Cardiovascular Grand Rounds - 2020

The Cardiovascular Grand Rounds are held on Thursdays from 12:00 to 1:00 PM.

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, and until further notice, allpresentations will take place via ZOOM.

Presentations, when available, will be uploaded. (Your username and password are required toview the recording,click on the link belowtitle of the presentation.)

The CardiovascularGrand Roundsare an accredited group learning activity as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

Date Presenter Details
December 17, 2020 Michael Chetrit MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor of Medicine, university,
Cardiologist, HealthCentre
Co-Director, Amyloidosis Project

“Unraveling” the Mystery of Cardiac Amyloidosis

December 10, 2020

Allan D. Sniderman, MD, FRSC
Edwards Professor of Cardiology
Professor of Medicine

A New Paradigm for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Early and Midlife (and Later Life as well)

December 3, 2020

Paul Poirier, MD, PhD, FRCPC, FCCS, FACC, FAHA
Professeur en pharmacie
Université Laval
Responsable du programme de prévention/réhabilitation cardiaque
Institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec

What to do with the residual risk: choosing between the different options.

November 26, 2020 Julio Garcia, PhD, SNI-I, Junior FISMRM, SMIEEE
Assistant Professor
Libin Cardiovascular Institute - Stephenson Cardiac Imaging Centre
Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute
Department of Radiology and Cardiac Sciences
University of Calgary - Cumming School of Medicine

Cardiovascular 4D flow MRI: Current applications and need for longitudinal studies.

November 12, 2020

Nicolo Piazza, MD, PhD, FRCPC, FESC, FACC

Interventions on the tricuspid valve. Overview of the field

November 5, 2020 Laurent Macle MD, FRCP
Professeur titulaire de Médecine, Université deMontréal
Chef du service d’électrophysiologie, Institut deCardiologie de Montréal

The 2020 Atrial Fibrillation Guidelines of theCanadian Cardiovascular Society


Know the latest CCS recommendations with regards to atrial fibrillation

Understand the clinical applications of the latest CCS AF guidelines

Select the appropriate antithrombotic treatment strategy in differentclinical settings

October 29, 2020

Matthias G. Friedrich, MD
Cardiologist,FESC, FACC, FSCMR
Departments of Medicine and DiagnosticRadiology,
Chief, Cardiovascular Imaging, Health Centre
Scientific Director, Courtois CardiovascularSignatureCentre, Montreal

Diagnosis and Treatment of Stable Coronary Artery Disease: Where Europeans and Americans Beg to Differ

October 22, 2020

Murray Kornbluth, MD
MGH Site Director, Cardiology and CICU

Martin Bernier, MD
Co-Director, Cardiac Electrophysiology Fellowship Program

Haya Aziz, MD
Resident, Cardiology

David Bracco, MD
Associate Professor, Anesthesia

Christian Sirois, MD
Thoracic Surgery (MGH), Surgery

Cardiac Arrest in a Young Athlete: An “Unnerving” Solution

October 15, 2020

Matthias G. Friedrich, MD
Cardiologist,FESC, FACC, FSCMR
Departments of Medicine and DiagnosticRadiology,
Chief, Cardiovascular Imaging, Health Centre
Scientific Director, Courtois CardiovascularSignatureCentre, Montreal

Nadia Giannetti, MD
Chief, Division of Cardiology
Health Centre

Abhinav Sharma, MD PhD
Assistant Professor, Divisions of Cardiology and Experimental Medicine

George Thanassoulis, MD MSc FRCP(C)
Director, Preventive and Genomic Cardiology
FRQ-S Clinician-Scientist/Chercheur-Boursier Clinicien
Associate Professor of Medicine,

Hao Yu Chen, MSc
Data Scientist
Courtois Cardiovascular Signature Program

The Courtois Cardiovascular Signature Program - Paving the Way for Truly Personalized Cardiology at the MUHC

October 8, 2020

Kevin Lachapelle, MD, FRCPS(C), FACS
Professor of Surgery,
Vice-Chair Surgery ( Education)
Adair Chair Surgical Education

Judith Therrien MD, FRCPC
Professor, Division of Cardiology

Robert Doonan, MD
Resident, Division of Vascular Surgery

Masaki Kodaira, MD
Congenital Fellow, Division of Cardiology

Josephine Pressacco, MD, PhD
Chief of Cardiac Imaging, Department of Diagnostic Radiology

Getting Personal: Genes and Aortopathy

October 1, 2020 Javed Butler, MD, MPH, MBA
Patrick H. Lehan Chair in Cardiovascular Research
Professor and Chairman, Department of Medicine
Professor of Physiology
University of Mississippi Medical Center

Presentation and Discussion of EMPEROR-reduced trial results (Reported at ESC 2020)

PDF icon emperor_reduced_muhc.pdf

September 24, 2020 Renato D. Lopes, MD, MHS, PhD
Professor of Medicine
Division of Cardiology
Duke Clinical Research Institute
Duke University Medical Center

Antithrombotic Therapy for Patients with AF and PCI: Where do We Stand in 2020?

September 10, 2020 Magdi Sami, MD
Cardiology Division

Highlights from ECC2020

June 11, 2020 Dr. Paul Dorian,MD, FRCPC
Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiology &
Division of Clinical Pharmacology - University of Toronto
Staff Scientist - Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute

Everything you would ever want to know about ATRIAL FIBRILLATION management during a pandemic

June 4, 2020 Magdi Sami, MD
Cardiology Division

Highlights from ACC 2020 - New Paradigms in the management of PAD, HF and AF

May 28, 2020

George Thanassoulis, MD MSc FRCP(C)
Director, Preventive and Genomic Cardiology
FRQ-S Clinician-Scientist/Chercheur-Boursier Clinicien
Associate Professor of Medicine,

Guideline application in ACS Patients

May 21, 2020

Matthias G. Friedrich MD
Cardiologist, FESC FACC FSCMR
Chief, Cardiovascular Imaging, Health Centre
Scientific Director, Courtois Cardiovascular Signature Program

Depts. of Medicine and Diagnostic Radiology,

Adjunct ʰǴڱǰ,
Department of Cardiology, Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg
Dept. of Radiology, Université de Montréal
Depts. of Cardiac Sciences and Radiology, University of Calgary

What happens to the heart in severe COVID-19 -important observations by cardiac imaging

May 14, 2020

Yahya E. Alansari, MD

Amr Telmesani, MD

Ahmed AlTurki, MD

Yahya E. Alansari, MD:Intra-Coronary Imaging

Amr Telmesani, MD:The inclusion of peak tricuspid regurgitation jet velocity misclassifies diastolic function using the 2016 ASE/EACVI guidelines in pre-capillary pulmonary hypertension.

Ahmed AlTurki, MD:Optimizing CRT Using A Simple Tool

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