Water scarcity in rural Alaska is not a new problem, but the situation is getting worse with climate change. Lasting solutions must encourage the use of alternative water supplies like rainwater catchment and grey water recycling. They must also address the affordability of water related to household income, say researchers from .

Classified as: Alaska, Alaskan, Rural, water, vulnerability, scarcity, climate change, Sustainability, Jan Adamowski, Antonia Sohns
Published on: 25 Mar 2021

It has long been understood that a parent’s DNA is the principal determinant of health and disease in offspring. Yet inheritance via DNA is only part of the story; a father’s lifestyle such as diet, being overweight and stress levels have been linked to health consequences for his offspring. This occurs through the epigenome - heritable biochemical marks associated with the DNA and proteins that bind it. But how the information is transmitted at fertilization along with the exact mechanisms and molecules in sperm that are involved in this process has been unclear until now.

Classified as: epigenetics, Sarah Kimmins, Sperm
Published on: 16 Mar 2021

Bioresource engineering prof cited for research excellence and role as mentor for women entering the field

Classified as: Valerie Orsat, Suffrage Science Award
Published on: 12 Mar 2021

’s shuttle buses are sporting a brand-new design.

After a curveball of a year, the revamped -red vehicles—which feature a new, bold Made by design style—will, with any luck, serve as a beacon of the many exciting things to come as the university progresses toward the gradual resumption of on-campus activities.

Classified as: , shuttle bus, Transport
Published on: 3 Mar 2021

The cocktail of beneficial bacteria passed from mother to infant through breast milk changes significantly over time and could act like a daily booster shot for infant immunity and metabolism.

Classified as: breast milk, bacteria, breast feeding, microbiome, mothers, infants, Emmanuel Gonzalez, Kristine Koski
Published on: 23 Feb 2021

In a world as diverse as our own, the journey towards a sustainable future will look different depending on where in the world we live, according to a recent paper published in and led by , with researchers from the Stockholm Resilience Centre.

Classified as: Sustainability, elena bennett, Department of Natural Resource Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Published on: 22 Feb 2021

Bioresource Engineering professor Michael Ngadi has spent his career trying to help solve some of the world’s most pervasive food problems. Recently, Ngadi and his research team traveled to remote communities in Bolivia, Laos, Zambia, Malawi and Ethiopia to examine elements of the local diets, assess their nutritional status, and build programs that would introduce nutrient-dense foods into local cuisines.

Classified as: food security, global nutrition
Published on: 18 Feb 2021

Here's a feast for your eyes on this chilly February morning. Join Mike Bleho for a trip back to the sweltering summer of 2020 to see the construction of a couple of new structures at the Hort Centre - a low input high tunnel and a greenhouse. Thanks to this new infrastructure, the team produced tomatoes right up until the first week of November! The project came together thanks to the dedicated efforts of our staff and students and was supported by the Sustainability Projects Fund. 

Classified as: Horticulture Centre
Published on: 18 Feb 2021

En chute libre depuis les années 1940, le nombre de fermes se stabilise au Québec. Fait rare, il a même légèrement augmenté en 2020. Derrière cette hausse se cache toutefois deux réalités. Si les petites fermes de proximité et les érablières sont en croissance, les productions animales sont en baisse, pour la plupart. En février 2020, Clémence Briand-Racine [BSc (AgEnvSc)’14 ], fondant officiellement son entreprise agricole maraîchère : la Ferme aux colibris.  

Classified as: small farms
Published on: 18 Feb 2021

Animal-friendly fences, optimized water use and rotational grazing systems help make the Mac dairy herd more sustainable overall

“This system of pasturing uses the cattle to manage grass growth, and in return, the cattle get highly nutritious grass at the peak of quality while spending the spring, summer and fall outside in a natural environment,” says [Farm Manager, Paul] Meldrum of the Project which received funding from the University’s Sustainability Projects Fund.

Classified as: sustainable pasture systems, dairy production
Published on: 18 Feb 2021

| Caitlin MacDougall, Liaison Officer, Farm Management and Technology Program

Nearly 200 members of the -Macdonald community gathered for a virtual celebration of Founder’s Day on Zoom on February 11, 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic required organizers to rethink the traditional format. The transition to a digital event was a smooth one, with veteran MC Paul Meldrum, Manager of the Macdonald Campus Farm, seamlessly connecting each segment with some behind-the-scenes help.

Classified as: Founder's Day Celebrations
Published on: 12 Feb 2021

The IHSP's Christopher Barrington-Leigh has co-authored the following article:

Miñarro S, Reyes-García V, Aswani S, Selim S, Barrington-Leigh CP, Galbraith ED

Happy without money: Minimally monetized societies can exhibit high subjective well-being

PLoS ONE. 2021; 16(1): e0244569.
Published January 13th, 2021


Classified as: Institute for health and social policy, wellbeing, Social Determinants of Health
Published on: 29 Jan 2021

Grants available for faculty at Canadian postsecondary institutions

:  Please contact the International Engagement Unit - international.provost [at] mcgill.ca - to obtain the application form, budget sheet and privacy statement.  

Published on: 13 Jan 2021

To stop biodiversity loss, Canada recently committed to protecting 30% of its land and sea by 2030. But making conservation decisions about where to locate new protected areas is complicated. It depends on data both about biodiversity and about a range of benefits (e.g. freshwater, climate regulation, recreation) that people get from nature. Surprisingly, despite the size of the country, new mapping suggests that less than 1% of Canada’s land (0.6% of total area or approximately 56,000 km2) is a hotspot, providing all these benefits in one place.

Classified as: Sustainability, environment, Research, elena bennett
Published on: 5 Jan 2021

Inter-provincial survey gauges how Canadians have accessed food during the pandemic and their perceptions of food systems

Shopping anxiety, higher food prices and individual income limitations are some of the factors making access to food challenging for Canadians during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new study suggests.

Classified as: food security, School of Human Nutrition, Daiva Nielsen, covid-19, food access
Published on: 18 Dec 2020


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