Administrative Charges
The University assesses a number of administrative charges to students, which
Registration Charge – All students in courses and programs are
assessed a registration charge.
Information Technology Charge – The purpose of...
Other Policies Related to Fees: Overdue Accounts
All tuition and fees assessed by the University must be paid in full or
arrangements must be made to settle the debt.
Students' accounts are considered delinquent if they are not paid in
full within 60 days...
Other Policies Related to Fees: Quebec
Inter-University Transfer Agreements
If you are taking courses as part of the Quebec Inter-University
Transfer (IUT) agreement, you are required to pay the fees at your home
university; see Quebec Inter-University...
Other Policies Related to Fees: Acceptance of
Fees vs. Academic Standing
Acceptance of fees by the University in no way guarantees that students
will receive academic permission to pursue their studies. If it is subsequently
determined that your academic...
Other Policies Related to Fees: Deferred Admission, Degree Transfers, Break in Enrolment
Deferred Admission: Students who defer their admission to the University will be subject to the tuition rates
that are in effect for the term in which they are...
Other Policies Related to Fees: Fees for Students in
Two Programs
Students in two programs are normally billed additional fees for their
second program. Depending on the level of the two programs (e.g., one at the
undergraduate level versus one at the...
Sponsorships/Awards/Fee Deferrals
Students with Sponsors
Students with
If your fees will be paid by an external organization or agency (e.g., Department of Veterans Affairs, Saudi Bureau, foreign government), you must have your...
Tax Slips/Receipts
T4A, Relevé 1, T2202, and Relevé 8 slips are issued on Minerva under the
Student Accounts Menu by the end of February each year. Note that a Quebec permanent code, a social insurance number, and a valid mailing address are required to be...
Students With Sponsors
If your fees will be paid by an external organization or agency (e.g., Department of Veterans Affairs, Saudi Bureau, foreign government), you must have your sponsor confirm the conditions of their sponsorship (sometimes called a...
Refunds: Deadlines and How to Claim a Refund
Refunds of tuition and administrative charges are available in the
following cases:
if you cancel your
registration prior to the start of classes;
if you drop a course during
the Course...
Student Records
Students must inform themselves of University rules and regulations and keep abreast of any changes that may occur. The Student Records section of this publication contains important details pertaining to academic standing, grading and grade point...
Academic Standing
When you first start your program, and in your first term, you are deemed to be in Satisfactory Standing. At the end of each term, after final grades have been submitted, your academic standing in your program is determined based on your...
Academic Standing for Degree Students Registered in the
Summer Term
If you are in Unsatisfactory Standing, you may register for Summer
courses but will be blocked from Fall term registration unless you have been
readmitted by your faculty. Consult the...
Credit System
The faculties listed in this publication use the credit system, where each
course is assigned a credit rating reflecting the number of weekly contact
hours. In general, a three-credit course indicates three hours of lectures per
week for...
Grading and
Grade Point Averages (GPA)
Note for Physical and Occupational Therapy: A grade of C+ is a minimum required passing grade for courses with the subject codes of OCC1, PHTH, and POTH. A grade of C is a minimum required passing grade for all other...
Grading and Grade Point Averages (GPA): Other Grades
Note: Not all grades listed below apply to every faculty, school or level. Faculty policy prevails when determining if a student may be eligible to receive one of these grades.
Other Grades...
Grading and Grade Point Averages (GPA): Unexcused Absences
All students who miss a final exam or do not complete other final work in a course are given a J grade. You then
have the following options:
Ask to be assigned a grade based only on the grades...
Verification of Student Records: Unofficial Transcripts
Subject to Changes to Student Records after Normal Deadlines,
you are responsible for verifying your academic record on Minerva using the
unofficial transcript to ensure that you are registered in the...
Changes to Student Records after Normal Deadlines
Student Record Changes
Student Record Changes
Student record changes include the following: course add or course drop,
course withdrawal, university withdrawal, program change (including...
Transcript of Academic Record
The proceeding sections contain information on transcripts and other details regarding academic records.
Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2022-2023 (last updated Jan. 26, 2023) (disclaimer...