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Music for Science Students Location Location Strathcona Music Building 555 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal QC H3A 1E3 Telephone: 514-398-4535 Fax: 514-398-1540 Website...
Music Related Programs Minor in Musical Applications of Technology and Minor in Musical Science and Technology Minor in Musical Applications of Technology and Minor in Musical Science and Technology Science...
Neurology and Neurosurgery (NEUR) Location Location Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital 3801 University Street, Room 140 Montreal QC H3A 2B4 Website: mcgill.ca/neuro About...
Neuroscience Location Location Department of Physiology Dawson Hall, 4th floor 853 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal QC H4A 0G5 Email:...
鈥淧lease note: this Minor is only available to students studying in the faculty of Science.鈥 This Minor is intended to provide students with a basic understanding of how the nervous system functions. The Minor is composed of 24-25 credits: 9 required and 15-16...
The Neuroscience Major is a focused program for students interested in how the nervous system functions. It is highly interdisciplinary and borrows principles and methodologies from a number of fields including: biology, biochemistry, physiology, psychology,...
The Honours program is intended for students who are interested in laboratory-based research and in acquiring a foundation in each of the 3 streams of the Neuroscience Major Program (cell and molecular; neurophysiology and computational; and cognition and behaviour...
Nutrition (NUTR) Location Location School of Human Nutrition Macdonald-Stewart Building, Room MS2-045 21,111 Lakeshore Road Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue QC H9X 3V9 Website: mcgill.ca/nutrition...
Pathology (PATH) Location Location Department of Pathology Duff Medical Building, B wing 3775 University Street Montreal QC H3A 2B4 Telephone: 514-398-3045 Website: mcgill.ca/pathology...
Pharmacology and Therapeutics (PHAR) Location Location McIntyre Medical Building, Room 1325 3655 Promenade Sir-William-Osler Montreal QC H3G 1Y6 Telephone: 514-398-3623...
The Minor Pharmacology is intended for students registered in a complementary B.Sc. program who are interested in a focused introduction to specialized topics in pharmacology to prepare them for professional schools, graduate education, or entry into jobs in...
This program incorporates extensive studies in Pharmacology with a strong component of related biomedical sciences, providing a solid preparation for employment opportunities or for entry into graduate or professional training programs. Students must consult the...
The Honours program is designed as a preparation for graduate studies and research. In addition to the strong training provided by the Major program, it requires students to have direct research experience in a chosen area during their final year of study....
Physics (PHYS) Location Location Rutherford Physics Building, Room 108 3600 University Street Montreal QC H3A 2T8 Telephone: 514-398-6477 Email: chairsec.physics...
The 18-credit Minor permits no overlap with any other programs. It contains no Mathematics courses, although many of the courses in it have Math pre- or corequisites. It will, therefore, be particularly appropriate to students in Mathematics, but it is also...
This Minor program is currently under review. Students are encouraged to contact Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering for detailed information. [Program registration done by Student Affairs Office] The Minor program does not carry professional...
The B.Sc.; Liberal Program - Core Science Component in Physics offers an overview of key physics topics, focusing on fundamentals. Topics include dynamics, electricity and magnetism, quantum mechanics, experimental methods and more. This program allows students...
The B.Sc.; Major in Physics program covers a range of fundamental physical concepts from classical physics to modern topics relevant to contemporary research. The program may be completed in 60-63 credits. Program Prerequisites Students entering...
This program may be completed in 81 or 82 credits. The B.Sc.; Major in Physics; Biological Physics program keeps a strong core of foundational physics and specializes in biology, mathematics, physiology, computer science, and chemistry. Complementary courses...
The joint program in Physics and Geophysics focuses on geophysics and related fields. Program Prerequisites Students entering Physics programs from the Freshman program must have successfully completed the courses below or their equivalents. Quebec...


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