Nicole Rigillo

Nicole Rigillo, Ph.D.

nicole.rigillo [at] (Email):nicole.rigillo [at]

Project Title:The Corporate Social: Welfare and Neoliberalism inIndia Inc.

Research Interests:South Asia, governance, citizenship,corporate social responsibility

Main supervisor:Dr. Lisa Stevenson

Geographic Focus: India

Project Description:My current book project examines the rise of corporate social responsibility in India and its role in forging new iterations of society and "the social."

Previous education: PhD, Anthropology2015;M.A.Concordia University, Anthropology 2007;B.A. University of Toronto, Anthropology2004

Publication History:

Macdonald, Mary Ellen; Nicole Rigillo, Paul Brassard. 2010. Urban Aboriginal Understandings and Experiences of Tuberculosis, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Qualitative Health Research, 20(4):506-523.

Rigillo, Nicole. 2009. “Free Condoms are like Cheap Clothes, they Tear Quickly”: Mistrust in Condoms among Young People in Windhoek, Namibia. Vis-à-vis: Explorations in Anthropology, 9(2):189-202.

Rigillo, Nicole. 2009. Faith in God, but not in Condoms: Churches and Competing Visions of HIV Prevention in Namibia. Canadian Journal of African Studies, Vol. 43(1):34-59.

Sewitch, Maida; Monica Cepoiu, Nicole Rigillo, Donald Sproule. 2008. Attitudes of Health Care Professionals toward Complementary and Alternative Medicine: A Review. Complementary Health Practice Review 13(3):139-154.

Rigillo, Nicole. 2007. Broken Condoms, Corroded Trust: The politics of HIV prevention in Namibia. MA Thesis, Concordia University.

Rigillo, Nicole and Lusia Shiinda. 2005. Youth Attitudes towards Condoms and Social Marketing in Windhoek, Namibia. In the Social and Cultural Aspects of HIV/AIDS: Reports from the Field, 2004. Richard B. Lee and Robert Lorway, eds. Pp. 16-32. Toronto: University of Toronto Department of Anthropology Publication.
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