
During a summer internship in California’s Lava Beds National Monument, Christopher Patterson, a second- year student in Bioresource Engineering, worked as a Research Assistant for ATiLT (Astrobiology Training in Lava Tubes).

“By studying naturally protective formations like lava tubes and other potentially habitable locations, I have become aware of the incredible opportunities that lie beyond our world not only for myself, but for humanity as a whole,” says Patterson.

Classified as: Astrobiology, lava tubes
Published on: 14 Feb 2019

Founder's Day,Ěýour annual celebration of the life and generosity of our benefactor, Sir William Christopher Macdonald. is held on the Thursday closest to the anniversary of his birth - February 10, 1831. Founder’s Day festivities are an occasion to celebrate our history, our strengths and our promise for the future.

Classified as: Founder's Day Celebrations
Published on: 14 Feb 2019

La Ferme Macdonald College fait partie des seize fermes laitières qui ont reçu les grands honneurs à l’occasion du 30e Gala du Club de l’Excellence d’Agropur, tenu à Québec le 25 janvier dernier. Cet événement a rendu hommage aux fermes laitières, membres d’Agropur, ayant enregistré les meilleurs résultats en matière de qualité. Lors de l’évènement, la Ferme Macdonald College a été intronisée au Club de l’Excellence d’Agropur.

Classified as: Macdonald Campus Farm, Milk Production
Published on: 14 Feb 2019

Congratulations to Jianguo (Jeff) Xia ( AnSci/Para), Guillaume Bourque (Director of Bioinformatics at the ş«ąúÂăÎč & Genome Quebec Innovation Center) and Pierre-Étienne Jacques (Sherbrooke) who were awarded $1.1 by Genome Canada earlier this week.

Classified as: Genome Canada, human health
Published on: 14 Feb 2019

From: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

News release

February 11, 2019 – Montreal, Quebec – Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

The bioeconomy sector holds tremendous potential for Canada, helping to reduce our carbon footprint while creating opportunities to grow our economy.

Classified as: biomass, bioeconomy, Bio-energy
Published on: 11 Feb 2019

There was stiff competition at last week's Lister Family Engaged Science 3MT Competition. In the end, eleven stellar graduate students delivered riveting pitches to a packed room of supporters, that included Honours Science students from John Abbott College.

Congratulations are extended to all "Mac" 3MT participants.



In the Winner's Circle this year:

Classified as: 3MT, Lister Family Engaged Science Initiative, Office of Student Academic Services (OSAS)
Published on: 11 Feb 2019

Anja Geitmann adore les casse-tĂŞtes. Mais oubliez les après-midis Ă  chercher les bons morceaux en buvant une tisane : ce sont les cellules en forme de puzzle Ă  la surface des feuilles de certaines plantes qui intĂ©ressent la biologiste. « Cette configuration se crĂ©e Ă  partir de cellules assez simples. Regardez la diffĂ©rence sur 18 heures », dit la doyenne de la FacultĂ© des sciences de l’agriculture et de l’environnement de l’UniversitĂ© ş«ąúÂăÎč en montrant des images captĂ©es au microscope dans son laboratoire.

Classified as: nature, patterns, cellular
Published on: 11 Feb 2019

The Lancet commission on Obesity published a report today on the joint pandemics of obesity, undernutrition, and climate change. In the report, the commissioners point to the fact that malnutrition in all its forms, including undernutrition and obesity, is by far the biggest cause of ill-health and premature death globally. Excess body weight affects 2 billion people worldwide, 2 billion people suffer from micronutrient deficiency, and both are expected to be made significantly worse by climate change.

Classified as: climate change, food, obesity, Sustainability, undernutrition
Published on: 11 Feb 2019

La population est de plus en plus prĂ©occupĂ©e par la prĂ©sence de contaminants chimiques dans les aliments et l’eau potable. «ĚýEt pour cause, car l’humain est exposĂ© Ă  un cocktail de milliers de substances chimiquesĚý», affirme StĂ©phane Bayen, professeur adjoint au dĂ©partement des sciences de l’alimentation et de chimie agricole de l’UniversitĂ© ş«ąúÂăÎč.

Classified as: contaminants chimiques, eau potable
Published on: 11 Feb 2019

Une fois son doctorat terminé, le jeune agronome Bernard Ato Hagan retournera au Ghana avec un prototype de logiciel qui pourra aider les producteurs agricoles de son pays à faire une meilleure sélection génétique de leurs troupeaux.

Published on: 24 Jan 2019

Mais comment dĂ©veloppe-t-on de nouveaux ingrĂ©dients fonctionnels? Avec Ă©normĂ©ment de rigueur scientifique et de patience, comme en font foi les travaux de recherche de Salwa Karboune, professeure adjointe et doyenne Ă  la recherche au dĂ©partement des sciences des aliments et d’agriculture Ă  l’UniversitĂ© ş«ąúÂăÎč. « Nous savons aujourd’hui que le microbiote intestinal est, en quelque sorte, le cerveau de notre santĂ© », affirme Mme Karboune. C’est pourquoi il est si important d’étudier les composĂ©s qui favorisent la santĂ© intestinale.

Classified as: recherche, Research, functional foods, aliments fonctionnels
Published on: 17 Jan 2019

Dietetics and Nutrition students Jamie Lee and Isabelle Lam pitched their startup snack business on the popular CBC television show Dragons' Den.

Seeking – and securing – an investment in their fledgling startup from six high-powered entrepreneurs on the popular CBC TV show Dragons’ Den was the last thing that Jamie Lee and Isabelle Lam could have imagined less than a year earlier, when they came up with their business idea: a nutritious chocolate-based snack.

Classified as: entrepreneurship, Macdonald Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program
Published on: 11 Jan 2019

Jamie Lee and Isabelle Lam are two newly graduated Dietetics students from ş«ąúÂăÎč and the proud co-founders of .

Classified as: entrepreneurship, reMIXed
Published on: 17 Dec 2018

Les changements climatiques ont une incidence sur l’agriculture, mais l’inverse est aussi vrai. "L’agriculture produit environ 10 % des Ă©missions de gaz Ă  effet de serre," signale Chandra Madramootoo, professeur au DĂ©partement de gĂ©nie des bioressources de l’UniversitĂ© ş«ąúÂăÎč. "Cette contribution est certes moins importante que celle des secteurs de l’exploitation pĂ©trolière et gazière et des transports, mais il est essentiel de bien comprendre d’oĂą viennent ces gaz afin de pouvoir mieux les gĂ©rer."

Classified as: Irrigation and Drainage
Published on: 6 Dec 2018

…Speaking on the theme of the conference, titled:“Innovations in Food Science and Technology for Sustainable Economic Growth”, Director, Department of Bioresources Engineering, ş«ąúÂăÎč, Montreal, Canada, Prof. Michael Ngadi said Nigeria must be adequately prepared against any possible outbreak of food crisis through innovative and creative ideas.



Classified as: food, innovation, Sustainability
Published on: 16 Nov 2018


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