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Requirements for Medical License
Candidates accepted for admission are reminded that it is their personal responsibility to ensure that they fulfil all the licensing requirements of the country in...
Medical Curriculum
The following refers to the four-year undergraduate
medical curriculum leading to the M.D.,C.M. (Medicinae Doctorem et Chirurgiae
Magistrum) degree.
Programs, Courses and...
Curriculum Renewal – Governance for Undergraduate Medicine
Serving society's needs is of the utmost importance and requires training graduates who are well-equipped to assume leadership roles in their...
Assessment System for Undergraduate Medicine
The Assessment
System is multifaceted and under constant review by the Faculty.
The Faculty reserves the right to change any of these rules and
regulations at...
Program Overview
Due to
curriculum changes, program components and courses may be
revised. Revisions will be posted in the learning management system.
The current M.D.,C.M. curriculum, implemented in Fall...
Special Admissions Pathways for Undergraduate Medicine
In keeping with the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences' Diversity and Social...
Requirements for Med-P Qualifying Year
As of Fall 2025, candidates who have graduated from a science DEC program can apply, please see note below for eligibility criteria....
Eligibility for Special Admission Pathways — Underrepresented Groups
Eligibility requirements for undergraduate medicine through the various special admission pathways are described in the Admission...