Have they forgotten us? A Look at the “Universality” of Family Policies in Quebec
Dr. Catherine Roy holds a Ph.D. in social work. Since graduating in 2003, Dr. Roy has gained valuable experience in program development, implementation and evaluation, working both in academic and govern-mental agency settings. Her work and interest center around vulnerable children and their families, more specifically on how to promote optimal child development and healthy family relationships, building on evi-dence-based practices and policies, within an eco-systemic perspective.
Dr. Roy will give an example lecture tailored to a typical BSW class (most relevant to SWRK 428 - Social Policy & Administration & SWRK 221 - Public Social Service in Canada, but also touching on issues relat-ed to SWRK 224 - Human Development across the Lifespan). She will be speaking about the “universality” of family policies in Quebec.
Quebec’s family policies have been cited as exemplary by other provinces and industrialized countries. There is indeed abundant evidence about the positive outcomes universal “low-cost” child day-care, paid maternity/parental leaves and the parental insurance plan have had on the lives of families and children. But have the outcomes been as generalized as the universal policies that precipitated them? Building on how adversity impacts the achievement of developmental milestones for children, this presentation is a critical reflection about the suitability of Quebec’s family policies for vulnerable children and families.
Date: Thu, Oct 6 , 2016
Time: 9:30 - 10:30 am
School of Social Work
3506 University Street
Wilson Hall, #326
RSVP: To be sent to Yong Hong Feng @ yong.feng [at] mcgill.ca