Once you have confirmed your intention to attend on Minerva at www.mcgill.ca/minerva, you must register by adding courses to your record during the registration periods listed in www.mcgill.ca/importantdates. You must register on Minerva and can continue to do so throughout the registration period by adding and dropping courses until you have finalized your schedule.
Refer also to Registration information in your faculty section.
All course descriptions are available at www.mcgill.ca/courses. If you are a new student you should refer to the section “Course Information, Regulations and Descriptions” to familiarize yourself with 's course numbering system, multi-term course rules, and course terminology.
For fee policies related to registration and withdrawal from courses or withdrawal from the University, please refer to all parts of Fees.
All first-year students and new students must present themselves at the Faculty of Law on Friday, August 28, 2009 to complete their registration. Welcoming of new students will follow registration.
Returning Students - At the end of the Winter term students in upper years are required to register by Minerva indicating their course selections for the next academic year. This will be considered formal registration, replacing any further registration requirements. Refer to www.mcgill.ca/student-records to confirm the registration dates.
Students in the Faculty of Law should consult Registration Materials available on www.mcgill.ca/law-studies.
Late Registration
Quebec Inter-University Transfer Agreement: Students
Quebec Inter-University Transfer Agreement: Visiting IUT Students
Courses Taken under the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) Option
Course Change Period
Regulations Concerning Course Withdrawal
Regulations Concerning University Withdrawal