Members of the Community Awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal was created in 2012 to mark the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the Throne as Queen of Canada. The Medal honours Her Majesty for her service to Canada and serves to recognize Canadians who have made significant contributions to Canadian society. The Medal has been awarded to 60,000 deserving Canadians, including 176 members of the community.
If you know of any other members of the community who have received this honour, please contact the maria.kontzidis [at] (Secretariat) to have their names added to the list of medal recipients.
**Last updatedMay, 2024.**
Prof. Nancy J. Adler, Desautels Faculty of Management
Dr. Albert J. Aguayo,Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery
Dr. Paul J. Allison, Dean, Faculty of Dentistry
Dr.FrederickAnderman,Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery
Dr. James Archibald, Associate Dean, School of Continuing Studies
Dr. Margaret Becklake, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Graham Bell, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology
Prof. Jean-Guy Belley, Faculty of Law
Prof. John J.M. Bergeron, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medicine
Prof.AdelleBlackett,Faculty of Law, Director of the Labour Law and Development Research Laboratory
Mr. Michael Boychuk, Member of the Board of Governor, Chair, Audit Committee
Dr. Phil Branton, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry
Dr.Garth M.Bray,Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Medicine, Departments of Neurology & Neurosurgery
Dr. Albert S. Bregman, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Science, Psychology
Prof. Reuven Brenner, Desautels Faculty of Management
Mr. Anthony Bruce, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, Building Services
Prof. Roger B. Buckland, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Prof. Peter E. Caines, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
LCol Michael Canavan, Faculty of Education
Mr. Tullio Cedraschi, Governor Emeritus
Dr. Gretta Chambers, Chancellor Emerita
Dr. Thomas Chang, Director, Artificial Cells and Organs Research Centre
Dr. Alice Chan-Yip, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. John Edward Cleghorn, Governor Emeritus
Dr. Yves Clermont, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology
Mr. Stuart H. Cobbett, Chair, Board of Governors,
Mr. Marvin Corber, Governor Emeritus
Prof. Ellen Corin, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry
Dr.Robert Côté,Faculty of Medicine, Centre for Research in Neuroscience
Mr. Peter Coughlin, Member of the Board of Governors, Vice-Chair, Building and Property Committee
Dr. Richard Cruess, Faculty of Medicine, Centre for Medical Education
Dr. Sylvia Cruess, Faculty of Medicine, Centre for Medical Education
Dr. Masad Damha, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry
Prof. Henri Darmon, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Mr. Albert JeanDe Grandpré, Chancellor Emeritus
Ms. Lili De Grandpré, Vice-Chair, Board of Governors, Chair, Nominating, Governance and Ethics Committee
Prof. John Michael Dealy, Emeritus Professor, Chemical Engineering
Prof. Diane Desrosiers, Faculty of Arts, Department of French Language and Literature
Mr. Michael Di Grappa, Vice-Principal (Administration and Finance)
Mr.Garrfield Du Couturier-Nichol,Course Instructor, School of Continuing Studies, Department of Career and Professional Development
Prof. Laurette Dubé, Desautels Faculty of Management
Dr.Sydney Duder,School of Social Work
Dr. Heather Durham, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery
Dr.SherifEmil,Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery
Prof.DouglasFarrow,Faculty of Religious Studies
Prof.Pierre E.Faubert,MEd'88
Ms. Kathy Fazel, Member of the Board of Governors
Dr. William Howard Feindel, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Neurology and Neurosurgery
Prof. Sean Ferguson, Dean, Schulich School of Music
Dr. Kappy Flanders, Governor Emerita
Dr. Suzanne Fortier, Principal-Designate,
Me Guy Fortin, BCL'76
Prof. John Fossey, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Arts, Department of Art History and Communications Studies
Dr. Samuel O. Freedman, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physiology
Prof. Abraham Fuks, Faculty of Medicine, Biomedical Ethics Unit
Dr.SergeGauthier,Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Director, Alzheimer's Disease Research Unit/Memory Clinic
Mr. Claude Généreux, Member of the Board of Governors
Dr. Jacques Genest, Founder of the Clinical Research Institute of Montréal
Dr. Angela Genge, Faculty of Medicine, Director, Clinical Research Unit
Dr. Ratna Ghosh, Faculty of Education, Department of Integrated Studies in Education
Prof. Sarah Gibbs, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Science, Biology
Ms. Marie Giguère, Governor Emerita
Prof. Kenneth Gilbert, Schulich School of Music
Mrs. Trudy Glaudemans-Kavanagh, BA '92
Dr.PhilGold,Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medicine
Dr.Hyman Goldman,Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Montreal Children's Hospital
Prof. Allan Greer, Faculty of Arts, Department of History and Classical Studies
Prof.JohnGrew,Emeritus Professor, Schulich school of Music,former Dean of Faculty of Music
Dr. Philippe Gros, Faculty of Medicine, Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Research Centre
Prof. Pengfei Guan, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Ms.HuguetteGuilhaumon,Lecturer, School of Continuing Studies, Media Context and Applications
Prof. Roderick I.L. Guthrie, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mining and Materials Engineering
Dr.JaswantGuzder,Head of Child Psychiatry and Director of Childhood Disorders Day Hospital, Jewish General Hospital
Prof. Douglas Hall, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Religious Studies
Prof. David N. Harpp, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry; Member of the Board of Governors
Prof. Victor Hori, Faculty of Religious Studies
Prof. John Joseph Jonas, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Mining, Metals and Materials
Dr. Barbara E. Jones, Faculty of Medicine, Coordinator, Complex Neural Systems
Prof. Daniel Jutras, Dean, Faculty of Law
Mr. Alex Kalil, Governor Emeritus, Dobson Fellow, Desautels Faculty of Management
Mr. Justice Nicholas Kasirer, Former Dean of Faculty of Law
Prof. Victoria Kaspi, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics
Dr. Paul Kavangh, BSc '75, DDS '79
Mr.Rafat NoorKhan,Financial Services
Dr. Michael S. Kramer, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics
Dr. Kresimir Krnjevic, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Physiology
Dr. Sheila Kussner, Governor Emerita
Prof.David M.Lank,Desaultels Faculty of Management, Director Emeritus of the Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies (retired professor)
Dr.BernardLapointe,Faculty of Medicine, Department of Oncology
Dr.MyrnaLashley, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry
Mr. Arthur Chui Fu Lau, Governor Emeritus
Prof. Céline Le Bourdais, Faculty of Arts, Department of Sociology
Ms.Sandra Leduc,BLC 99, LLB 99
Prof. Tho Le-Ngoc, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mr.ElliotLifson,Course Lecturer, Desautels Faculty of Management
Dr. Margaret Lock, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Social Studies of Medicine; Faculty of Arts, Anthropology
Dr. Michel Loreau, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology
Dr.Ann C.Macaulay,Faculty of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine, Director Participatory Research at
Dr.NeilMacDonald,Faculty of Medicine, Department of Oncology
Prof. Roderick Macdonald, Faculty of Law, Former Dean, Faculty of Law
Dr.James C.MacDougall,Department of Psychology
Prof.Michael C.Mackey,Faculty of Medicine, Director, Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics in Physiology and Medicine
Dr. Lloyd MacLean, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery
Prof. Chandra Madramootoo, Dean, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Dr.GeorgeMager,Faculty of Education, Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology (retired Professor)
Prof. Steve Maguire, Director of Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management at the Desautels Faculty of Management
Mr. Kokulan Mahendiran, U3, Department of Political Science, Canadian Studies and World Religions
Mr. Eric Maldoff, Governor Emeritus
Prof. Desmond Manderson, Faculty of Law
Prof.ChistopherManfredi,Dean, Faculty of Arts
Dr. Robert H. Marchessault, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Science, Chemistry
Dr.EricMarcotte,Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Associate Director with the CIHR Institute of Genetics
Prof. Anthony C. Masi, Provost,
Dr. Nicolas Mateesco Matte, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Law, Institute of Air and Space Law
Mrs. Sally McDougall, Governor Emerita
Dr.RoderickMcInnes,Faculty of Medicine, Department of Human Genetics
Prof. Peter McNally, Faculty of Education, School of Information Studies / Director, History of Project
Dr.Jonathan L.Meakins,Faculty of Medicine, General Surgery
Dr. Michael Meaney, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry
Dr. Ronald Melzack, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Science, Department of Psychology
Prof. Carman Miller, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Arts, Department of History
Dr. Brenda Milner, Faculty of Medicine, Neuropsychology/Cognitive Neuroscience Unit
Prof. Henry Mintzberg, Desautels Faculty of Management, Faculty Director, International Masters Program for Health Leadership
Mr. Samuel Minzberg, Member of the Board of Governors
Prof. Saeed Mirza, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics
Prof. Desmond Morton, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Arts, History
Dr.Balfour Mount,Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Oncology
Prof. Heather Munroe-Blum, Principal and Vice-Chancellor,
Prof.Lawrence A.Mysak,Faculty of Science, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Ms.GeetaNarang,Course Lecturer, Faculty of Law
Mrs. Brenda Norris, Governor Emerita, Chair, Committee to Advise on Matters of Social Responsibility
Dr. Dennis Osmond, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology
Dr.Gaston Ostiguy,Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medicine
Prof. Michael P.Paidoussis, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Sarah Weintraub Paltiel, Governor Emerita
Dr. Alexander KennedyPaterson, Governor Emeritus, Former, Chair of the Board of Governors
Mr. David Perry, BA Economics 1982, Managing Partner, Perry-Martel International Inc.
Dr.BarryPless,Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Pediatrics and Epidemiology
Dr. Barry Innis Posner, Faculty of Medicine, Director Polypeptide Hormone Laboratory
Mr. Richard W. Pound, Chancellor Emeritus, Former Chair, Board of Governors
Ms. Cynthia Price, Member of the Board of Governors
Dr. Rémi Quirion, Quebec Chief Scientist, Chairman of the Boards of Directors of the Quebec Research Funds
Dr. Robert Rabinovitch, Chair Emeritus
Mr. Joel Raby, Chair, Investment Committee, Board of Governors
Prof. John Rea, Schulich School of Music, Department of Music Research
Mr. Jeremy H. Reitman, Governor Emeritus
Mr. Michael L. Richards, Governor Emeritus, Chair, Building and Property Committee
Mr.MaximeRobert, Graduate Student, Integrated Program in Neuroscience (IPN)
Dr. Christine Ross, Faculty of Arts, James Chair in Contemporary Art History
Dr. Rima Rozen, James Professor of Human Genetics and Pediatrics
Dr. Ernesto L. Schiffrin, Physician-in-Chief, Sir Mortimer B. Davis-Jewish General Hospital
Dr. Charles Robert Scriver, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Paediatrics and Human Genetics
Dr. Bernard Shapiro, Principal Emeritus
Dr. Shaheen Shariff, Faculty of Education, Department of Integrated Studies in Education
Mr. Herbert E. Siblin, Governor Emeritus
Dr. Emil Skamene, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medicine
Dr.BarrySlapcoff,Faculty of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine
Dr. Don Smith, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Department of Plant Science
Prof. Margaret Somerville, Faculty of Law, Founding Director, Centre for Medicine, Ethics and Law
Dr. Nahum Sonenberg, Faculty of Medicine, Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Research Centre
Dr. Theodore Lionel Sourkes, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry
Dr. H. Arnold Steinberg, Chancellor,
Dr. Liliane M. Stewart, Governor Emerita
Dr. Eleanor Stubley, Schulich School of Music, Department of Music Research
Prof. Charles Taylor, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Arts, Department of Philosophy
Dr. David Y. Thomas, Faculty of Medicine, Chair, Department of Biochemistry
Mr. Thomas Thompson, Former Director of Physical Education, Former Deputy Director of ’s Development Office (Campaign Planning), Former Director of Alumni Relations
Prof. Stephen J. Toope, BCL/LLB 1983
Dr. Lorne Trottier, Governor Emeritus
Dr. Youla Tsantrizos, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry
Ms. Martine Turcotte, Member of the Board of Governors, Chair, Human Resources Committee
Ms. Manon Vennat, Governor Emerita
Dr. Mark Wainberg, Director, AIDS Centre
Dr. Lydia White, Associate Provost, Policies, Procedures & Equity
Dr. Barbara Whitley, BA’40, DLitt’92
Prof. Brian Young, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Arts, Department of History and Classical Studies
Mr.ChungYu,Senior Network Analyst, Network and Communications Services
Medal Description
The obverse depicts a crowned image of the Sovereign, in whose name the medal is bestowed. The reverse marks the sixtieth, or diamond, anniversary of the accession to the Throne of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The anniversary is expressed by the central diamond shape, by the background composed of a pattern of diamonds, and by the two dates. The Royal Cypher consists of the Royal Crown above the letters EIIR (i.e., Elizabeth II Regina, the latter word meaning Queen in Latin). The maple leaves refer to Canada, while the motto VIVAT REGINA means “Long live The Queen!”
The ribbon uses a new arrangement of the blue, red and white colours found in the 1953 Coronation Medal, the 1977 Silver Jubilee Medal, and the 2002 Golden Jubilee Medal.
The design of the medal was developed by the Canadian Heraldic Authority. The medal was manufactured by the Royal Canadian Mint at their Ottawa facility.
(Source: Governor General of Canada - )