Experience and Innovation
Shaping Neighbourhoods: Experience and Innovationis a series of “conference-experiences” intended to entice communities of a neighbourhoodto rediscover urban planning projects that exist there and to engage in conversation about community projects, university research, and the municipal initiatives currently happening.
This series offersa chance to reflect, develop, and construct a neighbourhood that is resilient and tuned in to its citizens. At each meeting, the participants will have the opportunity to visit a noteworthy place in the neighbourhood and converse with local organizations that are working toward rethinking their living environment. University researchers will also be a part of the discussion, relating and comparing their own research to actions taking place locally.
June 4, 2019 | Dendrites Sculpture (5:15 PM- 7:30 PM)
Beauty is a fundamentaldimension of the public space and raisesseveral questions: how do citizens feel and express it? Are these equal to beauty? What's the role of artists, municipalities, organizations, technicians and architects in creating and raising awareness of this beauty? Should it always be preceded by a clear intention, or is urban poetry born more authentically in spontaneity, when the patina of time arises, for example, on a heritage building and turns it into ruin? Is there a link, finally, between innovation and beauty?
- Academic Supervisor : (UQAM)
- (پ,Dendrites)
- François Cardinal (Editor-in-chief, La Presse;ܳٳǰ,)
- (Founder and Artistic Director,Fonderie Darling)
- Aliki Economides (Assistant Professor, U. Laurentienne)
- (Artist and architect)
May 7, 2019 | DARE-DARECentre(5:15 PM- 7:30 PM)
The questions associated with communication are at the heart of urban issues. Development projects within a neighborhood, whether they concern the neighborhood in a global wayor from a micro perspective (specific projects, temporary projects, etc.), necessarily raise the question of communicative dynamics between the different sectors (public,private, associative, citizens, etc.). Beyond a "traditional" approach of the transmission ofinformation from a sourceto a target audience, communication is also conceived in a broader, strictly social sense, engaging a plurality of actors mobilizing different postures. In this way, it brings together points of view, promoting discussion in the public space. In this respect, its upgradingconditions represent a central issue in establishing a democratic framework for citizen participation and ownership.
- Academic Supervisor : Prof. Christian Poirier (INRS)
- Imen Ben Jemia (Resident Scholar, CIRM)
- Geneviève Massé, (Member,DARE-DARECentre)
- Nicholas Dawson (Author and Doctoral Student,UQAM)
- Hanieh Ziaei(Art Sociologist and Director,)
June 13, 2018 | Station F-MR
Have you heard aboutcivic assets? Some buildings play a central role in the collective lives of their communities. Think of schools, community centres, hospitals and places of worship which contribute people’s sense of belonging. Many of these sites of belonging are today in need of renewal.What strategies can be developed to enable civic assets to flourish in the face of rapidly changing urban landscapes?
- Frédéric Morin-Bordeleau (Co-founder,La Station F-MRetMR-63)
- Gabriela Jakubovits (Mobilization officer,Coalition de la Petite-Bourgogne / Quartier en santé)
- Vanessa Muegler (Project coordinator,Gestion Immobilière Quo Vadis)
- Jonathan Rouleau (Associateresearcher, Laboratory of Urban Culture -The Institute for the Public Life of Arts and Ideas)
- Karl Dorais Kinkaid (Urbanistand project manager,L'Enclume- Atelier de développement territorial)
- Facilitator:Hoi Kong(Axis Director, CIRM; Professor, Peter A. Allard School of Law)
June 5, 2018 | Projet Young | Griffintown
Between real estate speculation, rapid urbanization trends and the social needs of its population, a city is under tremendous pressure on the issue of housing. What are the innovative practices that a municipal administration, real estate developers or social economy enterprises can adopt regarding the development of living spaces? What kind of mix provides the best social and economic diversity for healthy communities?
- Mr. Erwan Poënces (Development agent,Bâtir son quartier)
- Mr. Michel Saint-Cyr (Special projects advisor,Habitations La Traversée)
- Mr. Bertrand Fouss (Co-Founder and President,Solon Collectif)
- Mr. Jonathan Lapalme (Co-Founder,EntremiseandProjet Young - Laboratoire transitoire)
- Ms. Laurence Vincent (Co-President,Prével)
- Ms. Nancy Shoiry (General manager,Société d’habitation et de développement de Montréal)
- Facilitator:Nik Luka(Associate Professor, Peter Guo-huaFu School of Architecture, )
April 17, 2018 | Tour d'aiguillage Wellington | Projet Young
Why has place-making become necessary? Most places in most cities developed organically over time, as people and builders appropriated space, modelled it and gave it character. In this era where buildings and neighbourhoods are built and torn down, rethinking architecture has become essential.
- Ms. Pauline Butiaux (Vice President and treasurer, Manoeuvres /Tour d'aiguillage Wellington)
- Mr. Gorka Espiau (McConnell Foundation Professor of Practice / CIRM)
- Mr. Philémon Gravel (cofounder, Director of urban planning,Entremise)
- Mr. Jonathan Cha (urban planning and urbanism; urbanist; landscape architect; heritage consultant; Urban planning consultant, Parc Jean-Drapeau; lecturer UQAM-UdeM; cofounder,MTL ville en mouvement; codirectorLe Virage MTL)
- Ms. Carla Rangel Garcia and Ms. Marie-Philip Roy-Lasselle (Projet Mont Réeland ConstructLab Berlin
- Facilitator:Richard Shearmur, Director of the School of Urban Planning,