The 18-credit Minor permits no overlap with any other programs. It contains no Mathematics courses, although many of the courses in it have Math pre- or corequisites. It will, therefore, be particularly appropriate to students in Mathematics, but it is also...
The Major Concentration Physics, which is restricted to students in the B.A. & Sc. or B.Sc./B.Ed., is a planned sequence of courses designed to permit a degree of specialization in this discipline. This program is insufficient to prepare a student for...
This Minor is restricted to students in Honours Engineering programs (Honours Electrical Engineering and Honours Mechanical Engineering). Students take 9 credits of required courses in thermal physics and honours quantum physics and choose three other Physics...
Physics (PHYS)
Rutherford Physics Building, Room 108
3600 University Street
Montreal QC H3A 2T8
Telephone: 514-398-6477
chairsec.physics [...
The 18-credit Minor permits no overlap with any other programs. It contains no Mathematics courses, although many of the courses in it have Math pre- or corequisites. It will, therefore, be particularly appropriate to students in Mathematics, but it is also...
This Minor program is currently under review. Students are encouraged to contact Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering for detailed information.
[Program registration done by Student Affairs Office]
The Minor program does not carry professional...
Program Prerequisites
Students entering Physics programs from the Freshman program must have successfully completed the courses below or their equivalents. Quebec students must have completed the DEC with appropriate science and mathematics courses...
The B.Sc.; Major in Physics program covers a range of fundamental physical concepts from classical physics to modern topics relevant to contemporary research. The program may be completed in 60-63 credits.
Program Prerequisites
Students entering...
The B.Sc. Major Physics: Biological Physics program keeps a strong core of foundational physics and specializes through courses in biology, mathematics, physiology, computer science, and chemistry. Complementary courses provide background in molecular and cell...
This joint program in Physics and Geophysics provides a firm basis for graduate work in geophysics and related fields as well as a sound preparation for those who wish to embark on a career directly after the B.Sc.
Program Prerequisites
Students entering...
The Major Physics and Computer Science is designed to give motivated students the opportunity to combine the two fields in a way that will distinguish them from the graduates of either field by itself. The two disciplines complement each other, with physics...
Students entering this program for the first time should have high standing in mathematics and physics.
To graduate with an Honours degree, a student must have, at time of graduation, a CGPA of at least 3.0 in the required and complementary courses of the program...
The B.Sc. Honours Physics: Biological Physics program keeps a strong core of foundational physics and specializes through courses in biology, mathematics, physiology, computer science, and chemistry. The Honours program offers a more rigorous preparation, with...
This is a specialized and demanding program intended for students who wish to develop a strong basis in both Mathematics and Physics in preparation for graduate work and a professional or academic career. Although the program is optimized for theoretical physics,...
The B.Sc.; Honours in Physics and Chemistry is a specialized and demanding program that focuses on the fields of study at the crossroads of physical chemistry and physics.
To graduate with an Honours degree, a student must have, at time of graduation, a CGPA of at...
This program provides essential background in physics and computer science at a level sufficient to pursue courses at the 400- and 500-level in either discipline. The program is intended to be flexible to allow students to take either more physics or more computer...
Physics (PHYS) Related
Major in Atmospheric Science and Physics
Major in Atmospheric Science and Physics
See Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (ATOC). This
program provides a firm basis for graduate work in...
Department of Physics
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building
3600 University Street
Montreal QC H3A 2T8
Telephone: 514-398-6485 (Graduate Information)
Fax: 514-398-8434
Email: graduate.physics [...
Physics Admission Requirements and Application Procedures
Admission Requirements
Admission Requirements
We normally require a background that is equivalent to our Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Major Physics (63...
Thesis Courses
(30 credits)
PHYS 690
M.Sc. Thesis
PHYS 692
Thesis Project...