Tamara Sussmanis a Professor and PhD Program Director in the School of Social Work at . Dr. Sussman’s interdisciplinary, community-engaged program of research focuses on enhancingthe aging experiences of older persons with health related challenges and exposingolder persons at heightened risk of marginalization when interfacing with health services. Her research program is drawn from over a decade of clinical work with adults and families managing health related issues.
Her recent projects have sought to improve the relocation experiences of older persons and their families, strength palliative approaches to care in long term care, support inclusive housing practices for older homeless persons and centre persons living with dementia in their own care planning. Dr. Sussman started her academic career providing mentorship to health practitioners interested in producing research to inform their practice with older persons and families. Since joining the academy she has supervised 80 graduate students. In 2019 she was recognized for her outstanding contributions to graduate student mentorship as a recipient of the Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools Teaching Award.
Ph.D. (Social Work) University of Toronto 2006
M.S.W. 1995
B.S.W. 1994
B.A. (Political Science) 1993
2024-present Professor
, Faculty of Arts, School of Social Work
2013-2024 Associate Professor
, Faculty of Arts, School of Social Work
2007-2013 Assistant Professor
, Faculty of Arts, School of Social Work
Areas of interest
- Older adults with chronic health conditions and their families
- Dementia care
- Long-term care policies and programs
- End of life care and communication with older adults
2020-2025 Canham, S.L. , Sussman, T., Mahmood, A., Walsh, C., (PIs): Chaudhury, H., Somers, J., Bourgeois-Guerin, V., Colgan, S., Nixon, L., Henwood, B. Aging in the Right Place: Building Capacity for Promising Practices that Support Older People Experiencing Homelessness in Montreal, Calgary, and Vancouver. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) / Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). Housing Partnership Grant, $1,375,000.
2020-2025 Canham, S.L. , Sussman, T., Mahmood, A., Walsh, C., (PIs): Chaudhury, H., Somers, J., Bourgeois-Guerin, V., Colgan, S., Nixon, L., Henwood, B. Aging in the Right Place: Building Capacity for Promising Practices that Support Older People Experiencing Homelessness in Montreal, Calgary, and Vancouver. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) / Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). Housing Partnership Grant, $1,375,000.
2020-2021: Kaasalainen, S., McCloskey, R., Wickson-Griffiths, A., Neil-Sztramko, S., Baxter, S. (PIs); Dobbins, M., Boamah, S., Durepos, P., Hunter, PV., Markle-Reid, M., McCleary, L., Sussman, T., Siu, H., Arya, A., Holroyd-Leduc, J., Thompson, G., Venturato, L. Implementing and Scaling Up the Palliative Care Toolkit in Long-Term Care During COVID. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Implementation Science Teams: Teams Strengthening Pandemic Preparedness in Long-Term Care Funding Opportunity, $149,998.
2019-2024 Drolet, J. (PI)., Walsh, C., Wulff, D., Nicholas, D., McKee, E., Charles, G., Hanley, J., Bogo, M., Reid, M.,Clark, N., St. George, S., McConnell, S., Sussman, T., Anucha, U., with Fulton, A., Parent, A-A., Judge-Stasiak, A., McLaughlin, A.M., Morris, B., Tran, C., Blaug, C., Aro, C., Hall, C., Maltais, D., Sullivan, D., Tam, D., Giasson, F., Margolin, I., Shortridge, J., Chaplin, J., Robertson, J., Schmid, J., Garlick, J., Dunlop, J., Hewson, J., Mann-Johnson, J., Fletcher, K., Hilsen, L., Lorenzetti,L., Letkemann, L., Kang, L., Gibson, M., Freymond, N., Ives, N., Trocme, N., Orzeck, P., Samson, P., Sanford, R., King, R., Babins-Wagner, R., Caron, R., Sammon, S., Trachak, S., Hanley, S., MacDonald, S-A., Pearson, T., Dueck, T., Heinonen, T., Katic, U., Ambrose-Miller, W., Lee, W.J.E., & Al-Adeimi, Y. Transforming the field education landscape: Intersections of research and practice in Canadian social work field education. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Partnerships Grants, training Initiatives, $1,980,640.
2019-2020 Burns, V. Canham, S. Walsh, C., Nixon, Colgan, S., Mahmood, A., Chaudhury, H., Sussman, T., & Bourgeois-Guerin . Aging in the Right Place: Building capacity to improve supportive housing for older adults experiencing homelessness in Montreal, Vancouver, and Calgary, CMHC-SSHRC Partnership Development Grant, $79,090.
2019- 2024 Kaasalainen, S., Sussman, T., Hunter, P., McCleary, L., Thompson, G., Venturato, L., Wickson-Griffiths, A. (PIs). Bourgeois-Guerin, V., Fisher, K., Hadjistavropoulos, T., MacDonald, M., Martin-Misener, R., McClement, S., Penner, J., Ploeg, J., Sinclair, S., & You, J. Implementing, Evaluating, and Scaling Up of the Strengthening a Palliative Approach in Long Term Care (SPA-LTC) Program. CIHR Project Grant, $948,600.
2019-2023Kaasalainen, S., Sussman, T. (PIs), Akhtar-Danesh, N., Hunter, P., McCleary, L., Thompson, G., Venturato, L., Wickson-Griffiths, A. Scaling up the Family Carer Decision Support Intervention: A transnational effectiveness-implementation evaluation. Funded by CIHR, Joint Programme on Neurodegenerative Disease (JPND) Grant: “Multinational research projects on Health and Social Care for Neurodegenerative Diseases”, $349,998.
2018-2020 Bourgeois-Guérin, Valérie (chercheure principale), Van Pevenage, Isabelle (co-chercheure), Sussman, Tamara (co-chercheure), Wallach, Isabelle (co-chercheure), Durivage, Patrick (collaborateur), MacKinnon Christopher (collaborateur), Côté, Andréanne (collaboratrice), (2018, soumis). "La souffrance psychologique des hommes âgés atteints d'un cancer incurable". 67 556$, Concours Développement Savoir, CRSH.
2017-2020 - Sussman, T. (PI-) & Kaasalainen, S. (PI-McMaster). Bourgeois-Guerin , V., Hunter. P.,McCleary, L., Thompson, G. with Durivage, P. Improving advance care planning for frail elderly Canadians in long-term-care. Canadian Frailty Network Transformative Grant. In You, J. (CFN Lead), Howard, M. (Co-PI), Kaasalainen (Co-PI), Sussman, T (Co-PI), Gutman, G. (Co-PI), Simon, J. (Co-PI), Jayaraman, D. (Co-PI), Kobewka, D. (Co-PI)., Klein, D. (Co-PI), Barwich, D. (Co-PI), Urquhart, R. (Co-PI). Improving advance care planning for frail elderly Canadians. $572, 500
2017-2019 - Sussman, T. (PI). Kaasalainen, S., McCleary, L., Wickson-Griffiths, A., Hunter, P., Thompson, G., Venturato, L. Advance care planning for persons with dementia. Challenges, opportunities and solutions. Alzheimer Society of Canada. Regular Grant Program-Quality of Life. $120.000
2015-2018 - Sussman, T., (Co-PI) & Kaasalainen, S. (Co-PI) Bourgeois-Guerin , V., Earl, M., Hunter. P., Mccleary, L.,Sinclair , S., Surtees, D., Thompson, G., Venturato, L., Wickson-Griffiths, A., You, J., & Young, L., with Baxter, S.,Cory , S., Durivage, P., Hanvey, L., Holroyd-Leduc, J., Neves, P., O’Leary, J., Pilkington, L., Procter, T.L., Purdon, L., Ripley, V., Schulz, M.,& Touchette, C. Working Together to Support a Palliative Approach in Long-Term-Care: A Pan Canadian Initiative. CIHR- Planning and Dissemination Grant $20,000
2015-2018 -Kaasalainen S.,(Co-PI), Sussman, T., (Co-PI), Hunter, P., (Co-PI); Thompson G,. (Co-PI); Venturato L. (Co-PI). Akhtar-Danesh N, Bourgeois-Guérin V, Chochinov H, dal Bello-Haas V, Duggleby W, Earl M, Goodridge D, Hadjistavropoulos T, Holtslander L, McCleary L, McClement S, O’Leary J, Papaioannou A, Parker D, Ploeg J, Sinclair S, Strachan P, Thorpe L, Touchette C, Trinidad G, You J, Young L .Partnering Together to Improve Palliative Care in Long Term Care. Co-funding from Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Partnerships in Health System Improvement; Alberta Innovates – Health Solutions; Manitoba Health Research Council; Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care; Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation, for $740,000.
2014-2017 Sussman, T. (Co-PI), Kassalainen, S. (Co-PI), Akhtar-Danesh, N., Brazil, K., Binofas, R., Bourgeois- Guérin, V., da Bello-Haas, V., Earl, M., Kelley, M.L., McCleary, L., McKee, M., Papaioannou, A., Parker, D., Ploeg, J., Sinclair, S., Strachan, P., Thompson, G., Venturo, L., Wickson-Griffiths, A., You, J., Young, L. Improving Palliative Care in Long Term Care Homes Using Participatory Action Research (Technology Evaluation in the Elderly, CIHR-NCE-TVN, Strategic Impact Grant) $600,000
2014-2018 Séguin, A-M. (PI) , Apparicio, P., Brotman, S., Dallaire, B., Marier P., Negron Poblete, P., Sussman, T., Wallach, I., Van Pevenage, I., Bouchard, C., Dupuis, M-J., Parisien, M., Regenstreif, A. L’inclusion sociale des personnes âgées. Enjeux de reconnaissance et de redistribution. Équipe de recherche en partenariat VIES (Vieillissements, exclusions sociales et solidarités) (FRSQ- Soutien aux équipes de recherche) $480, 454
2014-2018 Marier, P., (PI) Brotman, S., Carbonneau, H., Hebblethwaite S., Laforest, S., Leibing, A., Sawchuck, K., Sussman, T., Séguin, A-M., Therriault, P-Y.s Aubin, G., Bourgeois-Guérin, V., Raymond, É., Wallach, I., Durivage, P., Gilbert, N., Israel, S., Orzeck, P., Parisien, M., Regenstreif, A., Couture, M., Van Pevenage, I., Barylak, L., Charette, J., Cox, N., Dulka, I., Dupont, S., Freitas, Z., Montpetit, C., Starnino, C., Touchette, C., Zacchia, L., Nour, K. Regards sur la vieillesse et le vieillissement: De l'expérience singulière aux enjeux collectifs, (FQRSC- Soutien aux infrastructures de recherche des Instituts et des Centres affiliés universitaires du secteur social) $866, 957
2012-2015 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada- Insight Grant, Homelessness in late life: Growing old on the streets, in shelters and long-term care Grenier, A (P.I.)., Lavoie, J.P., Sussman, T., & Rothwell, D., 169,060
2012-2013 Canadian Institutes of Health Research- Planning Grant, Developing a program of research to identify and address the health and social service needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) older adults who reside in long-term care homes $25,000
2010-2011 Sussman, T. (P.I.). Brotman, S., Chamberland, L., Daley, A., Dumas, J., MacDonnell, J., & MacIntosh, H., Centre de recherche et d’expertise en gérontologie sociale- CREGÉS, Identifying the health care needs of gay, lesbian and bisexual older adults who reside in long-term care homes $5,240
2010-2011Sussman, T. (P.I.) Brotman, S., Chamberland, L., Daley, A., MacDonell, J. CIHR- Meetings, Planning & Dissemination Grant: Gender, Sex & Health, Development of a program of research on prevention of abuse and neglect among older immigrant women $25,000
2010-2011 Guruge, S. (Co-P.I.) & Atsuko, M. (Co- P.I.), Agrawal, S., Beaulieu, M., Este, D., Gal, S., Gomes, F., Hanley, J., Harbison, J., Koehn, S., Lithwick, M., Manuel, L., Meier, H., Mullings, D., Olazabal, J., Ploeg, J., Roger, K., Spencer, C., Straka, S.,Sussman, T., Tyyska, V., Walsh, C. CIHR- Meetings, Planning & Dissemination Grant, Patients perspectives in planning/evaluation of collaborative care of depression in Canada, $8,500
2009-2013 FRSQ- Programme de subvention a la recherché en santé mentale, Self care management of late life depression for older adults with co-morbid chronic conditions. McCusker, J. (P.I.), Cole, M., Sewitch, M., Yaffe, M., Strumpf, E., Lavoie, K., & Sussman, T. $720,000
2009-2013 FQRSC- Infrastructure Grant, Vieillissements, exclusions sociales et solidarités, Charpentier, M. (P.I)., Brotman, S., Charles, A., Dallaire, B., Grenier, A., Guberman, N., Leibing, A., Quéniart, A., Sussman, T., Thomas, D., Carpentier, N, Lavoie, J.P., Nour, K., Olazabal, J.I., Barylak, L., Beauregard, L., Brown, B., Cohen, M., Cytrynbaum, F., Durivage, P., Hockenstein, E., Gilbert, N., Israel, S., Moscovitz, N., Parisien, M., Regenstreif, A., Saginur, V., Silverman, M., & Sévigny, A. $652, 976
Most Recent Journal Articles
Sussman, T., & Tétrault, B. (2022). “People are more afraid of a dementia diagnosis than death.” The challenges of supporting advance care planning for persons with dementia in community settings.Frontiers in Dementia.
Sussman, T.,Mintzberg, S., Sinai-Glazer, H., Kaasalainen, S., Venturato, L., & Strachan, P. (2022).“Slam, Bam, thank-you,Ma’am”: The challenges of advance care planning engagement in long-term care.Canadian Journal on Aging,41(3).443-450.
Weldrick, R., Canham, S. L.,Sussman, T.,Walsh, C. A., Cormier, E., & Mahmood, A. (2022). Delivering services to older persons experiencing homelessness: Providers’ perspectives of what works.Journal of Gerontological Social Work.
Weldrick, R.,Canham, S. L.,Sussman, T.,Walsh, C. A.,Mahmood, A.,Nixon, L., &Burns, V. F.(2022).“A right place for everybody”: Supporting aging in the right place for older people experiencing homelessness.Health & Social Care in the Community,00,1–10.
Canham, S.L., Weldrick, R.,Sussman, T.,Walsh, C.A., & Mahmood, A. (2022). Aging in the right place: A conceptual framework of indicators for older persons experiencing homelessness.Gerontologist,e-pub.doi:10.1093/geront/gnac023
Harding, A., Doherty, J., Bavelaar, L., Walshe, C.,Preston, N.,Kaasalainen, S.,Sussman, T.,van der Steen, J.,Cornally, N.,Hartigan, I.,Loucka, M.,Vlckova, K., Di Giulio, P.,Gonella; S., Brazil,K. (2022). A Family Carer Decision Support Intervention for people with advanced dementia residing in a nursing home: A study protocol for an International advance care planning intervention (mySupport study).BMC Geriatrics.22(822).
Sussman, T.,Lawrence, J., & Pimienta, R. (Accepted Sept 1, 2022). “This is how I want it”. Exploring the use of a workbook with persons with dementia to support advance care planning engagement.Dementia. The international journal of social research and practice.21(8). 2601-2618.
Teixeira, K., Opolko, C., &Sussman, T.(2022). I felt guilty [that] I didn’t do enough - Organizational and policy responses exacerbated frontline social worker distress.Canadian Social Work Review,39(1), 63-80.
Kaasalainen S., Sussman, T., Nicula, M., Lawrence, J., Thompson, G., McCleary, L., Wickson-Griffiths, A., & You, J. (2021). Evaluating the implementation of the Conversation Starter Kit in Long Term Care: A quasi-experimental study. Sage Open Nursing.
Sussman, T., Kaasalainen, S., Lawrence, J., ** Hunter, P.V., Bourgeois-Guerin, V., & Howard, M. (2021). Using a self-directed workbook to support advance care planning with long-term care home residents. BMC Palliative Care 20 (121), 1-12.
Brotman, S., Sussman, T., Pacheco, L., Dickson, D., Lach, L., Raymond, E., Deshaies, M.H., Freitas, Z., & Milot, E. (2021). The Crisis Facing Older People Living with Neurodiversity and Their Aging Family Carers: A Social Work Perspective, Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 64:5, 547-556,
Howard, M., Elson, D., De Vries, B., Kaasalainen, S., Gutman, G., Swinton, M., Carter, R., Sussman, T., Barwich, D., Urquhart, R., Jayaraman, D., Munene, P., You, J. (2021). Implementing Advance Care Planning Tools in Practice: A Modified World Café to Elicit Barriers and Recommendations from Potential Adopters. Healthcare Quarterly. 24(1), 60-68
Kim, H.,* Sussman, T., Khan, M.N.,* & Khan, S. (2021). All social work takes place in a macro context. The gap between international social work training and practice. International Social Work. 00(0) 1-15.
Durepos, P.,* Ploeg, J., Sussman, T., Akhtar-Danesh, N., & Kaasalainen, S. (In Press). “A crazy roller coaster at the end”: A qualitative study of death preparedness with caregivers of persons with dementia. SAGE Open Nursing.
Dube, D*., Sussman, T., Brotman, S., de Vries, B., & Gutman, G. (2021). Advance care planning among older gay men living with HIV: Challenges to thinking and talking about future care. Journal of Homosexuality (Accepted Sept 7, 2020; Published on line Jan 12, 2021).
Lee, E.*, Sussman, T., Kaasalainen, S., Durepos, P.*, McCleary, L., Wickson-Griffiths, A., & Bimman,** R. (2020). The relationship between caregivers’ perceptions of end-of-life care in long-term care and a good resident death. Palliative and supportive care. 18(6), 683-690. .
Sussman, T., Pimienta, R*., & Hayward, A.* (2020). Engaging persons with dementia in advance care planning. Challenges and opportunities. Dementia. The international journal of social research and practice. 0(0), 1-6.
Sussman, T., Kaasalainen, S., Bimman, R.,* Punia, H.,* Edsell, N.,* & Sussman, J.* (2020). Exploration of the acceptability and usability of advance care planning tools in long term care homes. BMC Palliative Care. 19 (179), 1-13
Bourgeois-Guérin, V., Grenier, A, Bourgeois-Guérin, E., Sussman, T., & Rothwell, D. (2020). « Vieillir dans la rue»: Interprétations du temps par le aînés en situation d’itinérance. Revue Québécoise de Psychologie, 41(2), 83-104.
Harasym, P.*, Brisbin, S., Afzaal, M., Sinnarajah, A., Venturato, L., Quail, P., Kaasalainen, S., Straus, S.E., Sussman, T., Virk, N., Holroyd-Leduc, J. (2020). Barriers and facilitators to optimal end-of-life palliative care in long-term care facilities. A qualitative description study of community-based and specialist palliative care physicians’ experiences, perceptions, and perspectives . BMJ Open. 10 :e037466. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037466
Durepos, P.,*, Ploeg, J., Akhtar-Danesh, N., Sussman, T., Orr, E., & Kaasalainen, S. (2020). Caregiver preparedness for death in dementia: an evaluation of existing tools. Aging & Mental Health, 24(1), 1671-1680, DOI:
Kaasalainen, S., Sussman, T., Thompson, G., McCleary, L., Hunter, P., Venturato, L., Wickson-Griffiths, A., Ploeg, J., Parker, D., Sinclair, S., Dal Bello-Haas, V., You, J., and the SPA-LTC team (2020). A pilot evaluation of the strengthening a palliative approach in long-term care (SPA-LTC) program. BMC Palliative Care.19(107), 2-12.
Sussman, T., Barken, R.,* & Grenier, A. (2020). Supporting older homeless persons’ positive relocations to long-term care: Service provider views. Gerontologist. 60(6), 1149-1158.
Sussman, T., & Orav-Lakaski, B**. (2020). “I didn’t even make my bed”: Hospital relocations and resident adjustment in long-term care over time. Gerontologist. 60(1), 32-40.
Kaasalainen, S., Sussman, T.., Thompson, G., McCleary, L., Hunter, P.V., Venturato, L., Wickson-Griffiths, A., Sinclair, S., Dal-Bello Haas, V., Earl, M., Ploeg, J., Hill, C.,** Parker, D. & You, J. (2019). A Stakeholder Analysis of the Strengthening a Palliative Approach in Long Term Care (SPA-LTC) Model. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 32(3), 27-39.
Kaasalainen, S., Sussman, T., McCleary, L., Thompson, G., Hunter, P.V., Wickson-Griffiths, A., Cook, R., Dal-Bello Haas, V., Hill, C.**, Venturato, L., Papaioannou, A., You, J., & Parker, D. (2019). Palliative care models in long-term care: A scoping review. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership. 32(3), 29-39
Smith-MacDonald, L., Venturati, L., Hunter, P., Kaasalainen, S., Sussman, T., McCleary, L., Thompson, G., Wickson-Griffiths, A., & Sinclair, S. (2019). Perspectives and experiences of compassion in long-term care facilities within Canada: A Qualitative Study of Patients, Family Members and Health Care Providers. BMC Geriatrics. 19 (128) 1-12.
Durepos, P., Sussman, T., Ploeg, J., Akhtar-Danesh, N., Punia, H., & Kaasalainen, S. What does death preparedness mean to family caregivers in dementia? (2019). American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. 36 (5), 436, 446
Burns, V., & Sussman, T. (2019). Homeless for the first time in later life. Uncovering more than one pathway. Gerontologist. 59(2), 251-259. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnx212. [Editor’s Choice].
Hill, C., Duggleby, W., Venturato, L., Duperos, P., Kulasegaram, P., Hunter, P., McCleary, L., Sussman, T., Thompson, G., Surtees, D., Wickson-Griffiths, A., & Kaasalainen, S. (2019). An analysis of documents guiding palliative care in five Canadian provinces. Canadian Journal on Aging. 38(3) [expected to be published in September].
Sussman, T., Kaasalainen, S., Eunyoung, L., Akhtar-Danesh, N., Strachan, P., Brazil, K., Bonifas, R., Bourgeois-Guerin, V., Durivage, P., Papaioannou, A., Young, L.(2019). Condition specific pamphlets to improve end-of-life communication in long-term care (LTC): Staff perceptions on usability and use. Journal for Post-Acute and Long-Term Medicine (JAMDA), 20(3), 262-267.
Sussman, T., Kaasalainen, S., Bui, M., Aklhtar-Danesh, N., Mintzberg, S., & Strachan, P. (2017). “Now I don’t have to guess”: Using pamphlets to encourage residents and families/friends to engage in advance care planning in long-term care. Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine. 3, 1-11.
Kaasalainen, S., Sussman, T., Durepos, P., McCleary, L., Ploeg, J., Thompson, G., & the SPA-LTC Team. (2017). What Are Staff Perceptions About Their Current Use of Emergency Departments for Long-Term Care Residents at End of Life? Clinical Nursing Research. 2017, 1-16. .
Sussman, T., Kaasalainen, S., Mintzberg, S., Sinclair, S., Young, L., Ploeg, J., Guérin-Bourgois, V., Thompson, G., Ventura, L., Earl, M., Strachan, P., You, J., Bonifas, R., & McKee, M. (2017). (Submitted July 18, 2016). Broadening end-of- life comfort to improve palliative care practices in LTC. Canadian Journal on Aging. 36(3),306-317.
McCusker J, Yaffe M, Sussman T, Cole M, Sewitch M, Strumpf E, Freeman E, Lambert S, de Raad M. (Accepted May 3, 2017). La gestion de la dépression chez les aînés et leurs aidants naturels : résultats d’un programme de recherche au Québec. Santé mentale au Québec. 2017
Kahn, M., Rothwell, D., Cherney, K., & Sussman, T. (2017). Understanding the financial knowledge gap: A new dimension of inequity in later life. Journal of Gerontological Social Work. (Accepted April 5, 2017; Published on line April 11, 2017). (17 pages)
Kamga, H., McCusker, J., Yaffe, M., Sewitch, M., Sussman, T., Strupmf, E, Olivier, S., Wittich, W., Moghadaszadeh, S., & Freeman, E. (2017). Self-care tools to treat depressive symptoms in patient with age related eye disease: A randomized clinical trial. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology. DOI: 10.1111/ceo.12890
Sussman, T., McCusker, J., Yaffe, M., Belzile, E., Sewitch, M., Cole, M., & Strumpf, E. (2016). Family members’/friends’ involvement in self-care for patients with depressive symptoms and co-morbid chronic conditions. Chronic Illness 0(0), 1-17 (Accepted Nov 30, 2015) DOI: 10.1177/1742395316633510
Rothwell, D. W., Sussman, T., Grenier, A., Mott, S., & Bourgeious-Guerin, V. (2016). Patterns of shelter use amongst men new to homelessness in later life: Duration of stay and psychosocial factors related to departure. Journal of Applied Gerontology (Accepted Nov 22, 2015; Published on-line January 18, 2016).
Grenier, A., Barken, R., Sussman, T., Rothwell, D., Bourgeois-Guérin, V. (2016). Homelessness among older people: Assessing strategies and frameworks across Canada. Canadian Review of Social Policy/ Revue Canadienne de Politique Sociale, 74, pp. 1-39.
Brotman, S., Drummond, J.D., Silverman, M., Sussman, T., Orzeck, P., Barylak, L., Wallach, I., Billette, V. Talking about Sexuality and Intimacy with Women Spousal Caregivers: Perspectives of Service Providers. Health and Social Work. (Accepted January 14, 2016)
Grenier, A., Sussman, T., Barken, R., Bourgeois-Guerin, V., Rothwell, D. ‘Growing old’ in shelters and 'on the streets’: The Experiences of Older People who are Homeless. (Accepted Sept 3, 2016 ).
George, Naomi; Kryworuchko, Jennifer; Hunold, Katherine; Ouchi, Kei; Berman, Amy; Wright, Rebecca; Grudzen, Corita; Kovalerchik, Olga; LeFebvre, Eric; Lindor, Rachel; Quest, Tammie; Schmidt, Terri; Sussman, Tamara ; Vandenbroucke, Amy; Volandes, Angelo; Platts-Mills, Timothy Shared Decision Making to Support Palliative and End-of-Life Care in the Emergency Department: A Consensus Statement and Research Agenda. Academic Emergency Medicine (Accepted Sept 7, 2016)
Grenier, A., Barken, R., Sussman, T., & Rothwell, D. (2016). Literature Review of Homelessness and Aging: Suggestions for a Policy and Practice-Relevant Research Agenda. Canadian Journal on Aging. 35(1), 1-14.
Simco, R., McCusker, J., Sewitch, M., Cole, M.G., Yaffe, M., Lavoie, K., Sussman, T., Strumpf, E., Ciampi, A., Belzile, E (2015). Adherence to a telephone-supported depression self-care intervention for adults with chronic physical illnesses. SAGE Open. 2015, 1-9.
Yaffe, M., Cole, M., McCusker, J., Sussman, T., Sewitch, M., deRaad, M., & Belzile, E. (2015). What is the potential for family physicians to coach patients’ self-care of depression: an exploratory study. Mental Health and Family Medicine, 11, 53-58
Cole M, McCusker J, Yaffe M, Strumpf E., Sewitch M., Sussman T., Ciampi A, Belzile E. (2015). Supported depression self-care may prevent major depression in community-dwelling older adults with chronic physical conditions and co-morbid depressive symptoms, International Psychogeriatrics. 27(6): 1049-1050. DOI: .
Khan, S., & Sussman, T. (2015). Claiming a space for international social work. Voices from the field. Social Work Education 34(7), 1-20
McCusker, J., Cole, M., Yaffe, M., Strumpf, E., Sewitch, M., Sussman, T., Ciampi, A., Lavoie, K., Platt, R., & Belzile, E. (2015). A randomized trial of a depression self-care toolkit with or without lay telephone coaching for primary care patients with chronic physical conditions. General Hospital Psychiatry, 37(3), 257-265
Sussman, T., & Dupuis, S.L. (2014). Supporting residents moving into long-term care: Multiple layers shape residents’ experiences. Journal of Gerontological Social Work , 57(5), 438-59.
Sussman, T., Yaffe, M., McCusker, J., Burns, V., Sewitch, M., Strumpf, E., (2014). A mixed- methods exploration of family members’/friends’ roles in a self-management intervention for depressive symptoms. Journal of Chronic Illness 10(2) 93-106.
Sussman, T., Bailey, S., Byford Richardson, K. & Granner, F. (2014).How field instructors judge student readiness for entry-level practice. Journal of Social Work Education 5(1), 84-100.
Sahin, D., Yaffe, M., Sussman, T., & McCusker, J. (2014). A mixed studies literature review of family physician’s participation in research. Family Medicine Journal 46 (7), 503-514 .
Sahin, D., Yaffe., M., McCusker, J., Sussman, T., Strumpf, E., & Sewitch, M. (2014). What affects family physicians’ participation in research: outcomes from a depression self-care study. Family Medicine and Medical Science Research (Accepted August 11, 2014 Published on-line August 13, 2014). 3, 128.
Drummond, J., Brotman, S., Silverman, M., Sussman, T., Orzeck, P., Barylak, L., & Wallach, I. (2013). The impact of caregiving: Older women’s experiences with sexuality and intimacy. Affilia 28(4), 414-427.
McCusker, J., Yaffe, M., Sussman, T., Kates, N., Mulvale, G., Jayabarathan, A.J., Law, S., & Haggerty, J (2013). Developing an evaluation framework for consumer-centered collaborative care of depression using input from stakeholders Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 58(3), 160-168.
McCusker, J., Yaffe, M., Cole, M., Sussman, T., Strumpf, E., & Sewitch, M., (2013). A pilot study of a telephone supported self-care intervention for depression among older adults with a co-morbid chronic physical illness in primary care. Mental Health in Family Medicine 9(4), 257-273.
Burns, V., Grenier, A., Lavoie, J.P., Rothwell, D., & Sussman, T., (2013). Les personnes âgées itinérantes. Invisibles et exclues. Une analyse the trois stratégies pour contrer l’itinérantes. (translation: Older homeless people. Invisible and excluded. An analysis of three strategies to address homelessness). Frontière 25(1), 31-56.
Sussman, T., & Dupuis, S. (2012).Supporting a relative’s move into a long-term care home: The role of starting point in shaping family members’ transition experiences. Canadian Journal on Aging, 31(4), 395-410.
Sussman, T., Yaffe, M., McCusker, J., Parry, D., Sewitch, M., VanBussel, L., Ferrer, I. (2011). Improving the management of late-life depression in primary care: Barriers and facilitators. Depression, Research & Treatment, Vol. 2011 (7 pgs).
Books and Book Chapters
Grenier A., Sussman T., (2021). « Le sans-abrisme à l’âge de la vieillesse : « C’est vraiment une surcharge de ségrégation sociale ! », Retraite et société, 85, p. 125-147.
Grenier, A., Sussman, T., (Under Review). Poverty and late life homelessness : A critical gerontological perspective. In S. Donnelly & S. Torres (In process). Critical l gerontology for social workers. Birstol ; Policy press.
Ives, N., Denov, M., & Sussman, T. (2020). Introduction to social work in Canada. Histories, contexts and practices. 2nd edition. Oxford University Press, Canada.
Ives, N., Denov, M., & Sussman, T. (2015). Social work histories contexts and practices: A Canadian perspective. Oxford University Press Canada
Brotman, S., Ferrer, I., Sussman, T., Ryan, B., Richard, B. (2015). Access and equity in the design and delivery of health and social care to LGBTQ seniors: A Canadian Perspective (p.p. 111-140). In N.A. Orel & C.A. Fruhauf (eds.) The Lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender older adults: Understanding challenges and resilience. American Psychological Association.
Keefler, J., Bond, S., & Sussman, T. (2013). L’évaluation psychosociale (translation: Psychosocial assessment). Chapter 12 (p.p. 267-290). In E. Harper and H. Dorvil (Eds.) Le travail social: théories, méthodologies et pratiques (translation: Social Work: Theories, Methodologies and Practices). Les presses de l’Université du Québec à Montreal, Québec.
Published Research Reports
Grenier,A., Weldrick, R., Sussman, T., Rothwell,D., Bourgeois-Guérin, V. (August, 2014).Systematic Literature Search: Homelessness among Older People. Prepared for SSHRC project no. 435-2012-1197. Gilbrea Centre for Studies on Aging, McMaster University.
Sussman, T., Churchill., M., Brotman, S. Chamberland, L., Daley, A., Dumas, J., MacDonnell, J., MacIntosh, H., Ryan, B., Enriquez, M.C., Heffernan, D., Henriques, A., & Singh, S. (2013). Identifying barriers, developing solutions: Addressing the health and social needs of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender older adults who reside in long term care homes. An environmental scan. Canadian Institutes of Health Research Meetings, Planning and Dissemination Grant, Report (28 pgs).
McCusker, J. (PI), Fleury, M.J., Jayabarathan, A., Law, S., Sussman, T., Yaffe, M., Blisker, D., Cox, A., Delorme, A., Karmazyne, J.E., Holmans, D., Kates, N., & Mulvale, G. (October, 2011). Incorporating consumer experiences into planning and evaluation of collaborative care of depression in Canada. Canadian Institutes of Health Research Meetings, Planning and Dissemination Grant, Final Workshop Report.
Opinions General Public
Sussman, T. & Brotman, S. (2020, June 7). Stop the ageism pandemic. The Montreal Gazette.
Mintzberg, S., Sussman, T., Brotman, S. (2020, June 2). Covid-19 Q&A. experts on seniors and family caregivers during the pandemic. The Reporter.
Sussman, T. & Brotman, S. (2020, May 19). Seniors caring for seniors are pandemic’s invisible victims. Opinion Editorial. The Montreal Gazette
Sussman, T. (2019, October 31). To die well we must talk about death before the end of life. Opinion Editorial. The Vancouver Sun
Sussman, T. (2019, October 24). To die well we must talk about death before the end of life. Opinion Editorial. The Conversation
Kaasalainen, S., & Sussman, T. (2018, January 24). Let’s discuss end-of-life issues- now. Opinions. Ottawa Citizen.
Kaasalainen, S., & Sussman, T. (2017, Dec 28). Cette année fates un cadeau à vos proches. Les Blogues. Huffpost.
Kaasalainen, S., & Sussman, T. (2017, Dec). Un moment propice pour parler de fin de vie. Opinions. Le Droit.