Arts Economics Environment Gender Healthcare History ±á³Ü³¾²¹²ÔÌý¸é¾±²µ³ó³Ù²õ Philosophy Politics Religion Science Sports Nobel Prize
1950ÌýÌý1960ÌýÌý1970ÌýÌý1980ÌýÌý1990ÌýÌý2000ÌýÌý2010 2020
British Labour politician, Oxford professor and renowned industrial relations adviser and arbitrator.
Groundbreaking American investigative journalist, writer, and author, most remembered for his weekly newsletter.
Canadian-American political scientist whose teaching and writing focused on apartheid era South Africa.
American mathematician who co-founded category theory and worked to improve the teaching of mathematics.
German-British sociologist, philosopher, political scientist, politician and a leading expert on class divisions.
Indian-born author and journalist who was a staff writer at The New Yorker for over 30 years.