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Music for Science Students Location Location Strathcona Music Building 555 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal QC H3A 1E3 Telephone: 514-398-4535 Fax: 514-398-1540 Website...
Music Related Programs Minor in Musical Applications of Technology and Minor in Musical Science and Technology Minor in Musical Applications of Technology and Minor in Musical Science and Technology Science...
About the Schulich School of Music (Undergraduate) º«¹úÂãÎè's Schulich School of Music is the largest university-based school for professional musical training and music research in Canada. º«¹úÂãÎè's Schulich School of Music is renowned for its orchestral, choral,...
Overview of Programs The Schulich School of Music offers degree programs leading to a Bachelor of Music (B.Mus.), and diploma programs leading to a Licentiate in Music (L.Mus.). The Department of Music Research offers Minors in Applied Performance Sciences, Music...
Music Degrees and Diplomas Offered Bachelor of Music (B.Mus.) Bachelor of Music (B.Mus.) The Bachelor of Music degree (B.Mus.) may be obtained in any one of the following fields:...
Music Scholarships, Competitions, Prizes, and Financial Aid The Schulich School of Music offers a range of prestigious scholarships based on academic and performance achievements. The Schulich Scholarship, the Lloyd Carr-Harris String Scholarship, the Student...
Summer Studies The Schulich School of Music offers summer courses. These courses are generally given in an intensive one-month session between May and July. Students can register for summer courses starting early March. Students may take a maximum of 12...
Music Courses and Music Minor Programs for Students in Other Faculties The following music minors are open to students from all faculties. Students should verify with their home faculties if they are permitted to take courses in these minors towards their degree...
Admission As you plan for the next step in your education, we would be pleased to assist you in providing further information and guidance. You are invited to register for a tour of the Schulich School of Music, led by a current Schulich student. To do so, please...
Music Application Procedures All inquiries regarding admission should be directed to: Music Admissions Office Schulich School of Music, º«¹úÂãÎè 555 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal QC H3A 1E3 Telephone: 514-398-4546 Fax: 514-398-8873 Email:...
Music Entrance Requirements The minimum music entrance requirements are the equivalent of º«¹úÂãÎè Conservatory Collegial I Instrument or Voice (Performance applicants: Collegial II) and Secondary V Theory and Ear Training. Approximate...
Academic Entrance Requirements Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Music An applicant's entrance audition and academic record are considered when making an admission decision. As a limit is placed upon the number of...
Diploma Programs L.Mus. (All Applicants) L.Mus. (All Applicants) For admission to the Licentiate program, the applicant must have completed secondary school. The applicant's music qualifications must be equivalent to º«¹úÂãÎè...
Music Placement Examinations All new Bachelor of Music or Licentiate in Music students, including students from other faculties who are interested in pursuing a music minor with prerequisites, may sit diagnostic placement examinations in theory (courses with MUTH...
Readmission to the Schulich School of Music Students who are not on a Leave of Absence, and have no course registrations in Fall and/or Winter semester are considered inactive students. In order to continue in the program, they must submit a program readmission...
Tuition Fees, Practical Instruction Fees, and Lesson Quotas The typical annual tuition fee for a Bachelor of Music (B.Mus.) or Licentiate in Music (L.Mus.) student can be found on the Student Accounts website. B.Mus. and L.Mus. students who are registered in...
Academic Policies in the Schulich School of Music This section contains information on the following academic topics: General Academic Requirements Academic Requirements by Program Academic Standing Ensemble Policy and...
Schulich School of Music Ensemble Policy and Regulations Preamble Preamble The ensemble program is designed to provide an enriched and cohesive curriculum in...
Accompanying Bachelor of Muisc (B.Mus.) and Licentiate in Music (L.Mus.) students registered for practical instruction (including elective practical instruction) in one of the eligible instruments may request Accompanist Funding for a designated set of hours....
Academic Category All Music students are registered in one of the following categories: Academic Categories Major: B.Mus. candidates may choose one or more of several majors as described under Browse Academic Units & Programs...


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