

Jean-Pierre Michaud, BCL/LLB’00, and Christopher Dye, BCL/LLB’03, win the Air Canada Oratory Competition

Published: 2 July 2008

Jean-Pierre Michaud and Christopher Dye respectively received the Prix de L’Orateur Air Canada (section francophone) and the Air Canada Oratory Competition Prize (English section) for their rhetorical skills.

Jean-Pierre distinguished himself by answering in the affirmative the question "Montréal est-elle fiévreuse?", while Christopher had to defend the idea of "having your cake and eating it too".

Organized by the Young Bar Association of Montreal (YBAM) and inspired by European tradition, these oratory contests aim to showcase the general culture, eloquence and rhetorical skills of their participants. Word play, humour and all manners of rhetorical effects are encouraged.

Jean-Pierre Michaud will represent the YBAM during the 2008 Paris-Montreal contest that will be held this September during the Opening of the Montreal tribunals, and he will represent Quebec in the oratory competitions held during the "Conférence des Barreaux de tradition juridique commune" (CIB) in Brussels later this year.

In turn, Christopher Dye will be flying to France with members of the Board of Directors of the YBAM to the official ceremonies of the Opening of the Courts of Paris in November 2008.

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