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The Department of Sociology, the programs,
and specific courses are described in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units & Programs > Sociology.
Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2024-2025 (...
The purpose of the Minor Concentration Sociology is to give the student a basic understanding of the field of sociology. This Minor concentration may be expanded to the Major Concentration Sociology.
U1 Required Courses
(6 credits...
The purpose of the Major Concentration Sociology is to give the student a comprehensive understanding of the field of sociology.
U1 Required Courses
(6 credits)
SOCI 210
The Joint Honours Component Sociology provides a greater focus on Sociology with substantial breadth and depth. The completion of a Joint Honours program is an asset when applying to graduate or profession schools.
Students wishing to study at the Honours level in...
Stephen Leacock Building, Room 712
855 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal QC H3A 2T7
Undergraduate Program Information: 514-398-6868
The purpose of the Minor Concentration Sociology is to give the student a basic understanding of the field of sociology. This Minor concentration may be expanded to the Major Concentration Sociology.
U1 Required Courses
(6 credits...
The purpose of the Major Concentration Sociology is to give the student a comprehensive understanding of the field of sociology.
U1 Required Courses
(6 credits)
SOCI 210
The B.A.; Honours in Sociology provides a greater focus on Sociology with substantial breadth and depth. The completion of an Honours program is an asset when applying to graduate or professional schools.
Students may register for the Honours program at the...
The Joint Honours Component Sociology provides a greater focus on Sociology with substantial breadth and depth. The completion of a Joint Honours program is an asset when applying to graduate or profession schools.
Students wishing to study at the Honours level in...
Department of Sociology
Stephen Leacock Building, Room 712
855 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal QC H3A 2T7
Graduate Program and Admission...
Sociology Admission Requirements and Application Procedures
Admission Requirements
Admission Requirements
Applicants—whether for an M.A. or Ph.D. program—should ideally have a...
The M.A. in Sociology provides advanced methodological training in sociology The program culminates in the preparation of a thesis, which is written under the direction of a supervisory committee, and which is expected to report on original research of publishable...
The Master of Arts in Sociology; Development Studies program focuses on broad training in development studies related to sociology. The thesis must be on a topic relating to development studies in sociology, and it needs to be approved by the Development Studies...
The M.A. in Sociology; Gener and Women’s Studies provides advanced methodological training in sociology with an emphasis on issues in gender and women’s studies. The thesis must be on a topic relating to gender and women’s studies and approved by the supervisor and...
The M.A. in Medical Sociology is offered jointly with the Department of Social Studies of Medicine. The program provides advanced methodological training in sociology and medical sociology. The thesis must be on a topic approved by the supervisor and by...
The M.A. in Sociology; Non-Thesis provides advanced methodological training in sociology and exposure to research in different areas of sociology.
Research Project
(18 credits)
SOCI 696...
The research essay must be on a topic relating to development studies, approved by the Development Studies Option (DSO) coordinating committee.
Research Project
(18 credits)
SOCI 696...
The M.A. in Sociology; Non-Thesis - Gender and Women Studies provides advanced methodological training in sociology and exposure to research in different areas of sociology with a focus on gender and women’s studies. The research paper must be on a topic relating...
The M.A. in Medical Sociology; Non-Thesis is offered jointly with the Department of Social Studies of Medicine. The program provides advanced methodological training in sociology and medical sociology.
Research Project
(18 credits...
The Population Dynamics Option (PDO) is open to Masters (non-thesis) students in Sociology specializing in Population Dynamics. The purpose of this program is to provide graduate training in demographic methods (including life table analyses) and enhance students’...