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The B.Eng.; Minor in Economics focuses on such economic topics as: how societies decide what to produce, how much of it, what determines prices, exchange rates, interest rates, and levels of inflation. How economies function internally and on a global scale, what...
The Department of Economics, the programs,
and specific courses are described in Faculty of Arts > Undergraduate > Browse Academic Units & Programs > Economics.
Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2024-2025 (...
The Minor Concentration in Economics provides a moderate level of specialization in Economics for students who usually are pursuing Major Concentrations or Honours Programs in other fields of study. It does, however, provide an option to switch to or add a Major...
The Major Concentration in Economics is a planned sequence of courses designed to permit the student a degree of specialization in economics. It consists of 36 credits in courses approved by the Economics Department. Students wishing to pursue this concentration...
Students wishing to study at the Honours level in two disciplines can combine Joint Honours program components in any two approved disciplines. For a list of available Joint Honours programs, see "Overview of Programs Offered" and "Joint Honours Programs" on the...
Stephen Leacock Building, 4th Floor
855 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal QC H3A 2T7
undergraduate.economics [at]
The Minor Concentration in Economics provides a moderate level of specialization in Economics for students who usually are pursuing Major Concentrations or Honours Programs in other fields of study. It does, however, provide an option to switch to or add a Major...
The Major Concentration in Economics is a planned sequence of courses designed to permit the student a degree of specialization in economics. It consists of 36 credits in courses approved by the Economics Department. Students wishing to pursue this concentration...
The Honours Economics program (B.A. and B.Com.) consists of 30 specified credits of Honours courses and a further 12 credits of approved Economics courses.
Continuation in the Honours program from one year to the next requires a minimum grade of B- in ECON 250 and...
Students wishing to study at the Honours level in two disciplines can combine Joint Honours program components in any two approved disciplines. For a list of available Joint Honours programs, see "Overview of Programs Offered" and "Joint Honours Programs" on the...
The B.A. Joint Honours in Economics and Accounting is offered jointly by the Economics Department and the Desautels Faculty of Management. Students in this program should see an Economics adviser and a Management adviser. For the economics part, they should consult...
The B.A. Joint Honours in Economics and Finance is offered jointly by the Economics Department and the Desautels Faculty of Management. Students in this program should see an Economics adviser and a Management adviser. For the economics part, they should consult:...
in Honours and Joint Honours Programs in Economics
Normally, to be awarded an Honours degree, a student must obtain a 3.00
program GPA in the required and complementary credits in Economics, and a CGPA
of 3.00. For a First Class Honours degree, the...
(ECON) Related Programs
Minors in Management
Minors in Management
Economics students can also do the minor offered by the
Desautels Faculty of Management for non-Management students. Refer to Desautels...
Department of Economics
Stephen Leacock Building, 4th Floor
855 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal QC H3A 2T7
Email: graduate.economics [at]
Economics Admission Requirements and Application Procedures
Admission Requirements
Admission Requirements
You must hold, or reasonably expect to hold by September, a master's degree in...
The Master of Arts in Economics focuses on Economics.
Thesis Courses
(27 credits)
ECON 650
Research 1
ECON 651...
The Master of Arts in Economics; Non-Thesis program provides graduate training in theoretical and applied economics, and in econometric methods.
Research Project
(18 credits)
ECON 650...
The Master of Arts in Economics; Non-Thesis - Development Studies program provides graduate training in theoretical and applied economics, and in econometric methods. The focus of the research paper will be on international development issues.
The Population Dynamics Option (PDO) is open to M.A. (non-thesis) students in Economics specializing in Population Dynamics. The purpose of this program is to provide graduate training in demographic methods (including life table analyses) and enhance students’...