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The Master of Arts in English; Thesis is an academic program in literary and cultural studies. The program focuses on the interpretation of texts in English from the medieval period to the contemporary moment, and in critical theory and diverse methodologies in...
The Master of Arts in English; Non-Thesis is an academic program in literary and cultural studies. The program focuses on the interpretation of texts in English from the medieval period to the contemporary moment, and in critical theory and diverse methodologies in...
The PhD in English focuses on research topics related to literature, drama and theatre, cultural studies, authorship and publishing, and critical theory. Thesis A thesis for the doctoral degree must constitute original scholarship and must be a distinct...
French Language and Literature Coordonnées Coordonnées Département des littératures de langue française, de traduction et de création Pavillon des Arts McCall MacBain 853, rue Sherbrooke...
Conditions d'admission au Département des littératures de langue française, de traduction et de création Conditions d'admission Conditions d'admission Propédeutique Peuvent être...
Le programme de «maîtrise ès arts en langue et littérature Françaises (avec mémoire) » porte sur l'histoire des littératures française et québécoise, les littératures francophones, de même que sur une variété de sujets connexes: genres littéraires, création...
Le programme de « maîtrise ès arts en langue et littérature françaises (avec mémoire); « étude sur les femmes et le genre » (Gender and Women’s Studies), est un programme pluridisciplinaire qui remplit en même temps toutes les exigences du programme de maîtrise...
Le programme de « maîtrise ès arts en langue et littérature françaises (sans mémoire) » porte sur l'histoire des littératures française et québécoise, les littératures francophones, de même que sur une variété de sujets connexes: genres littéraires, création...
Le programme de « doctorat en langue et littérature françaises » est axé avant tout sur la recherche, c’est-à-dire sur la production d’une thèse qui représente une contribution significative a l’avancement des connaissances. La thèse doit démontrer que l’étudiante....
Le programme de « doctorat en langue et littérature françaises; études sur les femmes et le genre » (Graduate Option in Gender and Women's Studies) est un programme pluridisciplinaire portant sur des questions reliées au genre et aux recherches et méthodologies...
Geography Location Location Department of Geography Burnside Hall 805 Sherbrooke Street West, Room 305 Montreal QC H3A 0B9 Canada Telephone: 514-398-4111 Email: grad.geog [...
Geography Admission Requirements and Application Procedures Admission Requirements Admission Requirements M.A. and M.Sc. Degrees Applicants not satisfying the conditions in University...
The Master of Arts in Geography; Thesis is a research- based program of 45 credits. The program provides the opportunity to conduct research, including field- based studies, focusing on the social sciences and includes supervision by a faculty member. Research...
The Master of Arts in Geography; Thesis — Development Studies is a research-based program of 45 credits. The program focuses on international development issues in geography. The thesis must be on a topic that relates to both development studies and geography,...
**This program is currently not offered.** The Master of Arts in Geography; Thesis — Environment is a research-based program of 45 credits. This program is offered in collaboration with the Bieler School of Environment (BSE). The program focuses on the role of...
The Master of Arts in Geography; Thesis — Gender and Women's Studies is a research-based program of 45 credits. The program focuses on interdisciplinary gender and women’s studies and issues in feminist research and methods. The thesis must be on a topic that...
The Master of Arts in Geography; Thesis — Neotropical Environment is a research-based program of 45 credits. The program is offered in collaboration with the Bieler School of Environment and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI- Panama). The program is...
The Doctor of Philosophy in Geography is a research- based program that provides the opportunity to conduct research, including field-based studies, in both the natural (i.e., biophysical) and the social sciences and includes supervision by a faculty member....
**This program is currently not offered.** The Doctor of Philosophy in Geography; Environment is a research-based program offered in collaboration with the Bieler School of Environment (BSE). The program focuses on the role of science in informed decision-making in...
The Doctor of Philosophy in Geography; Gender and Women's Studies is a research-based program that focuses on interdisciplinary gender and women’s studies and issues in feminist research and methods. The thesis must be on a topic that relates to both gender and...


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