The Bachelor of Arts Freshman Program is designed to ensure that students gain a broad foundation for the three-year degree program. It is comprised of 24-30 credits. In the General option, students develop their own program of study using courses from the social...
The Bachelor of Arts Freshman Program is designed to ensure that students gain a broad foundation for the three-year degree program. It is comprised of 24-30 credits in one of two program options. In the "En français" or French option, students choose up to 18...
Medieval Studies
About the Medieval Studies Program
About the Medieval
Studies Program
The minor concentration in Medieval Studies facilitates undergraduate training in the...
Medieval Studies Faculty
Program Committee Chair
Cecily Hilsdale
Program Committee
T.C. Bruce.; M. Van Dussen...
The Minor Concentration in Medieval Studies facilitates undergraduate training in the interrelated branches of the discipline (e.g., history, literature, art history, languages, religion, philosophy), providing students with experience working in an inherently...
World Cinemas
About World Cinemas Minor Concentration
About World Cinemas Minor Concentration
The World Cinemas program was established to coordinate faculty expertise and student interest in...
World Cinemas Faculty
Program Committee Chair
Ara Osterweil (English)
Program Committee
A. Farah (Département des littératures de langue française, de traduction et...
The Minor Concentration World Cinemas instructs students in film aesthetics, history, and theory by acquainting them with cinematic practices from different national and international traditions. This interdisciplinary program draws on the already existing teaching...
Studies/Études québecoises
Généralités: Études sur le Québec
Études sur le Québec
Le Programme études québecoises veut favoriser la recherche et la...
Quebec Studies/Études sur le Québec Faculty
Stéphan Brissette (Département des littératures de langue française, de traduction et de création, Centre de recherches interdisciplinaires en études montréalaises...
La concentration Mineure en Études sur le Québec et apprentissage par engagement communautaire a pour but de donner à l'étudiant(e) une connaissance interdisciplinaire des réalités historiques et contemporaines du Québec en complémentarité à sa propre discipline de...
Liberal Arts
About Liberal Arts
About Liberal Arts
The Liberal Arts program represents a contemporary approach to the traditional concept of a broad, non-specialist...
Liberal Arts Faculty
Program Chair/Director
M. Soranzo – Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Program Committee
E. Bolongaro – Languages, Literatures,...
The Major Concentration in Liberal Arts exposes students to texts from and histories of a suitably wide range of cultures and societies. Students are able to choose among three intellectual streams: literature and the arts (including theatre and architecture);...
The Honours in Liberal Arts exposes students to texts from and histories of a suitably wide range of cultures and societies. Students are able to choose among three intellectual streams: literature and the arts (including theatre and architecture); history, culture...
History and
Philosophy of Science (HPSC)
About History and Philosophy of Science
History and Philosophy of Science
History and Philosophy of Science at is an...
History and Philosophy of Science (HPSC) Faculty
Program Committee Chair
D. Schlimm (Philosophy)
Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2023-2024 (last updated Aug. 8, 2023) (...
History and Philosophy of Science at is an interdisciplinary program that aims to provide students with an understanding of science through the study of both its historical development and of some of the fundamental philosophical principles upon which it...
Social Entrepreneurship
Social Entrepreneurship
Dawson Hall
853 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal QC H3A 0G5
Telephone: 514-396-1821...
Social Entrepreneurship Faculty
Program Director
Paul Yachnin
Faculty Members
P. Perez-Aleman...