Sign-up at least 14 days before your exam (applies to all timed assessments)
How does it work?
The Tutor Matching Program matches requests for tutoring (for any courses) with qualified peer tutors. We select from our bank of private tutors.
Once you submit your request for tutoring, we’ll get back to you with a list of available tutors and their contact information. Reach out to them directly to schedule your first session!
You can indicate any preferences in your request form (e.g. French speaker), and we’ll do our best to accommodate you.
$18.00 per hour for undergraduate tutors and $22.00 per hour for graduate tutors.
Student Accessibility and Achievement also works with subsidy partners from across campus to provide free tutoring to students. Click on subsidies below to learn more.
Subsidized tutoring is available for the following groups:
- Newly admitted undergraduate students in their first year at : one hour of free tutoring. Select “Newly admitted undergraduate student” when completing the Tutor Request Form.
- Students on Probation/Unsatisfactory Standing: We offer free tutoring to assist students on probation. Select “Probationary or unsatisfactory standing” when completing the Tutor Request Form.
- Varsity Athletes: Present yourself at the Varsity Office to fill out a tutor request form.
- MasterCard Foundation (MCF) Students: Select “MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program” when completing the Tutor Request Form.
- Student Accessibility and Achievement: Students registered with Student Accessibility and Achievement must contact one of our advisors to determine their eligibility for subsidized tutoring.
- Former Youth in Care: Students who have experience in either foster care or youth protection are eligible for subsidized tutoring through Student Accessibility and Achievement's Support for Students from Care program.
- First Nations, Inuit and Metis students: First Peoples’ House will subsidize tutoring costs for First Nations, Inuit and Metis students. Contact an Indigenous Student Advisor or telephone at 514-398-3217 to be approved for subsidized tutoring.
- Student Refugee Program via World University Service of Canada/WUSC: Contact the Scholarships and Student Aid Office and when requesting a tutor, select “World University Services Canada”.
How to Pay Your Tutor
- For subsidized tutoring: Fill out the Confirm a Tutoring Session form immediately after every tutoring session.
- All other tutoring: Pay your tutor directly at the end of a session (e-transfer, cash).
Other Tutoring Resources
Peer Tutoring
Writing Support
- Arts Undergraduate Society and free
- Writing Centre
Academic Resources
- Learning Guides (Student Accessibility and Achievement)
Questions, complaints, or feedback about your tutoring experience?