SBNH Partnership: Fall 2021 Research Update

This fall, we have launched the Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership Program! This update offers details on this exciting new step in the project, and the other ongoing work of our busy partnership.

The fall has sped by as we successfully launched the first cohort of the Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership Program! This has been the exciting culmination of much of our collective work over the past years, and we remain profoundly grateful for theknowledge, skill, creativity, and commitment of all of our partners.

Executive Committee Update:

We are pleased to report on our recent collective accomplishments. Together we:

  • Recruited 57 participants of the SBNH-L Program from our 5 participating sites,
  • Launched the SBNH-L Program to our first cohort of leaders,
  • Delivered Segment 1 & 2 of the SBNH-L Program’s training component,
  • Launched the mentorship component for participants of the program,
  • Launched the community of practice to support SBNH-L mentors,
  • Began the SBNH-L Program’s evaluation activities and expanded the evaluation team,
  • Conducted several knowledge mobilization activities, detailed below.

Launch of the Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership Program!

We welcomed the first cohort of 57 participants to the Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership Program in September! These established and emerging leaders are receiving an opportunity in this program to deepen their knowledge about Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare, with the purpose of creating practice environments that humanize care and actualize person-family centred care.

At the time of this newsletter, two out of three live segments are complete, and mentorship is well underway. The participants have been active and engaged, and we have received very positive feedback. This first cohort will run until March 2022, and the second will run from April 2022 – September 2022.

We extend thanks and congratulations to all who have contributed to and are supporting this program! We are especially grateful to the 27 SBNH-L faculty and mentors, outstanding leaders sharing generously of their expertise and experience, whose passionate commitment has made our program possible. It has been a pleasure to witness theirinter-provincial collaboration, insightful instruction, and thoughtful facilitation.

We look forward to launching the final segment!

Click here to read the full article on the launch of the SBNH-L Program, which was featured in 's Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences e-newsletter.

Training Committee Update

The Training Committee has been hard at work implementing the SBNH Leadership Program, supporting faculty as they finalize the content and delivery methods of their modules, ensuring continuous process improvement after each session, and launching the mentorship component.

Evaluation Committee Update

Evaluation research for the first cohort of the SBNH Leadership Program is currently underway.The committee is now being supported by research assistants Genevieve Lavigne, PhD and Guylaine Cyr, PhD.

Knowledge Mobilization Committee Update

Following this summer’s successful SBNH Global Check-Up event, in partnership with the Canadian Nurses Association, the KM Committee has been discussing plans to create SBNH Virtual Communities of Practice connecting clinicians and educators in Canada and worldwide. These Communities of Practice will allow us to connect with people and institutions interested in deepening their knowledge and practice of SBNH and SBNH-L, and provide avenues for dissemination and implementation of outputs from the grant. Judith Lapierre of Université Laval, who recently launched a similar project, is consulting on this process.

Laurie and Bruce Gottlieb, along with SBNH-L faculty and JGH colleague Bessy Bitzas, published an invited paper in the Journal of Healthcare Leadership entitled “Creating Empowering Conditions for Nurses with Workplace Autonomy and Agency: How Healthcare Leaders Could be Guided by Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership (SBNH-L)”. .

In October, Laurie Gottlieb gave an invited three-hour webinar on SBNH to several hundred nurses, nursing students, and faculty as the keynote speaker of the annual conference of the Central Philippine University College of Nursing. The College of Nursing suggested SBNH as a “fitting response to the needs of… nurses amidst the challenges of the pandemic.”

Julie Fréchette and Pam Hubley presented at the International Council of Nursing Congress in early November on the topics “Validation of the Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership (SBNH-L) Scale” (Julie) and “Developing the Strengths-Based Nursing & Healthcare Leadership Program” (Pam).

Partner Profiles

In our ongoing series of profiles introducing the members of the Partnership Grant, the most recent introduce Co-Investigators Beverley-Tracey Johnand Alain Biron.

Accolades and Accomplishments

Congratulations to co-investigator Mélanie Lavoie-Tremblay on beginning an exciting new position as Vice Dean of Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Nursing, Université de Montréal. We look forward to seeing all she will accomplish in this new position! We are also pleased to confirm that she continues to hold her co-investigator role on our research project.

Congratulations to partner institution Holland Bloorview for receiving the Canadian Nurses Association’s annual ! Special kudos to co-investigator and former Chief Nurse Executive Marilyn Ballantyne as well as current Chief Nursing Executive Irene Andress.

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