Arts Economics Environment Gender Healthcare History ±á³Ü³¾²¹²ÔÌý¸é¾±²µ³ó³Ù²õ Philosophy Politics Religion Science Sports Nobel Prize
1950ÌýÌý1960ÌýÌý1970ÌýÌý1980ÌýÌý1990ÌýÌý2000ÌýÌý2010 2020
Nobel prize winning American theoretical physicist best known for his work in quantum electrodynamics.
English advocate for nature conservation and considered to be the world’s foremost expert on chimpanzees.
American biologist, naturalist, author and the world's leading expert in the study of myrmecology.
The first Japanese-born U.S. Ambassador to Japan who helped establish East Asian studies in American schools.
American physicist, historian of science, and information scientist, credited as the founder of scientometrics.
Scottish scientist, civil servant, environmentalist and co-founder of the Club of Rome.