SBNH Global Connections Update: Fall 2021

We are pleased to share our first Global SBNH Newsletter! Please click "FR" in the upper right hand corner of the page to read the French language version.

Dear Global Partners in Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare,

This is the first in a series of bi-annual e-newsletters on Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare (SBNH) published by Dr. Laurie Gottlieb’s research team on the Partnership Grant "Transforming Nurses' Work Environments Through a Strengths-Based Leadership and Management Training Program".

The months have passed by quickly since we gathered virtually for the first SBNH Global Check-Up last July. We remain grateful for your involvement and are excited to re-connect!

Over 200 people attended the Check-Up, representing 28 countries across six continents. Participants were clinicians, nursing and healthcare leaders, educators, researchers, and students. Your enthusiasm and engagement were clear as you heard from and interacted with Dr. Gottlieb and our inspiring panel of international SBNH leaders. We are deeply grateful to each of the panelists, and to each of you who joined from across the globe to learn and share. You can finda summary article on the eventhere and the.

Look for information about the 2022 SBNH Global Check-Up coming later this winter!

SBNH Virtual Communities of Practice

With an overwhelming number of SBNH Check-Up attendees expressing interest, we have begun the groundwork for establishing SBNH Virtual Communities of Practice! These will offer a space for connection, collaboration, and partnership, to transform nursing practice and leadership through application and embodiment of the SBNH philosophy. Look for more information on their launch and how to join coming later in the winter of 2022.

Launch of the Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership Program!

We are thrilled to announce the successful launch of the Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership Program! This program has been developed and is being tested as a main intervention of Dr. Gottlieb’s research team on the Partnership Grant "Transforming Nurses' Work Environments Through a Strengths-Based Leadership and Management Training Program". We welcomed the first cohort of 57 participants to the online program in September; a group of established and emerging leaders primarily from the nursing sector, as well as several interprofessional health care leaders, from the grant project’s five partnering hospital institutions in Montreal and Toronto, Canada.

Through this program, participants will deepen their knowledge about SBNH, with the purpose of creating practice environments that humanize care and actualize person-family centred care. Using active learning and our innovative story-sharing approach, they are learning and sharing alongside peers from other institutions. Each participant is also receiving six months of small-group mentorship, offering space to reflect on and build their learnings into their professional practice.

A number of you have expressed interest in a training program regarding SBNH and SBNH Leadership. We are pleased to report the success of this first cohort as an exciting step toward creating an SBNH leadership training program widely available as a resource to nursing and healthcare professionals around the world. We will keep you informed as the program is completed and the work of the research project continues! You can read more about this initial cohort herein English/en français.

Publications and Conferences

Drs. Laurie and Bruce Gottlieb, along with colleague Dr. Bessy Bitzas, published an invited paper in the Journal of Healthcare Leadership entitled “Creating Empowering Conditions for Nurses with Workplace Autonomy and Agency: How Healthcare Leaders Could be Guided by Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership (SBNH-L)”..

SBNH grant project partners Julie Fréchette and Pam Hubley presented at the International Council of Nursing Congress in early November on the topics “Validation of the Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership (SBNH-L) Scale” and “Developing the Strengths-Based Nursing & Healthcare Leadership Program”, bringing the development of this program to the attention of nurses from around the world.

Stay Connected
Learn more about SBNH and stay up to date with the work of the Partnership Grantvia our website. We publishnews and updatesregularly. We are also on Twitter. We would love to interact with you there!

News to share? Write to us!

We would love to hear from you! Pleaseanna.adjemian [at] (write to us)with SBNH updates from your institution or country, and we will highlight these in our next newsletter.

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