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School of Medicine Location Location School of Medicine 680 Sherbrooke St. West, Suite 1701 Montreal QC H3A 2M7 Website: mcgill.ca/schoolofmedicine...
Medicine and Health Sciences Location Location Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Administrative Offices 3605 de la Montagne Street Montreal QC H3G 2M1 Canada...
Administrative Officers in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Administrative Officers in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Lesley Fellows Vice-President (Health Affairs)...
Medical Societies º«¹úÂãÎè Medical Students' Society Inc. Lady Meredith Annex 3706 Peel Street Montreal QC H3A 1W9 Email: president.mss [at] mail.mcgill.ca; vice-president.mss [at] mail.mcgill.ca;...
Academic Units in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences For a full list of schools, departments, institutes, centres, and units in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, please refer to mcgill....
School of Medicine Location Location School of Medicine 680 Sherbrooke St. West, Suite 1701 Montreal QC H3A 2M7 Website: mcgill.ca/schoolofmedicine...
Department of Medicine Location Location Department of Medicine º«¹úÂãÎè Health Centre 1001 Décarie Blvd, Suite D05-2212 Montreal QC H4A 3J1...
Scholarships, Bursaries, Loans, Prizes, and Medals for Undergraduate Medicine In order to enrich the learning experience for students, the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences offers both needs- and...
Admissions: Entrance Scholarships for Undergraduate Medicine For more information, contact admissions.med [at] mcgill.ca. Anjna and Jogindar Majhail Scholarship Established in 2004 by Anjna...
Research Awards for Undergraduate Medicine For more information, contact rbursary.med [at] mcgill.ca. Barbara Usher Goldberg Research Bursary Established in 2010 by Norman Goldberg, B.Sc.'55, M.D.,C.M.'...
Global Health and Travel Awards for Undergraduate Medicine For more information, contact globalhealth [at] mcgill.ca. Alex W. Strasberg M.D.,C.M.'21 and Harvey M. Weinstein M.D.,C.M.'67 Global Health...
Needs-Based Scholarships, Bursaries, and Loans for Undergraduate Medicine Scholarships, Bursaries, Prizes, and Awards Scholarships, Bursaries, Prizes, and Awards For...
Undergraduate Medicine Awards, Prizes, and Medals For more information, contact sradmin.med [at] mcgill.ca. YEAR 1–4 YEAR 1–4...
Programs of Study, Admission, and Curriculum for Undergraduate Medicine Toutes ces informations sont disponibles en français et en anglais au : mcgill.ca/medadmissions. All information is available in both...
About Medical Programs Location Location Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Administrative Offices 3605 de la Montagne Street...
Conferral of the M.D., C.M. degree follows successful completion of the 4 curricular components of the MD, CM Program: Fundamentals of Medicine and Dentistry (year 1 and the first part of year 2), Transition to Clinical Practice (second part of year 2), Clerkship (...
Students interested in a research career in academic medicine may wish to apply for admission to the joint M.D.,C.M. & Ph.D. program. This is a seven-year program in which the basic and clinical sciences portion of the medical curriculum are completed from...
º«¹úÂãÎè, through the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences, offers a joint M.D.,C.M. & Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Program. Upon successful completion of this six-year program, students...
The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences offers a special program for immediate graduates of the Quebec Collegial (CEGEP) system, which consists of one year of coursework in the Faculty of Science followed by the standard four-year M.D.,C.M. program. During the...
Other Programs Offered Within the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Programs Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Programs For Bachelor...


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