
“Negative images of parenting disabled children are not helpful”

Lucy Lach
Published: 3 November 2016

Professor Lucyna Lach’s research findings on parenting of children with neurodisabilities were recently quoted in an article written by Louise Kinross in The Walrus, an online forum for issues vital to Canadians.

In this article, Ms. Kinross is critical of the approach that the SickKids Foundation has taken to depict children with chronic health conditions and disabilities. She draws on Dr. Lach’s research on parenting to elaborate on how depictions of disability as a ‘battle’ are a problematic metaphor, further contributing to parents’ sense of ineffectiveness and inadequacy that parents already feel, particularly when there is no chance of survival (in situations when conditions are terminal) or improvement (in situations where everything that can be done, has been done).

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