Critères non-académiques
Le Comité des admissions tient compte non seulement de le rendement scolaire, mais également de les qualifications non-académiques. Pour la présélection des candidats aux entrevues...
File Review Process
Le nombre de places disponibles pour la fomation médicale est réglementée par le gouvernement provincial en fonction de catégories désignées. Les candidats sont en compétition avèc les...
Processus d'entrevues
Les candidats seront invités par la Faculté de médecine à des entrevues sur place. Les entrevues sont uniquement par invitation et un courriel sera envoyé aux candidats sélectionnés...
Eligibility Requirements
Remarque : Additional requirements are listed under Requirements for Registration and Matriculation.
If there is any discrepancy between the information presented here and that...
Basic Science Prerequisites
Applicants must have successfully completed, by January 15, 2016, all of the following at a college or university level:
in Biology / Biological Sciences a minimum six (6)...
MCAT (Medical College Admission Test)
MCAT Compulsory
Any applicant whose basis-of-admission degree was awarded from a non-Canadian university is required to write and submit scores from the MCAT;...
Exigences académiques (Med-P)
Les postulants au programme doivent détenir le statut de résident de Québec et répondre aux conditions suivantes:
jamais avoir été inscrits dans une programme universitaire...
For First Nations or Inuit Applicants
First Nations and Inuit of Quebec Faculties of Medicine Program (PFMPNIQ)
The First Nations and Inuit of Quebec Faculties of Medicine Program (PFMPNIQ) was established...
Procedures for Selection and Admission
If there is any discrepancy between the information presented here and that presented at, the latter will prevail....
Requirements for Registration and Matriculation
Remarque : Applicants to the Faculty of Medicine may be asked to comply with some of the requirements presented below as part of the application process...
Basic Cardiac Life Support
Students registering in the M.D.,C.M. program are required to provide, by July 31 of the year in which they commence undergraduate medical education, proof of certification in...
Infectious Diseases and Infection Control
To assure that students are not exposed to undue health risks and do not pose a risk to their patients, upon starting medical and dental school,...
Academic Standards and Essential Skills
Any student wishing to register with the Faculty of Medicine will be held to the standards outlined below:
Applicants to 's Faculty of Medicine are...
Registration with the Collège des Médecins du Québec (CMQ)
All students studying medicine in a university of the province of Quebec are required by law to register with the Collège des médecins du Québec (...
Security (Criminal Record) Check
As stated above, students registering in the Faculty of Medicine will be expected to register with the Collège des médecins du Québec (CMQ) by September 30 of the first...
Language Proficiency
While there is no required proof of language proficiency, applicants are expected and recommended to have a working knowledge of the English and French languages (comprehension, spoken...
Information Technology
Because a large portion of the curriculum is available electronically, admitted students are expected to have, or have frequent and regular access to, a personal computer with word...
Standards of Behaviour and Code of Conduct
The teacher/learner relationship is based on mutual trust, respect and responsibility. The Faculty of Medicine therefore has standards related to the behaviour of...
Medical Equipment
Students are responsible for the purchase of their own medical equipment: stethoscope, pen light, reflex hammer, ophthalmoscope/otoscope and tuning forks (128Hz) are required during the...
Modalités d'inscription
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