
Honours Physics and Computer Science (81 credits)

Offered by: Physics     Degree: Bachelor of Science

Program Requirements

This program provides essential background in physics and computer science at a level sufficient to pursue courses at the 400- and 500-level in either discipline. The program is intended to be flexible to allow students to take either more physics or more computer science courses at the advanced level.

Students entering this Honours program should have high standing in mathematics, physics, and computer science.

To graduate with an Honours degree, a student must have, at time of graduation, a CGPA of at least 3.0 in the required and complementary courses of the program, as well as an overall CGPA of at least 3.0

The program may completed in 78 or 81 credits.

Note: COMP 202—or an equivalent introduction to computer programming course— is a program prerequisite. U0 students may take COMP 202 as a Freshman Science course; new U1 students should take it as an elective in their first semester.

Required Courses (63 credits)

*Note: The student must then take MATH 314 in their second semester instead of MATH 248, if scheduling requires it.

  • COMP 206 Introduction to Software Systems (3 credits)

    Offered by: Computer Science (Faculty of Science)


    Computer Science (Sci) : Comprehensive overview of programming in C, use of system calls and libraries, debugging and testing of code; use of developmental tools like make, version control systems.

    Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025

    Instructors: Errington, Jacob (Fall) Vybihal, Joseph P; Kopinsky, Max (Winter)

  • COMP 250 Introduction to Computer Science (3 credits)

    Offered by: Computer Science (Faculty of Science)


    Computer Science (Sci) : Mathematical tools (binary numbers, induction,recurrence relations, asymptotic complexity,establishing correctness of programs). Datastructures (arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists,trees, binary trees, binary search trees, heaps,hash tables). Recursive and non-recursivealgorithms (searching and sorting, tree andgraph traversal). Abstract data types. Objectoriented programming in Java (classes andobjects, interfaces, inheritance). Selected topics.

    Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025

    Instructors: Alberini, Giulia (Fall) Alberini, Giulia (Winter)

  • COMP 252 Honours Algorithms and Data Structures (3 credits)

    Offered by: Computer Science (Faculty of Science)


    Computer Science (Sci) : The design and analysis of data structures and algorithms. The description of various computational problems and the algorithms that can be used to solve them, along with their associated data structures. Proving the correctness of algorithms and determining their computational complexity.

    Terms: Winter 2025

    Instructors: Devroye, Luc P (Winter)

    • 3 hours

    • Prerequisite: COMP 250 and either MATH 235 or MATH 240

    • Restrictions: (1) Open only to students in Honours programs. (2) Students cannot receive credit for both COMP 251 and COMP 252.

    • COMP 252 uses basic combinatorial counting methods that are covered in MATH 240 but not in MATH 235. Students who are unfamiliar with these methods should speak with the instructor for guidance.

  • COMP 273 Introduction to Computer Systems (3 credits)

    Offered by: Computer Science (Faculty of Science)


    Computer Science (Sci) : Number representations, combinational and sequential digital circuits, MIPS instructions and architecture datapath and control, caches, virtual memory, interrupts and exceptions, pipelining.

    Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025

    Instructors: Elsaadawy, Mona (Fall) Kry, Paul (Winter)

  • COMP 302 Programming Languages and Paradigms (3 credits)

    Offered by: Computer Science (Faculty of Science)


    Computer Science (Sci) : Programming language design issues and programming paradigms. Binding and scoping, parameter passing, lambda abstraction, data abstraction, type checking. Functional and logic programming.

    Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025

    Instructors: Pientka, Brigitte (Fall) Errington, Jacob (Winter)

  • COMP 350 Numerical Computing (3 credits)

    Offered by: Computer Science (Faculty of Science)


    Computer Science (Sci) : Computer representation of numbers, IEEE Standard for Floating Point Representation, computer arithmetic and rounding errors. Numerical stability. Matrix computations and software systems. Polynomial interpolation. Least-squares approximation. Iterative methods for solving a nonlinear equation. Discretization methods for integration and differential equations.

    Terms: Fall 2024

    Instructors: Chang, Xiao-Wen (Fall)

  • MATH 240 Discrete Structures (3 credits)

    Offered by: Mathematics and Statistics (Faculty of Science)


    Mathematics & Statistics (Sci) : Introduction to discrete mathematics and applications. Logical reasoning and methods of proof. Elementary number theory and cryptography: prime numbers, modular equations, RSA encryption. Combinatorics: basic enumeration, combinatorial methods, recurrence equations. Graph theory: trees, cycles, planar graphs.

    Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025

    Instructors: Macdonald, Jeremy; Goh, Marcel (Fall) Fortier, Jérôme (Winter)

    • Fall and Winter

    • Corequisite: MATH 133.

    • Restriction: For students in any Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or Software Engineering programs. Others only with the instructor's permission. Not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 235.

  • MATH 247 Honours Applied Linear Algebra (3 credits)

    Offered by: Mathematics and Statistics (Faculty of Science)


    Mathematics & Statistics (Sci) : Matrix algebra, determinants, systems of linear equations. Abstract vector spaces, inner product spaces, Fourier series. Linear transformations and their matrix representations. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalizable and defective matrices, positive definite and semidefinite matrices. Quadratic and Hermitian forms, generalized eigenvalue problems, simultaneous reduction of quadratic forms. Applications.

    Terms: Winter 2025

    Instructors: Hoheisel, Tim (Winter)

    • Winter

    • Prerequisite: MATH 133 or equivalent.

    • Restriction: Intended for Honours Physics and Engineering students

    • Restriction: Not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 236, MATH 223 or MATH 251

  • MATH 248 Honours Vector Calculus (3 credits) *

    Offered by: Mathematics and Statistics (Faculty of Science)


    Mathematics & Statistics (Sci) : Partial derivatives and differentiation of functions in several variables; Jacobians; maxima and minima; implicit functions. Scalar and vector fields; orthogonal curvilinear coordinates. Multiple integrals; arc length, volume and surface area. Line and surface integrals; irrotational and solenoidal fields; Green's theorem; the divergence theorem. Stokes' theorem; and applications.

    Terms: Fall 2024

    Instructors: Mutanguha, Jean Pierre (Fall)

    • Fall and Winter and Summer

    • Prerequisites: MATH 133 and MATH 222 or consent of Department.

    • Restriction: Intended for Honours Physics, Computer Science, Physiology and Engineering students.

    • Restriction: Not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 314 or MATH 358.

  • MATH 249 Honours Complex Variables (3 credits)

    Offered by: Mathematics and Statistics (Faculty of Science)


    Mathematics & Statistics (Sci) : Functions of a complex variable; Cauchy-Riemann equations; Cauchy's theorem and consequences. Taylor and Laurent expansions. Residue calculus; evaluation of real integrals; integral representation of special functions; the complex inversion integral. Conformal mapping; Schwarz-Christoffel transformation; Poisson's integral formulas; applications.

    Terms: Winter 2025

    Instructors: Pym, Brent (Winter)

    • Winter

    • Prerequisite(s): MATH 248 or MATH 358 or equivalent.

    • Restriction: Intended for Honours Physics and Engineering students

    • Restriction: Not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 316

  • MATH 314 Advanced Calculus (3 credits) *

    Offered by: Mathematics and Statistics (Faculty of Science)


    Mathematics & Statistics (Sci) : Derivative as a matrix. Chain rule. Implicit functions. Constrained maxima and minima. Jacobians. Multiple integration. Line and surface integrals. Theorems of Green, Stokes and Gauss. Fourier series with applications.

    Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025

    Instructors: Martine, Gabriel (Fall) Borthwick, Jack Anthony (Winter)

  • MATH 325 Honours Ordinary Differential Equations (3 credits)

    Offered by: Mathematics and Statistics (Faculty of Science)


    Mathematics & Statistics (Sci) : First and second order equations, linear equations, series solutions, Frobenius method, introduction to numerical methods and to linear systems, Laplace transforms, applications.

    Terms: Winter 2025

    Instructors: Lessard, Jean-Philippe (Winter)

    • Fall and Winter

    • (3-0-6)

    • Prerequisite: MATH 222.

    • Restriction: Intended for Honours Mathematics, Physics and Engineering programs.

    • Restriction: Not open to students who have taken MATH 263 (formerly MATH 261), MATH 315

  • PHYS 241 Signal Processing (3 credits)

    Offered by: Physics (Faculty of Science)


    Physics : Linear circuit elements, resonance, network theorems, diodes, transistors, amplifiers, feedback, integrated circuits.

    Terms: Winter 2025

    Instructors: Hessels, Jason (Winter)

    • Winter

    • 2 hours lectures; 3 hours laboratory alternate weeks

    • Prerequisite: CEGEP physics or PHYS 142.

  • PHYS 251 Honours Classical Mechanics 1 (3 credits)

    Offered by: Physics (Faculty of Science)


    Physics : Newton's laws, work energy, angular momentum. Harmonic oscillator, forced oscillations. Inertial forces, rotating frames. Central forces, centre of mass, planetary orbits, Kepler's laws.

    Terms: Fall 2024

    Instructors: Chiang, Hsin Cynthia (Fall)

    • Fall

    • 3 hours lectures

    • Prerequisite: CEGEP physics or PHYS 131.

    • Corequisite: MATH 222

    • Restriction: Not open to students taking or having taken PHYS 230.

  • PHYS 253 Thermal Physics (3 credits)

    Offered by: Physics (Faculty of Science)


    Physics : Energy, work, heat; first law. Temperature, entropy; second law. Absolute zero; third law. Equilibrium, equations of state, gases, liquids, solids, magnets; phase transitions.

    Terms: Fall 2024

    Instructors: Grutter, Peter H (Fall)

    • Fall

    • 3 hours lectures

    • Prerequisites: CEGEP physics or PHYS 131, and CEGEP chemistry or CHEM 120.

    • Corequisite: MATH 222

    • Restriction: Not open to students taking or having taken PHYS 232.

  • PHYS 257 Experimental Methods 1 (3 credits)

    Offered by: Physics (Faculty of Science)


    Physics : Introductory laboratory work and data analysis as related to mechanics, optics and thermodynamics. Introduction to computers as they are employed for laboratory work, for data analysis and for numerical computation. Previous experience with computers is an asset, but is not required.

    Terms: Fall 2024

    Instructors: Vachon, Brigitte (Fall)

    • Fall

    • 6 hours of laboratory and classroom work

    • Corequisite: PHYS 230 or PHYS 251

  • PHYS 258 Experimental Methods 2 (3 credits)

    Offered by: Physics (Faculty of Science)


    Physics : Advanced laboratory work and data analysis as related to mechanics, optics and thermodynamics. Computers will be employed routinely for data analysis and for numerical computation, and, particularly, to facilitate the use of Fourier methods.

    Terms: Winter 2025

    Instructors: Cooke, David (Winter)

    • Winter

    • 6 hours of laboratory and classroom work

    • Prerequisite: PHYS 257

  • PHYS 350 Honours Electricity and Magnetism (3 credits)

    Offered by: Physics (Faculty of Science)


    Physics : Fundamental laws of electric and magnetic fields in both integral and differential form.

    Terms: Fall 2024

    Instructors: Liu, Adrian (Fall)

    • Fall

    • 3 hours lectures

    • Prerequisites: MATH 248, MATH 325.

    • Restriction: Honours students or permission of the instructor

    • Restriction: Not open to students having taken PHYS 340

  • PHYS 352 Honours Electromagnetic Waves (3 credits)

    Offered by: Physics (Faculty of Science)


    Physics : Vector and scalar potentials; plane waves in homogeneous media; refraction and reflection; guided waves; radiation from simple systems; dipole and quadrupole radiation; introduction to fields of moving charges; synchrotron radiation; Bremsstrahlung.

    Terms: Fall 2024

    Instructors: Lovejoy, Shaun MacDonald (Fall)

    • Fall

    • 3 hours lectures

    • Prerequisite: PHYS 350.

    • Restriction: Honours students, or permission of the instructor

  • PHYS 357 Honours Quantum Physics 1 (3 credits)

    Offered by: Physics (Faculty of Science)


    Physics : Experimental basis for quantum mechanics; wave-packets; uncertainty principle. Hilbert space formalism. Schrodinger equation: eigenvalues and eigenvectors: applications to 1-d problems including the infinite and finite potential wells and the harmonic oscillator. Tunneling. Time independent perturbation theory.

    Terms: Fall 2024

    Instructors: Sievers, Jonathan Le Roy (Fall)

    • Fall

    • 3 hours lectures

    • Prerequisites: MATH 223 or equivalent, and one of PHYS 230, PHYS 251, or CIVE 281

    • Restriction: Honours students or permission of the instructor

    • Restriction: Not open to students taking or having passed PHYS 346

  • PHYS 362 Statistical Mechanics (3 credits)

    Offered by: Physics (Faculty of Science)


    Physics : Quantum states and ensemble averages. Fermi-Dirac, Bose-Einstein and Boltzmann distribution functions and their applications.

    Terms: Winter 2025

    Instructors: Sankey (Childress), Jack (Winter)

    • Winter

    • 3 hours lectures

    • Prerequisites: MATH 248 or equivalents, PHYS 253.

    • Restriction: Honours students, or permission of the instructor

    • Restriction: Not open to students taking or having passed PHYS 333

  • PHYS 457 Honours Quantum Physics 2 (3 credits)

    Offered by: Physics (Faculty of Science)


    Physics : Angular momentum and spin operators. Operator methods in quantum mechanics. Coupling of spin and angular momenta. Variational principles and elements of time dependent perturbation theory (the Golden Rule). Solution of the Schrodinger equation in three dimensions. Applications to the hydrogen and helium atoms and to simple problems in atomic and molecular physics.

    Terms: Winter 2025

    Instructors: Jeon, Sang Yong (Winter)

    • Winter

    • 3 hours lectures

    • Prerequisite: PHYS 357

    • Restriction: Honours students or permission of instructor

    • Restriction: Not open to students who have taken PHYS 346

Complementary Courses (15 credits)

At least 6 of the 15 complementary credits must come from a course at the 400- or 500-level (excluding COMP 400 and PHYS 479), and of these at least 3 must be from a COMP course.

0-3 credits from:

  • MATH 222 Calculus 3 (3 credits) *

    Offered by: Mathematics and Statistics (Faculty of Science)


    Mathematics & Statistics (Sci) : Taylor series, Taylor's theorem in one and several variables. Review of vector geometry. Partial differentiation, directional derivative. Extreme of functions of 2 or 3 variables. Parametric curves and arc length. Polar and spherical coordinates. Multiple integrals.

    Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Summer 2025

    Instructors: Pym, Brent; Tageddine, Damien (Fall) Mazakian, Hovsep (Winter)

* Note: A student who has not taken MATH 222 (or equivalent) prior to entering the program must take it in their first semester, increasing the program credits from 78 to 81.

3-4 credits from:

  • COMP 400 Project in Computer Science (4 credits)

    Offered by: Computer Science (Faculty of Science)


    Computer Science (Sci) : A research project in any area of computer science, involving a programming effort and/or a theoretical investigation, and supervised by a faculty member in the School of Computer Science. Final written report required.

    Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Summer 2025

    Instructors: M'hiri, Faten (Fall) M'hiri, Faten (Winter)

    • 3 hours

    • Prerequisites: 15 Computer Science credits. Department approval and project form required to register.

    • Restriction: Open to Honours students, or non-Honours students with permission of the department.

  • PHYS 479 Physics Research Project (3 credits)

    Offered by: Physics (Faculty of Science)


    Physics : A supervised research project.

    Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025

    Instructors: Siwick, Bradley (Fall) Siwick, Bradley (Winter)

    • 6 hours

    • Restriction: U2 or U3 students in a Physics program, or permission of the instructor.

6 or 7 credits selected from:

  • COMP 303 Software Design (3 credits)

    Offered by: Computer Science (Faculty of Science)


    Computer Science (Sci) : Principles, mechanisms, techniques, and tools for object-oriented software design and its implementation, including encapsulation, design patterns, and unit testing.

    Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025

    Instructors: Robillard, Martin (Fall) Campbell, Jonathan (Winter)

  • COMP 310 Operating Systems (3 credits)

    Offered by: Computer Science (Faculty of Science)


    Computer Science (Sci) : Control and scheduling of large information processing systems. Operating system software - resource allocation, dispatching, processors, access methods, job control languages, main storage management. Batch processing, multiprogramming, multiprocessing, time sharing.

    Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025

    Instructors: Kopinsky, Max (Fall) Kopinsky, Max (Winter)

  • COMP 330 Theory of Computation (3 credits)

    Offered by: Computer Science (Faculty of Science)


    Computer Science (Sci) : Finite automata, regular languages, context-free languages, push-down automata, models of computation, computability theory, undecidability, reduction techniques.

    Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025

    Instructors: Waldispuhl, Jérôme (Fall) Bérubé-Vallières, Mathieu (Winter)

  • COMP 362 Honours Algorithm Design (3 credits)

    Offered by: Computer Science (Faculty of Science)


    Computer Science (Sci) : Basic algorithmic techniques, their applications and limitations. Problem complexity, how to deal with problems for which no efficient solutions are known.

    Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.

    Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.

    • 3 hours

    • Prerequisite: COMP 252

    • Restriction: Not open to students who have taken or are taking COMP 360.

    • Note: COMP 362 can be used instead of COMP 360 to satisfy prerequisites.

Any COMP course at the 400- or 500-level (excluding COMP 400) (3 or 4 credits)

3-4 credits from:

  • MATH 323 Probability (3 credits)

    Offered by: Mathematics and Statistics (Faculty of Science)


    Mathematics & Statistics (Sci) : Sample space, events, conditional probability, independence of events, Bayes' Theorem. Basic combinatorial probability, random variables, discrete and continuous univariate and multivariate distributions. Independence of random variables. Inequalities, weak law of large numbers, central limit theorem.

    Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Summer 2025

    Instructors: Sajjad, Alia (Fall) Nadarajah, Tharshanna (Winter)

    • Prerequisites: MATH 141 or equivalent.

    • Restriction: Intended for students in Science, Engineering and related disciplines, who have had differential and integral calculus

    • Restriction: Not open to students who have taken or are taking MATH 356

  • MATH 340 Discrete Mathematics (3 credits)

    Offered by: Mathematics and Statistics (Faculty of Science)


    Mathematics & Statistics (Sci) : Discrete Mathematics and applications. Graph Theory: matchings, planarity, and colouring. Discrete probability. Combinatorics: enumeration, combinatorial techniques and proofs.

    Terms: Winter 2025

    Instructors: Norin, Sergey (Winter)

  • PHYS 351 Honours Classical Mechanics 2 (3 credits)

    Offered by: Physics (Faculty of Science)


    Physics : Rigid bodies, angular momentum, gyroscope, moment of inertia, principal axes, Euler's equations. Coupled oscillations and normal modes. Lagrangian mechanics and applications. Hamiltonian mechanics. Topics in advanced analytical mechanics.

    Terms: Winter 2025

    Instructors: Schutz, Katelin (Winter)

    • Winter

    • 3 hours lectures

    • Prerequisite: PHYS 251.

    • Restriction: Not open to students who have taken PHYS 451.

  • PHYS 359 Advanced Physics Laboratory 1 (3 credits)

    Offered by: Physics (Faculty of Science)


    Physics : Advanced level experiments in physics including quantum effects and some properties of condensed matter physics and modern physics.

    Terms: Winter 2025

    Instructors: Ryan, Dominic (Winter)

    • Winter

    • 6 hours

    • Corequisite: PHYS 457 or PHYS 447 or permission of the instructor.

    • Prerequisite: PHYS 258

    • Students who have taken PHYS 469 will conduct different experiments in this course.

    • Restriction: Open to both Majors and Honours students

  • PHYS 404 Climate Physics (3 credits)

    Offered by: Physics (Faculty of Science)


    Physics : This course covers the essentials of climate physics through the lens of one-dimensional, vertical atmospheric models. This includes shortwave and longwave radiative transfer, convection, phase changes, clouds, greenhouse gases, and atmospheric escape. This is an adequate level of detail for understanding Earth's climate, paleoclimate, anthropogenic climate change, or pursing studies of Solar System planets and extrasolar planets.

    Terms: Fall 2024

    Instructors: Nguyen, Giang (Fall)

  • PHYS 432 Physics of Fluids (3 credits)

    Offered by: Physics (Faculty of Science)


    Physics : The physical properties of fluids. The kinematics and dynamics of flow. The effects of viscosity and turbulence. Applications of fluid mechanics in biophysics, geophysics and engineering.

    Terms: Winter 2025

    Instructors: Jeon, Sang Yong (Winter)

  • PHYS 434 Optics (3 credits)

    Offered by: Physics (Faculty of Science)


    Physics : Fundamental concepts of optics, including applications and modern developments. Light propagation in media; geometric optics and optical instruments; polarization and coherence properties of light; interference and interferometry; diffraction theory and applications in spectrometry and imaging; Gaussian beams, Fourier optics and photonic band structure. A laboratory component provides hands-on experience in optical setup design, construction and testing of concepts introduced in lectures.

    Terms: Fall 2024

    Instructors: Wang, Kai (Fall)

    • Fall

    • 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab

    • Corequisite: PHYS 342 or PHYS 352, or permission of the instructor

  • PHYS 469 Advanced Physics Laboratory 2 (3 credits)

    Offered by: Physics (Faculty of Science)


    Physics : Advanced level experiments in physics including quantum effects and some properties of condensed matter physics and modern physics.

    Terms: Fall 2024

    Instructors: Cooke, David (Fall)

    • Fall

    • 6 hours

    • Restriction: Honours students or permission of instructor

    • Prerequisite: PHYS 258 or permission of the instructor

    • Corequisite: PHYS 457 or PHYS 447 or permission of the instructor.

    • Restriction: Open to honours and majors physics students

    • Student who have taken PHYS 359 will conduct different experiments in this course.

Any number of PHYS courses at the 500 level (3 credits each)
Any number of COMP courses at the 400 or 500-level (excluding COMP 400) (3 or 4 credits each)

Faculty of Science—2024-2025 (last updated Aug. 21, 2024) (disclaimer)
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