**CERPL post-doctoral research fellow
*CERPL graduate student
†CERPL undergraduate student
#CERPL technical support
124.ÌýEkström M, Li PZ, Lewthwaite H, Bourbeau J, Wan WC, von Leupoldt A,ÌýJensen D; on behalf of the CanCOLD Collaborative Research Group. Anxiety and depression impact exertional breathlessness in daily life and during exercise testing: the CanCOLD study.Ìý In advanced stages of preparation.
123. Aucoin R*, Nguyen D†, Ross B, Bourbeau J, Lewthwaite H, Jensen D.Ìý Effect of fan-to-face therapy on breathlessness and the ventilatory response to constant-work rate exercise in symptomatic adults with chronic lung disease. In advanced stages of preparation.
122. Boahmah-Frimpong I*, Aucoin R*, Lewthwaite H,ÌýEkström M, Jensen D. Methods of measuring exertional breathlessness: a systematic scoping review. In advanced stages of preparation.ÌýÌý Ìý
121. Ferguson ON, Guenette JA, Jensen D, Lewthwaite H.ÌýMultidimensional measurement of breathlessness during exercise: current methods and future directions. In advanced stages of preparation.
120. Osborne M, Saletsky L, Michalovic E, Herbison J, Rocchi MA, Jensen D, Sweet SN. Implementation evaluation of a pilot RCT: A telehealth peer support and SDT-based exercise intervention versus a telehealth control for adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In advanced stages of preparation.
119.ÌýGenkin D, Verdawala M, Collins S, Stickland MK, Bourbeau J, Tan WC, Jensen D, Kirby M; on behalf of the CanCOLD Collaborative Research Group. 3D Pectoralis Muscle Volume Measures Improve Reproducibility and Associations with Outcome Measures Compared to Established 2D Pectoralis Muscle Area on Chest CT Imaging in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.ÌýUnder review.
118. Collins SE, Jensen D, Kirby M, Phillips DB, Molgat-Seon Y, Marciniuk DD, Walker BL, Aaron SD, Hernandez P, Tan WC, Bourbeau J, Smith BM. Smaller airways or bigger lungs? Dysanapsis etiotypes and obstructive pulmonary physiology at rest and during exercise. Under review.
117. Machado FVC, Spruit MA, Hansen D, Tonoli C, Niebauer J, Piepoli M, Pedretti R, Kouidi E, Ambrosetti M, Dendale P, Bjarnason-Wehrens B, Beckers P, Cornelissen V, Barna O, Doherty P, Rauch B, Edelmann F, Neunhauserer D, Schwaab B, Takken T, Reibis R, Davos C, Porrero E, Coninx K, Gloeckl R, Nyberg A, Pitta F, Stickland MK, Gimeno-Santos E, de Brandt J, Vogiatzis I, Singh S, Franssen F, Man W, Balbi B, Jensen D, Rochester C, Hernandes N, Burtin C.ÌýTailored exercise prescription for people with COPD and clinically relevant comorbidities: A consensus statement of the EXPERT Working Group and experts in pulmonary rehabilitation.ÌýUnder review.
116. Bowerman C, Yabar D, Cuyvers B, Desbordes P, Domnik N, Duong ML, Guenette JA, Jensen D, Maksym G, Phillips DB, Smith BM, Stickland M, Topalovic M, Stanojevic S. Feasibility of using an automated quality control algorithm for spirometry. Under review.
115. Duncan LR, Marien M, Murray C, Hallward L, Sweet SN, Jensen D. Using a think-aloud protocol to explore affective experiences during exercise in insufficiently physically active men and women. Under review.
114. Saletsky L, Liska TM, Osborne M, Michalovic E, Jensen D, Pastore O, Sweet SN. Feasibility of a peer support and exercise intervention for adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Under review.
113. Aucoin R*, Jensen D, Stickland M, Brotto A, Lewthwaite L, Li PZ, Bourbeau J, Tan WC, Ekstrom M. Normative reference equations for leg discomfort during incremental cardiopulmonary exercise testing in people aged ≥40 years. Under review.
112. Illidi C**, Jensen D. Does level of breast support differentially affect exertional symptoms and respiratory system responses in large- and small-breasted women during treadmill exercise? Acceptable pending adequate revision.
111. Hadid A**, McDonald EG, Ding Q, Phillip C†, Trottier A†, Dixon P, Jlassi O, Cheng MP, Papenburg J, Libman M, Jensen D. Prediction of systemic inflammatory response from multimodal wearable sensors using machine learning modelling. Acceptable pending adequate revision.
111. Schaeffer MR, Vanden Bossche L, Beckers K, Verbeke K, Janssens W, Jensen D, Arnold J, von Leupoldt A, Langer D. Inhaled menthol for dyspnoea relief during cycle exercise in COPD. Chest (In press).
109. Ekström M, Li PZ, Lewthwaite H, Smith BM, Bourbeau J, Wan WC, Stickland MK, Jensen D; on behalf of the CanCOLD Collaborative Research Group. Phenotyping exertional breathlessness using cardiopulmonary cycle exercise testing in people with chronic airflow limitation. Chest (In press).
108. Elmberg V, Ali G, Gustafsson D, Jensen D, Ekström M. . Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology (In Press).
107. Michalovic E, Liska TM, Jensen D, Saletsky L, Osborne M, Sweet SN. . Journal of Health Psychology (In Press).
106. Coutu FA, Iorio OC, Nabavi S, Hadid A, Jensen D, Pamidi S, Xia J, Ross BA. . eBioMedicine.
105. Aucoin R*, Ekström M, Li PZ, Bourbeau J, Tan WC, Jensen D. . American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
104. Ekström M, Lewthwaite H, Li PZ, Bourbeau J, Wan WC, Jensen D; on behalf of the CanCOLD Collaborative Research Group. . Chest.
103. Jensen D, Triandafilou J*, Li PZ, Stickland MK, Guenette JA, Sin DD, Tan WC, Bourbeau J, Jenkins AR**; on behalf of the CanCOLD Collaborative Research Group. . ERJ Open Research.
102. Elmberg V, Zhou XW, Lindow T, Hedman K, Malinovschi A, Lewthwaite H, Jensen D, Brudin L, Ekström M. . PLOS ONE (In press).
101. Collins SÉ, Kirby M, Smith BM, Tan W, Bourbeau J, Thompson S, van Diepen S, Jensen D, Stanojevic S, Stickland MK; on behalf of the CanCOLD Collaborative Research Group and the Canadian Respiratory Research Network. . CHEST.
100. Illidi CR**, Jensen D. . Frontiers in Sports and Active Living-Women in Sport.
99. Illidi CR**, Jensen D. . Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
98. Ekström M, Lewthwaite H, Jensen D. . Current Opinion in Supportive & Palliative Care.
97. Cordero AIH, Peters C, Li X, Yang CX, Ambalavanan A, MacIsaac JL, Kobor MS, Fonseca GJ, Doiron D, Tan W, Bourbeau J, Jensen D, Sin DD, Koelwyn GJ, Stickland MK, Duan Q, Leung JM; on behalf of the CanCOLD Collaborative Research Group. . iScience.
96. Delbressine JM, van ’t Hul AJ, Jensen D, Li PZ, Bourbeau J, Tan WC, Spruit MA, Vaes AW; on behalf of the CanCOLD Collaborative Research Group and the Canadian Respiratory Research Network. Reproducibility of the six-minute walk test on a 20-meter course in community dwelling adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Physiotherapy Canada (In Press).
95. Jenkins AR**, Lewthwaite H, Jensen D. . Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism.
94. Ferguson ON, Mitchell RA, Schaeffer MR, Ramsook AH, Boyle KG, Dhillon SS, Zhang J, Jensen D, Guenette JA. . Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
93. Richard R, Jensen D, Touron J, Costes F, Mulliez A, Pereira B, Filaire L, Marciniuk D, Maltais F, Tan WC, Bourbeau J, Perrault H; on behalf of the CanCOLD Collaborative Research Group and the Canadian Respiratory Research Network. . BMJ Open Respiratory Research.
92. Ekström M, Li PZ, Lewthwaite H, Bourbeau J, Tan WC, Jensen D; on behalf of the CanCOLD Collaborative Research Group. . CHEST.
91. Genkin D, Jenkins AR**, van Noord N*, Makimoto K, Stickland MK, Hogg JC, Bourbeau J, Tan WC, Jensen D, Kirby M; on behalf of the CanCOLD Collaborative Research Group. .ÌýERJ Open Research.
90. Gustafsson D, Elmberg V, Schiöler L, Jensen D, Ekström M. . ERJ Open Research.
89. Ekström M, Li PZ, Lewthwaite H, Bourbeau J, Tan WC, Schiöler L, Brotto A, Stickland MK, Jensen D; on behalf of the CanCOLD Collaborative Research Group. . Annals of the American Thoracic Society.
88. Ekström M, Li PZ, Lewthwaite H, Bourbeau J, Tan WC, Jensen D; on behalf of the CanCOLD Collaborative Research Group. . ERJ Open Research.
87. Jenkins AR**, Gaynor-Sodeifi K*, Lewthwaite H, Triandafilou J*, Belo LF*, Oliveira MF**, Jensen D. .ÌýERJ Open Research.ÌýÌýÌý
86. Debressine JM, Jensen D, Vaes AW, Li PZ, Bourbeau J, Tan WC, Hajian B, van't Hul AJ, Spruit MA; on behalf of the CanCOLD Collaborative Research Group and the Canadian Respiratory Research Network. . Pulmonology.
85. Aucoin R*, Lewthwaite H, Ekström M, von Leupoldt A, Jensen D. . Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology. 311: 104035, 2023.
84. Aucoin R*, Lewthwaite H, Ekström M, von Leupoldt A, Jensen D. . Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology. 311: 104036, 2023.
83. Elmberg V, Schiöler L, Lindow T, Hedman K, Malinovschi A, Lewthwaite H, Jensen D, Brudin L, Ekström M. . ERJ Open Research ().
82. Hadid A**, McDonald EG, Cheng MP, Papenburg J, Libman M, Dixon PC, Jensen D. . Contemporary Clinical Trials. 107103, 2023.
81. James MD, Phillips DB, Vincent SG, Abdallah SJ, Donovan AA, de-Torres JP, Neder JA, Smith BM, Jensen D, O'Donnell DE, on behalf of he Canadian Respiratory Research Network. . Journal of Physiology.Ìý 600(18): 4227-4245, 2022.
80. Markus I, Constantini K, Goldstein N, Amedi R, Bornstein Y, Salkovsky Y, Vidal M, Lev-ari S, Balaban R, Leibou S, Blumenfeld-Katzir T, Ben-Eliezer N, Peled D, Assaf Y, Jensen D, Constantini N, Dubnov-Raz G, Halperin I, Gepner Y. . Frontiers in Exercise Physiology.Ìý13:916924.
79. Phillips DB, Elbehairy AF, James MD, Vincent SG, Milne KM, de-Torres JP, Neder JA, Kirby M, Jensen D, Stickland MK, Guenette JA, Smith BM, Tan WC, Bourbeau J, O'Donnell DE; on behalf of the CanCOLD Collaborative Research Group and the Canadian Respiratory Research Network. . American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.Ìý205(12):1391-1402, 2022.
78. Gaynor-Sodeifi K*, Lewthwaite H**, Jenkins AR**, Belo LF*, Koch E*, Mujaddid A*, Raffoul D*, Tracey L*, Jensen D. . COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. 19(1): 182-205, 2022.
77. Stickland MK, Neder JA, Guenette JA, O'Donnell DE, Jensen D. . Chest.Ìý161(6):1505-1516, 2022.
76. Ferguson J*, Hadid A**, Epstein Y, Jensen D. . Frontiers in Sports and Active Living: Elite Sports and Performance Enhancement (In press).
75. Niro F*, Dubuc B†, Gaynor-Sodeifi K*, Jensen D. . Journal of Applied Physiology. 131(6): 1679-1690, 2021.ÌýÌý
74. Schaeffer MR, Guenette JA, Jensen D. . European Respiratory Review. 30: 200225, 2021.
73. Broadman J*, Jensen D. . Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology.Ìý
72. Vameghestahbanati M, Kirby M, Maltais F, Jensen D, Doiron D, Tan WC, Bourbeau J, Smith BM on behalf of the CanCOLD investigators. . American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.ÌýDOI:Ìý.
71. Lewthwaite H**, Jensen D. . European Journal of Applied Physiology. 121(2):499-511, 2021.
70. Lewthwaite H, Jensen D, Ekström M. . International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. 16: 1581-1598, 2021.
69. Michalovic E, Sweet S, Jensen D. .ÌýCOPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. 18(2): 133-146, 2021.
68. Lewthwaite H**, Li PZ, O'Donnell DE, Jensen D. . Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology.Ìý 287: 103619, 2021.
67. Lewthwaite H**, Elsewify O†, Niro F*, Bourbeau J, Guenette JA, Maltais F, Marciniuk D, O’Donnell DE, Smith BM, Stickland M, Tan W, Jensen D; CanCOLD Collaborative Research Group and the Canadian Respiratory Research Network (CRRN). . Chest. 159(5):1922-1933, 2021.
66. Donovan AA, Jensen D, Benedetti A, Coxson H, Gottfried S, Petrof BJ, Bourbeau J, Smith BM. . Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 18(6):955-962, 2021.
65. Cherian M, Jensen D, Tan WC, Mursleen S, Goodall EC, Nadeau GA, Amnah AM, Marciniuk DD, Walker BL, Aaron SD, O'Donnell DE, Chapman KR, Maltais F, Hernandez P, Sin DD, Benedetti A, Bourbeau J. . ERJ Open Research. 7(2): 00960-2020, 2021.
64. Michalovic E, Jensen D, Dandurand R, Saad N, Ezer N, Moullec G, Smith BM, Bourbeau J, Sweet SN. . COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. 17(5): 543-556, 2020.
63. Lewthwaite H**, Benedetti A, Stickland MK, Bourbeau J, Guenette JA, Maltais F, Marciniuk F, Neder JA, O'Donnell DE, Smith BM, Tan WC, Jensen D; CanCOLD Collaborative Research Group and the Canadian Respiratory Research Network (CRRN). . Chest.Ìý158(6):2532-2545, 2020.Ìý
62. Beaulieu J, Jensen D, O'Donnell DE, Brouillard C, Tracey L*, Vincent S, Nadreau E, Bernard E, Bernard S, Maltais F. . Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease.Ìý 14:Ìý175346620939507, 2020.
61. Neder JA, Milne KM, Berton DC, de-Torres JP, Jensen D, Tan W, Bourbeau J, O'Donnell DE; Canadian Respiratory Research Network (CRRN) and the Canadian Cohort of Obstructive Lung Disease (CanCOLD) Collaborative Research Group.Ìý .Ìý American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
60. Lewthwaite H**, Ekström M, Jensen D. . Chest. 157(6): 1401-1402, 2020.
59.ÌýLewthwaite H**, Koch EM*, Ekström M, Hamilton A, Bourbeau J, Maltais F, Borel B, Jensen D. .Ìý Journal of Thoracic Disease.ÌýÌý
58. Bourbeau J, De Sousa Sena R, Taivassalo T, Richard R, Jensen D, Baril J, Soares Rocha Vieira D, Perrault H. .Ìý Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology. 276: 103414, 2020.
57. Tracey L*, Lewthwaite H**, Abdallah SJ*, Murray S*, Wilkinson-Maitland C*, Donovan A, Maltais F, O'Donnell DE, Bourbeau J, Smith BM, Jensen D; Canadian Respiratory Research Network. . Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology. 273:103322, 2019.
56. Williams M, Lewthwaite H**, Brooks D, Jensen D, Abdallah SJ*, Johnston KN. . Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. pii: S0885-3924(19)30603-7, 2019.
55. Abdallah SJ*, Jensen D, Lewthwaite H**. .Ìý Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care.ÌýÌý13(3): 167-173, 2019.
54. Lewthwaite H**, Koch E*, Tracey L*, Jensen D. . Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care.Ìý 13(3): 152-160, 2019.
53. Costiniuk CT, Saneei A, Sallahuddin S, Cox J, Routy JP, Rueda S, Abdallah SJ*, Jensen D, Lebouche B, Brouillette MJ, Klein M, Szabo J, Frenette C, Giannakis A, Jenabian MA. . Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research.Ìý 4(3): 204-213, 2019.
52. Mainra A*, Abdallah SJ*, Reid RER, Andersen RE, Jensen D. . Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology. 266: 130-137, 2019.
51. Abdallah SJ*, Faull O, Wanigasekera V, Finnegan SL, Jensen D, Pattinson K. . European Respiratory Journal.Ìý 54(3):Ìýpii: 1900275.Ìý2019.
50.Ìý Abdallah SJ*, Smith BM, Wilkinson-Maitland CM#, Li P, Bourbeau J, Jensen D. . Frontiers in Physiology.Ìý 9: 1618, 2018.
49.ÌýÌýSmith BM, Jensen D, Brosseau M, Benedetti A, Coxson H, Bourbeau J. .Ìý Scientific Reports.Ìý 8: 15745, 2018.
48.Ìý Abdallah SJ*, Smith BM, Ware M, Moore M†, Li P, Bourbeau J,ÌýJensen D.Ìý Ìý Annals of the American Thoracic Society.Ìý 15(10): 1146-1158, 2018.Ìý With accompanying by D.P. Tashkin.ÌýÌý
47.ÌýÌýWare MA,ÌýJensen D, Barette A, Vernec A, Derman W.Ìý .Ìý Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine.ÌýÌý28(5): 480-484, 2018.
46.ÌýÌýJensen D, Schaeffer MR, Guenette JA.Ìý Ìý Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care.Ìý 12(3): 237-245, 2018.
45. ÌýWaskiw-Ford M*, Wu A†, Mainra A†, Marchand N†, Alhuzaim A*, Bourbeau J, Smith BM,ÌýJensen D. ÌýÌý Frontiers in Physiology.Ìý 9: 86, 2018.
44. ÌýAbdallah SJ*, Wilkinson-Maitland CM#, Smith BM, Saad N, Bourbeau J,ÌýJensen D. Ìý. ÌýEuropean Respiratory Journal. Ìý50: 1701235, 2017.Ìý With accompanying by L. Laviolette and P. Laveneziana.
43. ÌýAbdallah SJ*, Chan DS†, Glicksman R†, Mendonca CT*, Luo Y, Bourbeau J,ÌýSmith BM,ÌýJensen D. Ìý. ÌýFrontiers in Physiology. Ìý8: 345, 2017.
42. ÌýElbehairy AF, Faisal A, Guenette JA,ÌýJensen D, Webb KA, Neder JA, O’Donnell DE; on behalf of the Canadian Respiratory Research Network. Ìý. ÌýJournal ofÌýCOPD. Ìý14: 3, 267-75, 2017.Ìý
41. ÌýBorel B, *Wilkinson-Maitland C, Hamilton AL, Perrault H, Bourbeau J, Jensen D, Maltais F.Ìý . ÌýInternational Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Ìý11:2991-3000, 2016.
40. ÌýRyerson CJ, Camp PG, Eves ND, Schaeffer MR, Syed N,ÌýJensen D, Maltais F, O’Donnell DE, Raghavan N, Roman M, Stickland MK, Assayag D, Bourbeau J, Dion G, Fell CD, Hambly N, Johannson KA, Kalluri M, Khalil N, Kolb M, Manganas H, Moran-Mendonza O, Provencher S, Ramesh W, Rolf D, Wilcox PG, Guenette JA.ÌýÌý. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. Ìý13(9): 1640-1647, 2016.
39. ÌýElbehairy AF, Guenette JA, Faisal A, Ciavaglia CE, Webb KA,ÌýJensen D, Ramsook AH, Neder JA, O'Donnell DE; on behalf of the Canadian Respiratory Research Network. Ìý.ÌýEuropean Respiratory Journal. Ìý48(3): 694-705, 2016.Ìý With accompanying by E.M. Clini, B. Beghe and L.M. Fabbri.
38. ÌýCurrow DC, Abernathy AP, Allcroft P, Banzett RB, Bausewein C, Booth S, Carrieri-Kohlman V, Davidson P, Disler R, Donesky D, Dudgeon D, Ekstrom M, Farquhar M, Higginson I, Janssen D,ÌýJensen D, Jolley C, Krajnik M, Laveneziana P, McDonald C, Maddocks M, Morelot-Panzini C, Moxham J, Mularski RA, Noble S, O'Donnell DE, Parshall MB, Pattinson K, Phillips J, Ross J, Schwartzstein RM, Similowski T, Simon S, Smith T, Wells A, Yates P, Yorke J, Johnson MJ.Ìý .ÌýEuropean Respiratory Journal. Ìý47(1):342-3, 2016.
37. ÌýIvanova E, Yaakoba-Zohar N,ÌýJensen D, Cassoff J, Knauper B.Ìý . ÌýCurrent Psychology. Ìý35(1): 108-114, 2016.
36. ÌýCory J, Schaeffer MR, Wilkie S, Ramsook A, Puyat J, Arbour B, Basran R, Lam M, Les C, MacDonald B, Jensen D, Guenette JA.Ìý . ÌýJournal of Applied Physiology. Ìý119(9): 998-1006, 2015.ÌýÌý
35. ÌýMuscat KM*, Kotrach HG*, Wilkinson-Maitland CM*, Schaeffer MR*, Mendonca CT*, Jensen D.Ìý . ÌýApplied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism. Ìý40: 1199-1209, 2015.
34. ÌýAbdallah SJ*, Krug R†, Jensen D.Ìý ÌýPhysiological Reports.Ìý3(7): e12505, 2015.
33. ÌýElbehairy AF, Ciavaglia CE, Webb KA, Guenette JA, Jensen D, Mourad SM, Neder JA, O’Donnell DE; on behalf of the Canadian Respiratory Research Network.Ìý .Ìý American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Ìý191(12): 1384-1394, 2015.Ìý With accompanying by P. Calverley.
32. ÌýKotrach HG*, Bourbeau J, Jensen D.Ìý Ìý Journal of Applied Physiology. Ìý118(11): 1406-1414, 2015.
31. ÌýFaisal A, Webb KA, Guenette JA, Jensen D, Neder JA, O'Donnell DE; on behalf of the Canadian Respiratory Research Network. Ìý ÌýRespiratory Physiology and Neurobiology. Ìý205: 129-39, 2015.
30. ÌýIvanova E, Jensen D, Cassoff J, Gu F, Knauper B.Ìý Ìý Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise. Ìý47(6): 1251-1258, 2015.
29. ÌýMendonca CT*, Schaeffer MR*, Riley P†, Jensen D. Ìý. ÌýJournal of Applied Physiology. Ìý116: 570-581, 2014.
28. ÌýSchaeffer MR*, Mendonca CT*, LeVangie MC, Andersen RE, Taivassalo T, Jensen D. . ÌýExperimental Physiology. Ìý99:427-441, 2014.Ìý With accompanying by C. Jolley.
27. ÌýJensen D, Alsuhail A, Viola R, Dudgeon DJ, Webb KA, O’Donnell DE.Ìý ÌýJournal of Pain and Symptom Management. Ìý43(4): 706-719, 2012.
26. ÌýJensen D, O’Donnell DE, Li R, Luo YM.Ìý .Ìý Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology.Ìý 179: 219-226, 2011.
25. ÌýGuenette JA, Jensen D, Webb KA, Ofir D, Raghavan N, O’Donnell DE.Ìý . Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology.Ìý 177(3): 218-227, 2011.
24. ÌýJensen D, O’Donnell DE.Ìý .Ìý Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology.Ìý 175(1): 55-61, 2011.
2010 and earlier
23. ÌýDeesomchok A, Webb KA, Forkert L, Lam YM, Ofir D, Jensen D, O’Donnell DE.Ìý .Ìý International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.Ìý 7(6): 428-437, 2010.Ìý
22. ÌýGuenette JA, Jensen D, O’Donnell DE.Ìý .Ìý Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care.Ìý 13(6): 618-624, 2010.
21. ÌýJensen D, Webb KA, O’Donnell DE.Ìý .Ìý Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology.Ìý 171(2): 75-82, 2010.
20. ÌýSlessarev M, Prisman E, Ito S, Watson R, Jensen D, Preiss D, Greene R, Norboo T, Stoban T, Diskit D, Norboo A, Kunzang M, Appenzeller O, Duffin J, Fisher JA.Ìý .Ìý Journal of Physiology.Ìý 588(9): 1591-1606, 2010.
19. ÌýJensen D, Mask G, Tschakovsky ME.Ìý .Ìý Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology.Ìý 170(2): 185-197, 2010.
18. ÌýOra J, Jensen D, O’Donnell DE.Ìý .Ìý Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine.Ìý 16: 144-149, 2010.
17. ÌýJensen D, Webb KA, Davies GAL, O’Donnell DE.Ìý .Ìý European Journal of Applied Physiology.Ìý 106(2): 253-265, 2009.
16. ÌýJensen D, Ofir D, O’Donnell DE.Ìý .Ìý Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology.Ìý 167(1): 87-100, 2009.Ìý
15. ÌýO’Donnell DE, Ora J, Webb KA, Laveneziana P, Jensen D.Ìý .Ìý Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology.Ìý 167(1): 116-132, 2009.
14. ÌýPreston M, Jensen D, Janssen I, Fisher JT.Ìý .Ìý American Journal of Physiology: Integrative, Comparative and Regulatory Physiology.Ìý 296(3): R722-R727, 2009.
13. ÌýJensen D, Webb KA, Davies GAL, O’Donnell DE.Ìý .Ìý Journal of Physiology.Ìý 586: 4735-4750, 2008.
12. ÌýJensen D, Amjadi K, Harris-McAllister V, Webb KA, O’Donnell DE.Ìý .Ìý Thorax.Ìý 63: 606-613, 2008.
11. ÌýLaveneziana P, Jensen D, Webb KA, O’Donnell DE.Ìý Pharmacological treatment in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Ìý Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews.Ìý 4(4): 301-311, 2008.
10. ÌýFraser D, Jensen D, Hahn PM, Wolfe LA, Davies GAL.Ìý .Ìý Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Canada.Ìý 30(4): 312-316, 2008.
9. ÌýJensen D, Duffin J, Lam YM, Simpson JA, Webb KA, Davies GAL, Wolfe LA, O’Donnell DE.Ìý .Ìý Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology.Ìý 161: 76-86, 2008.
8. ÌýWalker K, Saunders N, Jensen D, Kuk J, Wong SL, Pyke K, Dwyer E, Tschakovsky ME.Ìý Ìý American Journal of Physiology:ÌýHeart and Circulatory Physiology.Ìý 293(5): H2928-H2936, 2007.
7. ÌýJensen D, Webb KA, O’Donnell DE.Ìý .Ìý Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism.Ìý 32: 1239-1250, 2007.
6. ÌýNettlefold L, Jensen D, Wolfe LA, Janssen I.Ìý .Ìý Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology.Ìý 158(1): 51-58, 2007.
5. ÌýJensen D, Webb KA, Wolfe LA, O’Donnell DE.Ìý .Ìý Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology.Ìý 156: 85-93, 2007.
4. ÌýSlatkovska L, Jensen D, Davies GAL, Wolfe LA.Ìý .Ìý Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology.Ìý 154(3): 379-388, 2006.Ìý
3. ÌýMcAuley SE, Jensen D, McGrath MJ, Wolfe LA.Ìý .Ìý Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology.Ìý 83: 625-633, 2005.
2. ÌýJensen D, Wolfe LA, Slatkovska L, Webb KA, Davies GAL, O’Donnell DE.Ìý .Ìý American Journal of Physiology:Ìý Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology.Ìý 288: R1369-R1375, 2005.
1. ÌýJensen D, Wolfe LA, O’Donnell DE, Davies GAL.Ìý .Ìý Journal of Applied Physiology.Ìý 98: 822-828, 2005.
Book Chapters
5. Dhillon SS, Harris OD, Milne KM,ÌýJensen D, Guenette JA. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Chapter 21. Clinical Exercise Physiology, 6th Edition, 2026 (under review). Editors: Ehrman JK, Gordon PM, Visich PS, Keteyian SJ. Human Kinetics.
6. Lewthwaite H, Jensen D.Ìý Tools for assessing complex breathlessness, Chapter 4.Ìý , Number 97, 2022. Guest Editors: Hull J, Haines J.
5.ÌýDhillon SS, Jensen D, Guenette JA. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Chapter 19. , 5th Edition, 2022. Editors: Ehrman JK, Gordon PM, Visich PS, Keteyian SJ. Human Kinetics.Ìý
4. ÌýDhillon SS, Jensen D, Guenette JA. ÌýChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Chapter 18. Ìý, 4thÌýEdition, 2018. Editors: Ehrman JK, Gordon PM, Visich PS, Keteyian SJ. ÌýHuman Kinetics.ÌýÌý
3. ÌýJensen D, Pattinson K, Jolley C. Mechanisms of Breathlessness in Respiratory Disease, Chapter 8. Ìý, Number 73, September 2016.ÌýÌý
2. ÌýJensen D, O'Donnell DE. ÌýPregnancy/Obesity. ÌýChapter 4. Ìý,Ìý3rd Edition, 2014.Ìý Editors: Mahler DA, O’Donnell DE.Ìý CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.ÌýÌý
1. ÌýGuenette JA, Jensen D.Ìý Aging and Sex Differences.Ìý Chapter 3.Ìý , 3rd Edition, 2014.Ìý Editors: Mahler DA, O’Donnell DE.Ìý CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.ÌýÌý