
75 results in Pure and applied sciences (remove filter)
Macdonald Campus
The Interdisciplinary Life Sciences Minor allows students from mathematics and the earth, physical, and computational sciences to broaden their studies with introductory courses in the life sciences, health social science, and...
Liberal Program
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Earth and Planetary Science is a broad discipline that allows you to study the solid Earth, its hydrosphere, and our neighbouring terrestrial planets. It is a multidisciplinary field in which the principles of chemistry,...
Major, Honours, Minor
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
At the Bieler School of Environment, you will learn how to communicate and contribute effectively on a range of environmental issues. Benefit from an environment where ingenuity and openness to new ideas are encouraged – and ...
Major, Honours
Macdonald Campus
Feeding the world is one of the biggest challenges we face today. Sustainable agricultural and food production systems are essential for meeting the growing global demand for food, fuel and fibre. Since food production also...
Macdonald Campus
** This program is currently not offered. ** Soils support the production of food, fibre, fuel and provide essential ecological services like water filtration and the recycling of atmospheric gases. Water resources are...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
The Honours Mathematics and Physics program is a specialized and demanding program intended to help you develop a strong basis in both Mathematics and Physics in preparation for graduate work and a professional or academic...
Macdonald Campus
The Minor in Human Nutrition is intended to complement your primary field of study by introducing you to the metabolic aspects of human nutrition. This program is especially accessible for students in Biochemistry, Biology,...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
How does atmospheric circulation and chemistry affect air quality? The rapid expansion of industrialization has been accompanied by a host of environmental problems, many of which, if not most, involve the atmosphere. Some...
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Natural History focuses on the observation and systematic study of all living organisms in nature (animals, fungi, and plants). It explores their forms, origins, evolution, behaviors and interactions with other species in...
Joint Majors
Downtown (Montreal) Campus
Atmospheric science helps us to predict the weather and better understand complex climate patterns. This program will provide you with the necessary knowledge to develop short- and long-range weather and climate predictions,...


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