive game-changer for Canadian business, and is unlikely to have the same number of vocal detractors NAFTA did.

Classified as: Francesca Carrieri
Published on: 2 Dec 2013

A swap of several gas station and corner store locations between Sobeys Quebec and CST Brands will help both companies grow their respective brands in la belle province, the dealmakers said.

... For Martin Qiu, an assistant professor of marketing with the Desautels Faculty of Management at , the CST-Sobeys swap is a reflection of a growing gas-groceries-convenience trend that is already well underway south of the border.

Classified as: Chun Qiu, Martin Qiu
Published on: 2 Dec 2013

“I left Wall Street in 2004 when I decided I had a black soul,” says Stephanie Berger (MBA'06), a Desautels Faculty of Management MBA alumna who is now the senior manager for corporate responsibility and environment at Bell Canada. “I didn’t know much about sustainability back then, but I knew Wall Street wasn’t doing it right.”

Classified as: Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management, MDIIM, Steve Maguire, alumni, MBA Alumni
Published on: 27 Nov 2013

Professor Karl Moore of the Desautels Faculty of Management at speaks to Columbia University professor Sheen S. Levine.

Read full transcript: , November 26, 2013

Classified as: Talking Management, Karl Moore
Published on: 27 Nov 2013

Last night’s fight between Manny Pacquiao and Brandon Rios interested me from a boxing perspective but its real intrigue was what it suggests might be possible for another man – Floyd Mayweather, Jr.

... This is nothing new – in fact, gambling, centuries ago in Europe, was in the same position that boxing is in today– subsidizing another non-profitable sector.  In their outstanding book A World Of Chance: Betting On Religion, Games, Wall Street, Reuven Brenner, Gabrielle A. Brenner and Aaron Brown write:

Classified as: Reuven Brenner
Published on: 25 Nov 2013

Target's stock dropped 3.46 percent today after the retailer reported third-quarter net income dropped by nearly half.

... "The retail price in Canada is much higher, compared to the retail price in the U.S.," said Minha Hwang, a management professor at in Montreal. "The Canadian price is about 20 percent higher compared to the U.S. price."

Read full article: , November 21, 2013

Classified as: Minha Hwang
Published on: 22 Nov 2013

Professor Vedat Verter was interviewed by Angela Kokott, host of Calgary Today – CHQR NEWS TALK 770 radio. The interview focused on the protective directive issued by Transport Minister Lisa Raitt requiring rail companies to inform municipalities about the volume and type of hazardous materials being shipped through their jurisdiction.

Listen to full interview (choose November 20, 5:00 PM, 47:00): , November 20, 2013

Classified as: Vedat Verter
Published on: 21 Nov 2013


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