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Nursing Location Location Ingram School of Nursing 680 Sherbrooke West, Suite 1800 Montreal QC H3A 2M7 Canada Telephone: 514-398-4151 Fax: 514-398-8455...
Nursing Admission Requirements and Application Procedures Admission Requirements Admission Requirements Proficiency in English Since the language...
The Graduate Certificate in Theory in Pediatrics prepares students to acquire the theoretical knowledge required to subsequently complete clinical courses in the Graduate Diploma in Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. This program is designed for students who previously...
The Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, in combination with the M.Sc.(A.) in Nurse Practitioner; Non-Thesis - Mental Health or with the Graduate Certificate in Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, focuses on the competencies required to assume the...
The Graduate Diploma in Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, in conjunction with either the M.Sc.(A) in Nurse Practitioner; Non-Thesis - Neonatal (for those entering the program with a Bachelor’s in Nursing) or the Graduate Certificate in Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (for...
The Graduate Diploma in Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, in conjunction with either the M.Sc.(A.) in Nurse Practitioner ; NonThesis - Pediatric (for those entering the program with a Bachelor’s in Nursing) or the Graduate Certificate in Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (...
The Graduate Diploma in Primary Care Nurse Practitioner, taken in conjunction with either the M.Sc.(A.) in Nurse Practitioner; Non-Thesis – Primary Care (for those entering the program with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing) or the Graduate Certificate in Primary...
The PhD in Nursing focuses on the advancement of knowledge, practice, and education in Nursing. A student who has obtained a master's degree at º«¹úÂãÎè or at an approved institution elsewhere may, on the recommendation of the School, be registered in...
Ingram School of Nursing Location Location Ingram School of Nursing 680 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 1800 Montreal QC H3A 2M7 Canada Telephone: 514-398-3784 Fax: 514-...
Scholarships, Bursaries, and Prizes in Nursing A complete list of scholarships, bursaries, prizes, and awards, and the regulations governing the various loan funds, can be found in the Undergraduate...
Registration and Regulations for the Ingram School of Nursing Students admitted to the B.Sc.(N.) and B.N.(Integrated) programs are advised to refer to mcgill.ca/getready/orientation for information on...
Clinical Requirements for Undergraduate Nursing Programs Clinical Studies Portal Document Uploads Required Clinical Studies Portal Document Uploads Required B.Sc.(N.) and B.N.(I)...
Registration with the Profession (Immatriculation or Licensing during the Course of Study) Quebec legislation requires that any student in a health profession be registered with their respective...
Academic Standing and Evaluation System in Nursing Academic standing matters are the jurisdiction of the Student Standing and Promotions Committee. This Committee meets at least three times a year to...
Inter-University Transfers and Study Away in Nursing Inter-University Transfer (IUT) Agreement Inter-University Transfer (IUT) Agreement Students may take...
Requirements for Licensure (Entry into the Nursing Profession) For licensing as a registered Nurse in the Province of Quebec, requests must be addressed to the Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec...
Nursing Location Location Ingram School of Nursing 680 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 1800 Montreal QC H3A 2M7 Canada Telephone: 514-398-4144 Fax: 514...
Nursing Admission Requirements and Application Procedures B.Sc.(N.) Entrance Requirements B.Sc.(N.) Entrance Requirements Detailed...
The B.Sc.(N.) is a 3-4 year program (including summer sessions) that focuses on complex and contemporary nursing issues. As a preparation for a nursing career, the program includes innovative courses on fundamental nursing expertise, skills and critical thinking...
This program is offered in two modalities, online and on campus. Students must register in online or on campus courses according to the program they are admitted into. For details on the course of study, please refer to http://www.mcgill.ca/nursing/programs/...


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